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Everything posted by yoshi0520

  1. I did a search, but since the term "Launch pad" is so ambiguous, I received hundreds of results. I was looking to add some larger and cooler looking launch structures for my launch pad release systems. I have no problem taking the time to do so, but is it possible to have them readily attachable to a craft I build afterward? Like a subassembly, but I'm not sure it that will work exceptionally well from my experiences in the VAB Any help is appreciated.
  2. The biggest functional ships I've made so far.. 750 parts Made it to Eve orbit and back to the same general orbit as Kerbin, but I stranded the final stages in space now yet knowing how to rendezvous... My task for tonight, to learn! I don't know if this is a common thing to do, but I have the fuel tanks on the side to disconnect as each FL800 runs out of fuel, so I'm shedding tanks every 15 seconds or so.
  3. I am looking for suggestions for popular and relatively unbuggy mods to expand on my craft parts and possibly a more immersive career & science tree. Thanks for your suggestions.
  4. Update: Made three Manned Minimus landing this evening with successful returns. It seems easier to do this mission than it is the Mun... once you get the angle figured out. ^^ Did two of these simultaneously, was fun switching between the two missions. Working on a deep space probe now. But still relying on my Intrepid launch base to get most stuff up up and away. 3 Manned Missions at once!
  5. Introducing the Intrepid Class Rockets. It had to go through a few modifications before the end result was as desired (fuel capacity, adding chutes forgotten on the first run, radial engines) But in the end; Intrepid VI placed a mobile lab with two kerbals on the near side of the Mun; Intrepid VII, piloted by Jeb, successfully rescued those two kerbals; and Intrepid IIX made two scientific trips for rock samples. The Intrepid class launch system has been the base of my rockets for the past few days, as I strive to unlock better and badder rocket parts. An unexpected fireworks show upon decoupling the final set of radially mounted fuel tanks. On the first couple launches (I II III) It blew apart the bottom part of my rocket 50% of the time, until I added another decoupling system and a Rockomax Skipper to the end of the first stage. A quick deceleration, decouple, and throttle up helped prevent and more surprises. A few more missions to the Mun tonight and I think I'll have enough science points to build something really badass. Oh yes... In mine eyes... Kerbals are expendable. Every single one but Jeb.
  6. I Landed on the MUN! I crashed the first time, but managed to set 'er light enough the second time... Pictures to come!
  7. Next Step: Mun Landing! Trying for it tomorrow. A couple tweaks to the rocket to get something larger up there.
  8. Hello I bought the steam version of KSP on Sunday, and have been having a blast. I have been playing strictly career mode as I want the sense of achievement when I unlock all the parts. The past couple days I have been trying to get to the Mun and back, hopefully a lander mission. 1 attempt of 5 made into Munar orbit, but upon return I ran out of fuel and doomed Jeb to circle at an average orbit of 3000000km. Thanks to this thread and others that I've been reading on my lunch hours I managed a few dozen orbits and a safe return this evening: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53159-Science-leads-to-wonderful-things?p=707046&viewfull=1#post707046 I love this game. I'm returning to school for engineering soon, so it's helping me get back into the "problem solving" frame of mind.
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