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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. If you would like a version of the weight offset for the stock kerbal size: @PART[Mark1-2Pod]:Final { CoMOffset = 0, 0, -0.12 } (It should be identical to the Realism Overhaul offset but with the 1.6 rescale removed from the offset.)
  2. The weighted test looks absolutely perfect. I am also looking forward to your BPCs! Have you considered putting multiple attachment nodes under the BPC? This way the BPC can sit in the right place regardless of if you have nothing, a docking port, or an inline parachute + docking port sitting on top of the capsule.
  3. I like Science Revisited quite a bit. It reorganizes the science stuff, adds a few things, makes unmanned science a bit more worth doing, and does some general balancing. Be careful about adding science stuff to your game though. It's easy to unbalance things to the point where you might as well just be playing in sandbox mode. A couple high science experiments that support biomes... and suddenly that single mun trip has unlocked most of your tree. Kinda takes away the fun. I'd stick to either a single science revamping mod, or adding one or two singular non-biome experiments... or one biome sensitive experiment.
  4. I am liking the look of your Soyuz and Shenzhou modules and am looking forward to using them! On the fairing... does it support having an escape tower attached? (Please say yes ) For reference, if it helps.
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