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Everything posted by Strayed

  1. I've been trying to get ckan running on mac, but when I do so(with the latest version laika and running osx yosemite 10.1.1, not the latest version of yosemite) it crashes and gives me this error in terminal. It does so after opening up the mono application but before the gui loads it crashes. Error: exception inside UnhandledException handler: Object reference not set to an instance of an object [ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for System.Windows.Forms.WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext ---> System.TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for System.Windows.Forms.ThemeEngine ---> System.ArgumentException: The requested FontFamily could not be found [GDI+ status: FontFamilyNotFound] at System.Drawing.GDIPlus.CheckStatus (Status status) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Drawing.FontFamily..ctor (GenericFontFamilies genericFamily) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Drawing.FontFamily:.ctor (System.Drawing.Text.GenericFontFamilies) at System.Drawing.FontFamily.get_GenericSansSerif () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Drawing.Font.CreateFont (System.String familyName, Single emSize, FontStyle style, GraphicsUnit unit, Byte charSet, Boolean isVertical) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Drawing.Font..ctor (System.String familyName, Single emSize, FontStyle style, GraphicsUnit unit, Byte gdiCharSet, Boolean gdiVerticalFont) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Drawing.Font..ctor (System.String familyName, Single emSize, System.String systemName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Drawing.Font:.ctor (string,single,string) at System.Drawing.SystemFonts.get_DefaultFont () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Windows.Forms.Theme..ctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Windows.Forms.ThemeWin32Classic..ctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Windows.Forms.ThemeVisualStyles..ctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Windows.Forms.ThemeEngine..cctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.get_MenuAccessKeysUnderlined () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Windows.Forms.Control..ctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Windows.Forms.Control:.ctor () at System.Windows.Forms.WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext..cctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Windows.Forms.Control..ctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl..ctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl..ctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Windows.Forms.Form..ctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at CKAN.Main..ctor (System.String[] cmdlineArgs, CKAN.GUIUser User, Boolean showConsole) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) CKAN.Main:.ctor (string[],CKAN.GUIUser,bool) at CKAN.GUI.Main_ (System.String[] args, Boolean showConsole) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at CKAN.CmdLine.MainClass.Gui (CKAN.CmdLine.GuiOptions options, System.String[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at CKAN.CmdLine.MainClass.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 From what I can tell its trying to access some file or directory that doesn't exist, which may be due to my os not being up to date but that is unlikely. This may be a client side issue, but it seems to be an error with ckan. I haven't tried downloading another version, which may fix the problem. Will edit in case it is solved. Edit: Major derp and realized mono wasn't installed. Maybe a mention somewhere more obvious besides the bottom of the wiki would help, but hope the troubleshooting error will maybe help someone else.
  2. Am i the only one getting massive issues with Tweakscale? when i alt-click duplicate parts or use symmetry it auto scales the other part way way up to 5m, and there is no way to fix it. I'm removing Tweakscale & infernal robotics, but this also doesn't happen with the other BDArmory parts.
  3. The reason the antimatter initiated reactor is good is because it runs on a much smaller amount of antimatter than the fully fledged antimatter reactors, and produces more power than the fusion reactors. The downside is the size and weight, but it is much more efficient antimatter wise.
