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Everything posted by Phylan

  1. Does stacking the RCS like that make it more maneuverable? I guess it makes sense that it packs more thrust, it just never occurred to me to do that. For my part, weirdly, it was this: I thought ~3,000 would be plenty to get back into Laythe orbit but I came up well short. Ended up reverting to quicksave, dumping pretty much all my monoprop and got up there with ~30 m/s to spare. Still can't figure that one out. TWR too low? After reading around I had the impression that ~2,400 dv was enough for Laythe surface to LLO.
  2. No glorious explosions, but I had just put my Duna lander back into orbit after planting a flag and roaming around, and noted that the parent craft's orbit was slightly inclined compared to the lander's. I check the ascending node and it's 173 degrees. Which is ridiculous, and I don't have enough Delta-v correct, and it doesn't look like more than a few degrees on the map, and how can inclination even GET that far off, and- Oh, they're orbiting in opposite directions -____-
  3. With the caveat that this game is awesome and I'll play it no matter what etc. etc., the fact that warping through SOI changes screws up your trajectory drives me absolutely crazy. I don't know if it's fixable, but man it would make life easier. Does it happen if you warp through while switched to a different craft? I guess I never noticed.
  4. You've definitely been playing too much KSP, regardless of the subject of this thread, as all of us have. Delta IV is a pretty neat rocket. When the NASA pack came out I was wondering if the Kerbodyne KR-2L was based roughly on the RS-68, which is the engine that powers the Common Booster Core from the Delta family. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RS-68
  5. Semi-related question: what is the "safe" velocity at which chutes can fully open (go from half way deployed to fully deployed) without ripping the craft apart? So far my extensive research has shown that it's less than 1500 m/s, and more than 80 m/s.
  6. Today I started a fresh sandbox game, having just downloaded the NASA patch, and HOLY CRAP the SLS parts make heavy lifting a lot less of a strut-mired hassle. I did 2 quick Apollo-ish lunar orbit rendezvous type Mun missions. It feels good to start fresh with some accumulated knowledge of what one is doing (which I definitely did not have when I first started playing). Less debris, failed missions and stranded Kerbals.
  7. Why do I read the comments? Why?
  8. Did you ever finish this script? I'd be interested to see what you came up with if you're up for sharing it.
  9. I've read/watched a lot of these because I've been having a hell of a time trying to dock, and this is by far the most thorough and easiest to understand that I've read. That 1/100th tip for target velocity is clutch. Thank you!
  10. THANK YOU for this. I thought I was going insane trying to set up a maneuver to intercept a sun-orbiting object, only to find once I executed it that the intercepts it was plotting had no bearing on reality. Is that a bug or just some orbital mechanic I'm ignorant of?
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