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Everything posted by DaPatman

  1. Interesting. I think I know what I'm going to be spending my free time doing next month.
  2. Whilst I'm here, I've updated the Taurus HCV cfg (link). The MCT-8 Omnibus Storage Container can now be found in Long Term Habitation, as opposed to Exotic Alloys. Also, here is a cfg that moves the cone and radial chutes from RealChutes to the nodes immediately following their stock counterparts (Basic Rocketry for the cone chute, Enhanced Survivability for the radial chute).
  3. There's a typo that's making Advanced MetalWorks not contain any parts. The techID should be advancedMetalworks, with a lower case "w". (The current release spells it with a capital one.)
  4. This cfg moves some of the parts added in 0.23.5 to other stock nodes. I include it here because this cfg incorporates Taurus HCV into CTT, and it doesn't make sense to put the 3.75m separator from that mod where I have unless you also put the stock 3.75m decoupler where the first cfg does, and I may as well move some of the other parts from the NASAmission folder to more sensible nodes while I'm at it.
  5. DP Racing is pleased to announce that it is returning to Formula K with the DP-02, driver Sergio Kerman: .craft file for the curious: http://pastebin.com/KMYtTABi
  6. I underestimated the amount of delta-v necessary to get close enough to Kerbol to do low-in-space science. Unfortunately, I didn't realise this until the ship only had about 780m/s of delta-v left, so once it gets into interplanetary space, I'm gonna have to look for a cheap way to get Samemone Kerman back to Kerbin.
  7. Do you use ATM? If so, go into GameData/BoulderCo/ActiveTextureManagerConfigs, open 000_Toolbar.cfg, and replace its contents with this: ACTIVE_TEXTURE_MANAGER_CONFIG { folder = 000_Toolbar enabled = false }
  8. Do you guys intend to make use of the Community Tech Tree?
  9. If you'd read the entire topic, you'd know that Nertea is already using it.
  10. Personally, I think this is a great idea that will inspire me to use more mods. Also, I have a couple of things to say regarding Nertea's layout: Gargantuan Rocketry? This is definitely something that's needed, as it would be perfect for things like the 3.75m monopropellant tank and SAS module the Tarus HCV guys have in the works (and the Taurus HCV itself, come to think of it). Well, I'm not overly familiar with those mods myself, but I do know that propeller engines feature in at least one of them, and probably need to make an appearance near the start of the stock space plane branch. Other than those, that all looks good to me.
  11. They're all HUD markers for Fine Print missions. The orange and green markers are for rover missions, while the blue markers are for an aerial survey mission. The reason they're visible in the tracking station is so that you can see where each contract wants you to explore without actually accepting them if you decide you don't want to do them after all.
  12. Yay, new parts! I do feel there's one thing missing though, and that's a 3.75m probe core. Any chance of such a thing showing up at some point in the future?
  13. My apologies. I wasn't aware of those tips, and that was posted while I was searching for the video, so I didn't see it until after I posted. In that case, I have absolutely no idea.
  14. You know what I think "something Squad would rather we discover for ourselves" best describes? An easter egg. Now, if I'm right, it would have to be a pretty significant one for Squad to have implied it's existence. And I think we all know that there's only one easter egg that qualifies as such:
  15. That only lets you use stock nodes at the moment, which is no good for a mod like Interstellar.
  16. I use the Near Future tree because if you use Near Future and don't use its tech tree, you get all the new parts in the space of a couple of late-game nodes, which isn't really ideal.
  17. DaPatman

    Which one?

    I voted banana (because banana), but I actually think it'll be KAS, assuming Squad can fix the 64-bit grab bug. Though I am also beginning to think it might be BULB, and all the stuff you're posting about other modders' recent activity is you trying to throw us off the scent.
  18. Congratulations on finally completing this! It really puts my failed attempts to do the same thing on Gilly to shame
  19. I can tell you from experience that the trick to driving on Gilly is to have an engine (a PB-ION is powerful enough, and has the added benefit of its high ISP meaning you won't need that much Xenon unless you plan on doing a lot of driving) pushing you down. As for me, my new job means I don't have any time to play KSP. Hopefully I'll have some free time one weekend with nothing else I want to play...
  20. Rowsdower mentioned it in this week's Devnote Tuesday. Anyway, congratulations to Kerb-O-Nautix, and comiserations to Crotchety Old Modders. Both entries were great - it must have been a very tough decision.
  21. Nice. I don't have the time to give career mode the attention needed to do it justice right now, but one I do, you can bet I'll be using this. I will be using Near Future too, and I believe the only modules you need to detect to support it are FissionGenerator and ModuleCurvedSolarPanel (both for power systems) - everything else that's relevant uses stock modules, as far as I can tell from digging around the mod's files.
  22. He's also competing in the Kerbin Cup, and given that his team's current challenge is to create a base on Duna that can survive for a year using all the realism mods, I think we can cut him a little slack with regards to updating his own mods.
  23. Given Majiir is still competing in the Kerbin Cup, I'm guessing it won't be until after his team have submitted their entry in the final challenge. So probably some time in the next week.
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