  4. What is Kethane? During the final moments of the REAPer launched at KSP, the satellite that it was targeting had some strange parts of unknown purpose. Upon further analysis of the final moments of said REAPer, and it was discovered that the satellite was designed to scan for kethane. Kethane is a substance that can be electrolysed into liquid fuel and oxidizer, synthesized into monopropellant, and even has trace amounts of xenon gas. These resources are all important for space exploration and having the ability to extract them for in-flight replenishment would be extremely useful. After testing, ORSP constructed their own scanners, drills and tanks. ORSP has designed a new satellite called KEMP(KEthane Mapping Probe) which will be used for scanning kethane deposits from orbit. Given that the previous way to get kethane involved drilling into probable locations for the liquid, this could allow for orbital scanning of places like Minmus where it is infeasible to drill everywhere. Kethane Scanning will currently fall under the jurisdiction of Project Radix, as drilling and other stationary activities cannot continue while KSP still threatens ORSP operations. KEMP scanners will also have mapping equipment on them, and will launch in conjunction with probe landers, which will fulfill all of the objectives of Project Radix. In addition, a KINGDom is being launched to Minmus to fulfill that objective. KINGDom Launch The KINGDom sitting on the launchpad. It is the first payload to be launched with the Courage II booster. Launch. Circularizing. Injecting to Minmus. The upper stage's trajectory into Minmus. The KINGDom had a different trajectory, and reached Minmus later. Final orbit around minmus after circularization and plane change. KEMP Launch The KEMP with Courage IC Booster. Circularizing. In orbit with mapping gear deployed. an initial orbit of 250kmx250km was chosen as the was optimal for the biome scanner, but was changed several times due to orbital resonance issues. Hopefully I won't take so long for the next update, but i've been quite busy IRL. I will try to maintain a release schedule of every 2 weeks or so, but expect that some posts will be released in quick succession while others will take a while.
  5. Project Relentless Project Relentless has reached several milestones, and has begun construction of its orbital station. Titled ODIN (Omnicron Decimator INstallation, and yes I just picked that name because it sounded cool) it will be put on a 75x75km, 19 degree inclined orbit, which puts it close to KSP, but far enough away from KSP to prevent it from being shot down. It will be equipped with several missiles which were originally designed for smart bombers, and will deorbit and impact on KSP. It will also be equipped with sophisticated electronic countermeasures, and may eventually serve as a station for more peaceful purposes. Also, A REAPer successfully intercepted Another KSP launch, and discovered something very interesting. Several kerbals have been hired for the purposes of crewing ODIN, and these include: Herlan Kerman, who is another electronic systems specialist, Merbald Kerman, who is a guidance and trajectory systems specialist(GUIDO) and Luvan Kerman who is also a GUIDO. These kerbals along with Dudbart will take rotating posts on the station, one electronic specialist and one GUIDO. Mission Control: It appears that the KINGDom orbiting Kerbin has detected a new KSP launch being started up. REAPer Launch Commencing. The REAPer sitting on the runway. This REAPer now has several more cameras, since I added hullcam. Extremely fast takeoff as usual. After turning around to ascend to takeoff altitude. Because of the engine, the REAPer only cruises around 6000-8000m. It was a bit of a long flight. Cruising with shock heating. Again, the engine means it only cruises at around 850 m/s, which is around mach 2.5. Descending near KSP. I flew the rest of the mission from the front camera. KSP's launch site clearly visible now. The camera is angled slightly down, which makes targeting a bit difficult. Final attack run. Here the mismatched camera angle is clearly seen, I will move the camera in future incarnations. REAPer Guidance Crew: That's a strange launch clamp assembly. What are those scanners and tanks on the spacecraft? REAPer Guidance Crew: Shoot!, just missed the rocket. Total REAPer annihilation. It looks like we will have to be a bit finer on approaches on our next few attacks. It looks like the flyby has messed up that rocket due to the weird launch clamp. The rocket becomes unstable due to the launch rig not having the breaks on. KSP Mission Control: Wh4t w4s th4t? F1r3 L4unch3r SRB n0w! Mission Success! only the launch rig survived. ODIN has also spurred KSP into 2.5m booster designs with the Courage II and IIB being designed. Thus, a new booster convention has been developed. Each booster has the prefix Courage, followed by one I for each size. For example the base 1.25m booster is the Courage I, the base 2.5m booster is the Courage II and so on and so on. The tier of boosters is not universal, but each successive layer of boosters is denoted by B, then C and so on and so on. Because the ODIN Core is so large, The Courage IIB Booster is being used. The ODIN Core Assembled on the launchpad. Each of the external LRB's feed into the core, and all of the engines are Novapunch Series 2 Bearcat engines. Liftoff. The rocket gets over 3 TWR at launch, and accelerates very quickly. Gravity turning. The flaps are B9 Aerospace. Booster Sep. Fairings separated almost immediately after boosters separated. I generally open fairings at around 35,000m, even though I don't have FAR. Circularizing in orbit The completed station in orbit. Its placed on a small inclination orbit that passes over KSP at regular intervals..
