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Everything posted by xzbobzx

  1. Are you sure you didn\'t save it as pdn? Always save as png, multilayered projects must first be merged into a single layer, then saved as png.
  2. For some reason my mun lander always moves sideways when I try to preform a kerbal landing. Any idea why?
  3. Highest point with my second lander, first attempt; Will this do?
  4. Paint.net is easy to use, but I\'d say photoshop if you\'re a pro.
  5. I think I\'ve got to redesign the entire thing to be honest.
  6. I\'ve got this: http://youtu.be/UgJtBbln8fw But getting that entire moon land thing up to 15kk is a bit of a challenge. :L
  7. Exactly, make sure that even the VAB will be too small to cage your beast!
  8. Make it bigger and it won\'t even need the launch pad.
  9. Happy launching? Easier said than done, my ships fly like jeb eating a donut, they don\'t. More death is required.
  10. And hello there forum dudes, this game sounds promising, so I\'ll just post around here now and then just to have a reputation when we\'ll be fighting alien monster things with out boosters. 14 years old, I\'ve got parents that don\'t allow me to buy anything on the internet, and I like seeing things crash into other things. Also why do I need to verify that I\'m human everywhere? :|
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