Ok, so after crashing into Mun for the 3000th time and mucking up my 241st attempt at orbital docking, I realized I just do not have the chops to be a kerbalnaut. HOWEVER, the game is still fun to mess around in. I have a SPACE SANDBOX! So I started building outrageous ships (alt-f12) and exploring the solar system. First one was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike an X-Wing. Letting MechJeb handle the finer points I flew everywhere, checking out all the planets (and crashing into the sun). Now I am to the point of editing the in game parts to make my own creations. Most have just been to change the thrust and create an auto-refueler. But I want to try something a little more extreme. I want to create a warp / FTL drive. Obviously it would use up a S-Ton of energy to use and the thrust would be off the scale. But if the shear energy of the jump doesn't rip the ship to shreds, I have two problems with this little project of mine: 1.) This would not just be a part or collection of parts. I would have to create some sort of "nav computer" in which one would have to carefully plot a course taking into account gravity wells, distance and planetary bodies (aka, don't smack into Mun on your way to Eeloo). No idea where to begin on something like that. 2.) STOPPING. After engaging the FTL and getting where you want to go, how to STOP? I have been trying to figure out a way to make the craft go to zero-V but can't figure it out. Yes, I know this is, technically, cheating. But come on! I could not resist! If anyone care's to offer any suggestions I would appreciate it!