  6. Dauntless 6 & 6a For Dauntless 5, a quick launch would be made, to go briefly into the Mun's SOI. Readings from the KINGDom in a KEO has detected that when Dauntless 5 was hacked, a particular wavelength of radio signals had been detected, and had disappeared after the mission. Thus, it has been deemed safe for Dauntless 6 to proceed. The launch will use a free return trajectory from LKO and shall only dip into the Mun's SOI. It will use the same hardware as Dauntless 4 & 5, and software safeguards have been increased. This will be the final launch of the Dauntless program, and has Ribbus Kerman onboard, who is the last of the engineers to have kerbal not to have flown yet. In other news, a new kerbal has been hired: Dudbart Kerman has been hired, and he is a electronic systems specialist who shall assist with Project Relentless. Dauntless 6 sitting on the launchpad. A pretty normal orbital insertion, but one that would prove to be an issue later in the mission. In orbit Mission Control: Ribbus are we Go or No Go for injection? Ribbus: It appears that even though on paper I should have enough delta-v to do a free return trajectory to the Mun, it appears that my ascent trajectory was not perfect. My burn should take around 850 m/s but I only have 750 m/s in my service module. What options do we have? Mission Control: We could either abort, which would not be very credible for the agency, or we could launch another Dauntless mission to refuel the Dauntless 6 service module which would give us more than enough fuel for the Munar injection, and then use any remaining fuel to deorbit that mission. Ribbus: That seems like the only way for us to proceed with the mission as planned. Mission Control: Alright. Jebediah Kerman will go up in a Dauntless spacecraft to dock with you, and transfer fuel over to your spacecraft. Ribbus: I will wait in orbit until then. Dauntless 6a on the launchpad. Standard orbital insertion. Docked. Dauntless 6a ended up having around half of its fuel left. Dauntless 6a parachutes deployed. There was nothing special about reentry of the deorbit or anything. Splashed down. Jebediah Kerman has become the first kerbal to launch on two different Dauntless modules(mk1 and mk2) and two different launch vehicles(Courage I and Courage IC) Injecting to the Mun. The rocket now has over 1300 m/s. My trajectory. Free return trajectories involve burning a bit more fuel prograde so that your periapsis ends up lower. Mine ended up being around 30,000 to 40,000 meters, which is a reasonable aerobraking trajectory. Ribbus: Mother of SQUAD, Kerbin looks so beautiful from this distance. Sunrise on the Mun. because of my trajectory, I was taken behind the Mun. Decoupling as I entered the atmosphere. I didn't need to burn once, as my free return trajectory carried me safely through the atmosphere. Reentering. Chute deployment. Landed in the middle of the Ocean. Ribbus Kerman now holds the record for the longest kerbal away from home.
  7. Ah yes, while I was away 0.24 came out. I'm not planning to update this series anytime soon, and since most of the changes are in career mode(this is in sandbox), I doubt it will make much of a difference. I don't see any reason why I might update this series later though. I also have no idea what the issue with the ribbons is, whether it is a problem specific to my computer, an problem with the ribbon generator(which just changed hosting) or an issue with the thread.
  8. Just a quick note to anyone who is actively following this thread, i'm going to be out of town for the next 5 days or so, so don't expect any posts till after then.
  9. I actually find that mods and memory aren't as much of an issue if one tones down their graphics settings. I am running more mods than Cashen is, with advanced texture compression and at pretty low graphic setting on my macbook pro and I get excellent performance.
