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Posts posted by NecroBones

  1. I'm not sure actually. I'm going to guess somewhere in the 200-300 ballpark. With the new SLS parts, I made a lifter for a 200-Ton payload, and it works great. My benchmark is to get a payload into a 150 km circular equatorial orbit, with a small margin of fuel left in the last booster stage, around 25% or so.

    Example screenshot. This is a 200 ton payload, and the lifter meets the requirements above:


  2. I voted "harder than expected", after last night's efforts.

    I grabbed an "A" a few nights ago, and that was really no problem at all. My ship was overbuilt for it too. But then I tried a "C" last night, with a 200-ton tug, and uhm... fishtailing, waggling, oscillating, and SAS rips the whole thing apart. I think an "E" would actually be easier just because it wouldn't move around so much.

    Getting that asteroid into an orbit (a huge polar orbit, mind you, outside of Minmus orbital radius) alone was like trying to balance on a skateboard, on a bowling ball, and ride it the whole way down to the bowling pins and get a strike... ;)

  3. I like the new parts, but I agree that they need to be at a higher unlock level and cost a lot of science points. This release didn't really touch the career mode features very much, I bet Squad will look into that more in .24

    I was hoping they'd unlock at a 1000-point tier. It's possible they'll change it, of course.

  4. The update is broken for me..I capture an asteroid, bring it into a closed orbit, go to space center, come back to craft, time war, craft proceeds to go boom and asteroid no longer exists.. No matter what I do it always explodes. Terrific, it's freaking broken. I guess I'm going back to .23.0 until it's fixed..

    I had that happen a few times-- switch back to a craft that's docked to an asteroid, and watch it vibrate more and more until it explodes. The fix for me, was to turn of SAS upon switching in (right after the physics load). I think it's SAS over-correcting that's causing the problem.

  5. Here's what I'm seeing. The labels are correct, but the icons are all wrong. What I'm displaying in the screenshot is the list of probes, but they all (and the button) are using the rover icon. The stations icon is on the ships, the ship icon is on the landers, etc. All mixed up.


    I freshly reinstalled the mod. The problems only started after patching to 0.23.5. Most of the other mods installed have been updated or removed. It's still goofed up. Am I really the only one seeing this problem?

  6. Gravity is much better than Armageddon. Armageddon was officially the WORST space movie, ever.

    I even made a thread on imdb where I named all 54 flaws.

    Seriously. Usually I can turn my brain off (mostly) and just enjoy the movie for what it is. But Armageddon? I came out of that one ranting about a couple of dozen problems with it. I just couldn't get past it.

    The one thing I liked in that movie was the line about the spacecraft being built by the lowest bidder. What could possibly go wrong? Heh. :)

  7. The NASA logo on the new parts feels a bit... judgemental...

    I mean NASA is great and all, wonderful bunch of guys. But when I'm strapping one of these new boosters to a rocket powered Moon Buggy Racecar thing with a newly added claw grabber, and blowing things up carelessly and carefree... I can't help but notice that logo... and somehow deep inside I feel like I'm letting NASA down... I should be doing space science! Redirecting Asteroids! Saving the world! But no... I'm attaching a command seat to a booster and seeing how far Jebediah will fly...

    Im sorry I have failed you! I don't need this kind of pressure!

    I switched to using the classic space-LEGO logo from back in the early '80s, since I feel like I'm playing with a big explosive LEGO set. It makes me feel right at home. :)

  8. I completely overbuilt my tug for a class-A asteroid. I got the asteroid into LKO with about half fuel left, and this is with Poodles. Plus, I had seven detachable claw/RCS/parachute pods to position around the asteroid, which only would have been helpful on a much larger rock, so I only experimented with two of them, and left the rest docked on the tug.

    Screenshots from before the grab, and after landing on the VAB roof. :)



  9. Supposedly some of the problems of importing an old save have been fixed. Dunno if that's true.

    I'd make a backup of your saves first, then give it a shot.

    Uninstall Kerbal Joint Reinforcement if you have it (or grab the updated version), otherwise you may have some very explody stuff.

  10. Huh, strange. Mine has everything shifted over. That is, you have to select "probes" to see "ships" (if I'm remembering the shift right, that might not be exact). And the icons are all wrong. Worked great until I patched yesterday. I guess I can try reinstalling it.

    Here's what I'm seeing. The labels are correct, but the icons are all wrong. What I'm displaying in the screenshot is the list of probes, but they all (and the button) are using the rover icon. The stations icon is on the ships, the ship icon is on the landers, etc. All mixed up.


  11. i noticed neither an increase nor a decrease.. then again i dont have a 144 hz monitor so any fps above 60 goes unnoticed

    Same here. I'm probably CPU-bound with the physics engine. I have a 3 year old i7, so it's not terrible, but it is behind the times now. GPU is only a few months old though.

  12. Things change, if the career mode becomes the main game. Progress doesn't feel very rewarding, if it only makes the game more complex, without giving you access to things that are strictly superior to the old ones. You want bigger engines, and you want specialized engines, but you also want new engines that play the same role as the old engines, but with higher TWR and ISP. In Civilization, Great war infantry is no match for the WW2-era Infantry unit. In the same way, SLS-era engines should be superior to the old Apollo-era stock engines.

    That's my interpretation. I think there's a trend toward Career becoming the main game mode, and therefore it's being built with a parts progression that includes superior parts, not just MORE parts. If you look in the tech tree at the money-cost for unlocking these new parts, it's quite high. It does appear that these are meant to be expensive alternatives that open later in the game. Sandbox just lets you have everything RIGHT NOW. :)

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