  10. Chapter 2: KSP Has Gone Too Far. During Dauntless 4 & 5, KSP hacked into Dauntless 5's computer systems, and forced ORSP to attempt a highly dangerous descent with two capsules docked at once. To retaliate and extinguish the KSP threat, A new project has been established: Project Relentless. Project Relentless Project Relentless will be dealing with the threat of KSP, as to allow for ORSP to advance to manned Mun and Minmus landings as well as space stations. However, such goals cannot be accomplished with KSP's threat constantly overhanging ORSP's Operations. Thus, Disrupt KSP Launches Prevent KSP from disrupting ORSP Launches Continue Current Projects without Interference. Project Relentless will not put an end to the two other projects, nor will it stop the creation of new ones. In fact, another project has been started: Project Valiant Project Valiant Project Valiant is intended to land Kerbals on the Mun and Minmus, and largely disregard KSP and Project Relentless. However, the one area that the two project will cooperate will be in the area of rockets, as Relentless will be developing the big rockets that will be required to go to the Mun. Land Kerbals on the Mun Land Kerbals on Minmus For Project Relentless, Several Anti-KSP options were considered. One was to build a rocket that could destroy their rockets as they were launched, but this was rejected as being to costly, and taking too long to reach a target. A better alternative was an aircraft, as although it was slower than a rocket, it could be much stealthier, and react much more quickly to a rocket launch. The third alternative was to build an orbital station that could alternately jam/fire missiles at KSP rockets. Eventually it was decided that a drone suicide drone plane would be designed, and two orbital stations would also be constructed. One of these stations would be in a very low LKO and would pass over the target every hour or so, and the other would be in KEO. REAPer(Relentless rockEt Annihilation Plane) Testing. On the runway. I went through many manned plane designs with a SRB missile but they didn't work that well, and then I decided on a drone kamikaze plane. I didn't realize until later how similar it looked to the real Reaper drone in use by the USAF. Liftoff. I had to make sure gravity wasn't hacked as this took off at around 35 m/s because of the engines, which thrust vector like crazy with regards to pitch and the large wing size. Pulling into a steep vertical climb. This is a simulation if the drone was on course to KSP and suddenly the target rocket took off. just before pulling out of the climb. I accelerated briefly horizontally and it got to 500 m/s in almost no time at all. Diving. This was to test how it would perform if attacking before KSP had a chance to launch. In a straight vertical dive. In reality this would probably not happen due to the fact that I failed to pull out of it. Why straight vertical dives are not a smart idea.
  11. Dauntless 4 & 5 During the previous two Dauntless mission that used the Courage IB booster, it was realized that the Courage IB booster still did not have the required safety margin to dock and rendezvous successfully. Thus, the Courage IC booster was developed by replacing the two solid rocket boosters on the with two liquid fuelled boosters and crossfeeding the boosters into the core booster, which was not changed from Courage IB. Given that these two flights will accomplish the last established goals in Project Dauntless, A new goal has been established for the program which is to send a Kerbal into the Mun's SOI, which should be accomplishable with current hardware. The two kerbals on the mission will be Bob Kerman, who shall go into orbit and Orrod Kerman, one of the new engineers who will be performing the docking. This will be the first flight for both pilots. Dauntless 4 sitting on the Launchpad. Its the same upper stage and capsule as in Dauntless 3, but with a bigger booster rocket. There was a standard orbital insertion. In orbit. Now Bob has to wait for Orrod to come up in Dauntless 5 and meet up with him. Dauntless 5 on the Launchpad. Identical to Dauntless 4. My straight from launch intercept. Ended up being around 0.6 km, which isn't bad for me. Approaching. Almost there. It took me couple of tries to dock correctly, and I had to do it at night with no assistance either . Docked in Orbit Transferring Kerbals. Bob: (after getting into the capsule) Um, Orrod what's this alert? Orrod: What alert? Bob: It says "Critical Failure In Propulsion Systems" Orrod: Oh shoot. Um, Mission Control we have a critical failure in Bob's propulsion systems. Mission Control: Is there any more available information about the alert? Bob: Oh yah, it says "KSP r0cks y0u n00bs. W3 ar3 alr3ady 1n 0rb1t" Mission Control: Shoot. We'll deal with KSP later, for now we need to know what we can do. Bob can you trigger your parachutes? Bob: No, its been shut down. Mission Control: Orrod, can you arm Bob's parachutes? Orrod: No, it displays the error message associated with being too high. Mission Control: What other options do we have? Orrod: We could deorbit with both capsules attached. Mission Control: Thats too risky, reentry could cause both capsules to spin out of control and crash. Bob: I still have full control over SAS and reaction wheels. Mission Control: That's still too risky. Bob: I'm also running out of life support. If we don't do something fast I won't make it. Orrod: That seals it. I have more than enough fuel to deorbit both capsules, and only 1 parachute should provide enough drag for both capsules. Mission Control: Alright, then that's what we will do. Deorbiting. The fuel is getting transferred from Bob's capsule to Orrod's. Decoupling both service modules Reentry. Orrod's capsule is oriented retrograde so that Bob's failed life support does not cause him to overheat. Orrod: It looks like Bob's parachute is going to deploy along with mine. Mission Control: Excellent. Undock from Bob once main chutes have deployed. Just before landing. Landed. Crisis Averted!
  12. I have the mission in Sandbox, mostly because I want to tell a better story rather than focusing on getting science. I might do another series once this one is over in career mode, but I doubt that is going to happen for a long time.
  13. KINGDom Launch - Munar Orbit Another massive milestone for ORSP has been reached, with a new KINGDom launch crossing into another sphere of influence. This launch used the exact same hardware as was used for the previous KINGDom launch, and has proved that ORSP can make it to other worlds. With this new accomplishment, we have begun developing new booster hardware and new crafts. Project Radix is expected to make its first landing on the Mun soon, and Project Dauntless will be docking and rendezvousing shortly. Mission Goals Send a KINGDom Probe into orbit around the Mun The rocket on the launch pad. It is identical in every way to the KINGDom which is in KEO. Fairing Separation. At the Mun. I was zoomed out because the onboard engines use the extremely loud and annoying sepratron sound. In final orbit after changing inclination and circularization.
  14. Dauntless 3 Dauntless 3 represents a new step forwards in the ORSP. It uses a more advanced version of the service module and capsule previously seen on Dauntless's 1 and 2 and includes new systems such as docking and RCS. This capsule is intended to dock and rendezvous, and also includes an advanced EVA(extra-vehicular activity) suit, so that kerbals can go out in space. This launch is also the first one to have one of the newly hired engineers at the helm, Anner Kerman Mission Goals Test the Dauntless Mk2 RCS Test the EVA suit. The rocket on the launch pad. Standard orbital insertion. Another nice picture of the Kerbin system. Testing the RCS. It works quite well. Anner Kerman is grinning on the first EVA ever. Anner: "My God, Its full of Stars" The Dauntless Mk2 also uses a different parachute, with a drogue chute that deploys first and is followed by a main chute. Landed!
  15. The easiest thing to do would be to decouple the SLS and lower the landing gear. Because of the way your craft is designed, the engine will be resting up on an incline and simply throttling up and pitching up at the same time should lift you off the ground.
  16. KINGDom Launch During the development and launches of Dauntless 1 and 2, Project Radix was secretively designing their first probe. This probe is called KINGDom for Kerbin INformation Gathering Device and is designed for orbital operations in Kerbin's SOI(including the Mun and Minmus). In other news, 3 Engineer Kerbonauts have been hired: Orrod Kerman, Ribbus Kerman and Anner Kerman have all joined the ranks of the brave kerbonauts at ORSP and will be launching shortly. The first KINGDom launch will be into a Kerbisynchronous Equatorial Orbit and shall monitor temperature and g forces. Mission Goals Test the KINGDom probe in space. Send the KINGDom probe into a KEO. Test the guidance computer suggested ascent path function. Rocket on the Launchpad. Fairings had been provided by AIES Aerospace, which has also made most of the rocket. Fairing separation at around 25,000m. I used Mechjeb's ascent path feature to guide me through to a straight launch to an KEO orbit. Upper stage firing. Notice the large antenna on top of the probe, provided by AIES and the lower stage in the background. Probe firing its engines with solar panels deployed. Probe firing horizontally to boost periapsis. Almost everything on the probe with the exception of the electrical systems and guidance computer is built by AIES aerospace. In final orbit with a nice shot of the Kerbin system. It isn't in a precise KEO but its extremely close.
  17. Dauntless 2 Mission Goals Send Bob Kerman into Orbit. Test the Courage IB Booster. It turned out from Dauntless 1 that although on paper the Courage I booster is able with the assistance of the Dauntless Service module to make into orbit, the margin for error is quite small. Thus the Courage IB booster was developed, by adding an additional fuel tank to the core, and by utilizing a new technology: solid fuel boosters. Solid fuel boosters are not throttleable like regular rockets, but they are an easy way to add thrust at launch. The Courage IB Booster uses two small solid rocket boosters to assist at launch. The rocket sitting on the launch pad. Booster sep and beginning of gravity turn. At launch the boosters provided so much excess thrust(300 from both boosters to the core's 220) that throttling down immediately after launch was necessary. Upper stage firing. The engine is a small one from AIES Aerospace that has near identical stats to the stock LV-909. Circularizing with solar panels deployed. Bill Kerman gets a good look at Kerbin underneath him. Bill: Woah! Reentry Effects. Apologies about the HUD showing, I forgot to hide it. Bill: Why that was quite wild! Bill Kerman's Postcard Picture.
  18. Dauntless 1 Mission Goals: Send Jebediah Kerman on a suborbital Trajectory Test the Courage I Booster The rocket sitting on the launchpad. The rocket beginning gravity turn as it enters the clouds. The upper stage firing In space, with solar panels deployed. After upper stage decoupling, just before reentry orientation. After parachute premature deployment. Because of the low speeds during reentry, there was little to no reentry effects. Landed. Jebediah Kerman has become the first kerbal to enter space and return.
  19. Chapter 1: Leaving Kerbin. The Omnicron Rockets Space Program(ORSP) was created by one kerbal, Jebediah Kerman. He had originally been a pilot for the international space agency, Kerbal Space Program which was slowly advancing technologically. He was bored of this slow pace in discoveries, and left with two of his fellow test pilots, Bill and Bob Kerman and started the ORSP. When they created their company, they decided that they would use a project oriented design, allowing them to focus on particular parts of space travel, so as to build their experience. Project Dauntless Project Dauntless will be launching the first kerbals into space. Its goals are outlined as follows(more than one goal can be accomplished in a mission): Put a Kerbal In Space Put a Kerbal In Orbit Succesfully Rendezvous 2 Spacecraft Successfully Dock 2 Spacecraft Project Dauntless will be developing its rockets with Project Radix. Project Radix Project Radix will be handling all kerbin sphere of influence probe flights. Its goals are as follows(more than one goal can be accomplished in a mission): Put a Probe in Keostationary Orbit Put a Probe in the Munar Sphere of Influence Land a Probe on the Mun Put a Probe in Minmus's Sphere of Influence Land a Probe on Minmus Initial Testing: The first launch of this space program is going to be Dauntless 1. For this launch, a booster rocket is required to be developed. Thus the Courage I booster rocket was born. This rocket required several components to be developed. A launch escape tower for emergencies, a Dauntless service module with science gear and propulsion and a lower stage for propelling the rocket through the atmosphere. Launch escape tower testing: Jebediah's postcard picture. Obviously the flag was later removed from the launchpad. Dauntless 1 Assembly The capsule with decoupler, launch escape system and parachute. The Dauntless Service Module. The completely assembled rocket, with 4137 m/s
  20. At Kerbal Space Center: [table=width: 800, align: left] [tr] [td]Name[/td] [td]Specialty[/td] [td]Decorations[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Jebediah Kerman[/td] [td]Former KSP Employee[/td] [td][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Bill Kerman[/td] [td]Former KSP Employee[/td] [td][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Bob Kerman[/td] [td]Former KSP Employee[/td] [td][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Orrod Kerman[/td] [td]Engineer[/td] [td][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Ribbus Kerman[/td] [td]Engineer[/td] [td]/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Anner Kerman[/td] [td]Engineer[/td] [td][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Dudbart Kerman[/td] [td]Electronic Systems Specialist[/td] [td]None Yet[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Herlan Kerman[/td] [td]Electronic Systems Specialist[/td] [td]None Yet[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Merbald Kerman[/td] [td]GUIDO[/td] [td]None Yet[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Luvan Kerman[/td] [td]GUIDO[/td] [td]None Yet[/td] [/tr] [/table] Probe Projects Probes will not receive individual ribbons, but they will receive overall project ribbons. Because Project Relentless is both Manned/Unmanned, all of its probe mission will appear here. Project Radix Project Relentless
  21. Current Mods: Active Texture Management AIES Aerospace B9 Aerospace Connected Living Space Distant Object Enhancement Docking Port Alignment Indicator Kerbal Engineer Redux Enhanced Navball Environmental Visual Enhancements Firespiiter Fustek Station Parts Hyomoto RPM Reskin Kerbal Attachment System(KAS) Kethane Fatman Nuclear Rockets Infernal Robotics Mechjeb Hullcam Tal's Spherical Fuel Tanks Modular Fuel Tanks Module Manager Final Frontier Novapunch Protractor Procedural Dynamics Procedural Parts (Blackheart, planeguy868 and Ferram4 textures.) Realchute Raster Prop Monitor Safechute SCANsat Ship Manifest TAC Fuel Balancer Universal Storage(Core and KAS) VNG (Plugin and EVA Parachutes)
  22. OMNICRON ROCKETS SPACE PROGRAM I am writing these words on Sunday Sept. 28, and I am writing them because I have decided to kill this thread. Part of it is I am feeling kind of burned out on the series, the amount of post-production that goes into it takes a long time and . I know I haven't posted a new post in a while, but to compensate I am starting a new thread with The_Nerdinator, focusing on the USI colonization mod by RoverDude. This will not be in DMP, but he will be helping me with some of the post-production and vessel construction for the new thread. The new thread will start up shortly after I figure some things out with the mods I am going to use. THREAD LINK:[not up yet] [This thread is for the purposes of me telling a good story, and not for amazing gameplay feats. I'm not that skilled at the game, and I want this thread to help me improve on my skills. I will be playing in sandbox for the purpose of improvement, and since I feel that constantly taking science observations will detract from the overall storyline. I have been inspired by Cashen's UKS Mission Logs as well as some other logs I have read. This is my own interpretation of the kerbal universe, and under no circumstances should this be taken as canon. Anyways, hope you enjoy!] Table of Contents: Mod List Kerbonaut Roster Chapter 1: Leaving Kerbin. Dauntless 1, First steps in Space. Dauntless 2, First steps in Orbit. KINGDom Launch - Kerbisynchronous Equatorial Orbit Dauntless 3, Better Technology. KINGDom Launch - Munar Orbit. Dauntless 4 & 5: Docking and Rendezvous. Chapter 2: KSP Has Gone Too Far Dauntless 6 & 6a - Munar SOI Project Relentless Progress - ODIN Construction & REAPer Launch. What is Kethane? - Minmus KINGDom & KEMP Kerbin
  23. I am amazed at the amount of work that has gone into this thread . This is easily one of the best mission reports that I have ever seen, and its actually inspired me to try doing one of these.
  24. Cool series! Can't wait to see what happens next
  25. Absolutely one of the best non ksp tools I've seen for messing around with ksp with.
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