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  1. Fall guys vs stumble guys is my favorite, specially because people flocked to the later when the former went through the epic process of ensh-tification.
  2. The questions were really what everyone predicted... Useless personal questions. What was your role before being fired. Will KSP2 live? Why KSP2 dead? Why T2 bad? Some technical questions. What was your role in sinking KSP2. The only ones he could've answered for sure are 1 and 2, and maybe 3. Anything else he did answer already (check his profile).
  3. THE AMA HAS BEEN CANCELLED. ^Paul Furio's own words. TL;DR: he says someone sent him an email showing him some of the answers he was allegedly ready to give could actually be legally troublesome. So he cancels the AMA. The rest of the post is womp womp basically.
  4. Out of all the linkedin profiles, the only profile that had jumped from IG to PD (and then got laid off anyway) was Nate. If any other person went through what you said, they haven't reflected it publicly on their profiles. Also, Paul has already replied to some stuff. You can check it here: https://www.reddit.com/user/WatchClarkBand/comments/ The only two relevant things he confirmed is He was fired 18 months ago (January '23) and that T2 has nothing to do with him hosting the AMA (which should put @Alpha_star's suspicion that we could ask him about the future of the game to rest)
  5. No one has touched the code in any of the visible branches since the WARN went effective. Provided he can talk about it, he was the lead engineer until shortly after release... so probably most of the work ever done on KSP2 in its single year of life was laid out by him at least in concept. He might not be able to comment on workplace politics, or call Nate a scammer, or whatever... but he might be able to tell us some further details on why KSP2 was such a low aiming mess and why they made such crap technical decisions.
  6. After his corporate post on LinkedIn post firing, where he says he's so good he works himself out of jobs (funny when you consider KSP2) I doubt he's gonna answer anything useful. I did shoot him a question that should be answerable entirely from the technical side, but I'm not sure if that bit is under NDA too. Feels like it's gonna be more wood for the fire.
  7. Hello, I'm the original creator of this topic. I do not remember -at all- how I got it fixed last time, but it did involve something with the mixing of KJR and Proc Fairings.
  8. Posting playercounts is not hating. It's stating a fact. Sure, it got tiring once everyone was doing it, but that still didn't change the fact that most of those posts reflected 100 people playing the game, which should be a clear message to the devs and above, which obviously got ignored. As for "sole clue being SteamDB", the math more or less points to steam being 75% of the total player and ownership base. If there was 100 steam players, the other platforms all together, along with launcherless people, should be about 25. Now, there's the fact that you invalidate other criticisms because "haters made the hate and aggressiveness rise." No. People have their own brain to produce reasons to hate KSP2, and a lot of people have their own brain to produce reasons to not hate it. KSP2 did more than enough to convince even the most stalwart people that it, or its development cycle, was garbage. It took all the way to FS! for the steam reviews to rise above mixed, only to promptly fall back and deeper once they completely cut off communication and then take a further plunge once the rumors of closure started flying. Now, from a simple numeric standpoint. >400.000 people own KSP2. How many hater posts did you see? 100? 1000?
  9. No hater could make a mess this big. And that's already looking past the simple fact that there's little to no haters. The game was that much of a mess , and when it stopped being an unplayable mess, it still was a mediocre mess, and the speed of development was a mess, and the PR around the game was a mess, and the team trying to communicate was a mess. The only thing they did in a somewhat timely manner (and promptly left completely unattended past assigning some middlemen between reports and devs and adding an emoji to patch notes) was the bug report subforum... which in itself not being there from the beginning was already another mess.
  10. Honestly, he's 100% right that orbital mechanics are "just math". Now, we could endlessly speculate about integrators for n-body, patched conics, anthropocentric planetarium models and whatever other tech he has available to pic from, but really, the meat of KSP1/2's complexity is not orbital mechanics (even if both had a big trouble with floating point stuff at the beginning and KSP2 never managed to fix it other than to copypaste KSP1s fix.) the real complexity is building real-time simulated mechanics that play well with timewarp, and with the possibility of non-sequential play (many missions going on at once) that happen to be deep and meaty rather than the shallow point-and-click we've got in both KSPs. HarvesteR already's got a leg up with KitHack by figuring out how to be able to support an arbitrarily big amount of parts, much bigger than KSP1 and obviously 2. Now, I do also agree that I don't like Icarus nor Stationeers (owned both, managed to refund Icarus, though this was literally years ago.) and that Dean has his quirks.
  11. I know hyperbole is the only way left to bite back at some posts given the current state of affairs, as every other argument has collapsed with KSP2 and the complete franchise, but really, he hasn't promised anything yet. [snip]
  12. They haven't posted a roadmap and 4 years worth of trailers and feature episodes about how great the game is yet. Talk to you when they do.
  13. This is right after he met with Dean Hall. Nebulous, yes, but intentions are very clearly communicated, and we know Dean Hall also wanted in.
  14. That 0.2.3 was announced nearing May tells you all you need to know about how ready colonies was: October/November at the least. And that was me not long afterwards correcting for my very first estimation that went around July/August. Those early estimates (and most people) forgot to take into account what we learned was a team of juniors sinking rapidly in size. I don't agree with the refining aspect you mention though, considering how they mentioned nothing about balancing science past the first checkboxes in 0.2.1 and then the K.E.R.B didn't ever mention science balancing or bugs either. It was just not in their plan to come back to features, at least until EA was over, or stuff got too broken.
  15. "No complaints yet" doesn't mean "no complaints possible", as the internet archive would've made clear with their recent loss of about half a million works due to rights disputes. That you'd turn that into hyperbole about "editing my posts" is completely unrelated, unlike the discussion of the rights of posts and the rights granted to T2 which is vital and completely on-topic to archival efforts. So I take this is probably bait to delete my answer as off-topic and warn me again or whatever. But hey, I'll bite, make it short and give you the pleasure: Posts made here, as per T2's UGC policy I'm giving my information through T2's services for public display, granting them, not anyone who'd make public backups, the right to display them. Thus it is against my rights to scrape my posts here and host them somewhere else. Now, I'm completely worthless in the grand scheme of things, but addon makers might have a word to say, which conjures up a lot of other possible legal issues. Lastly, I don't take your word as a warranty of anything take two might or might not do, as you yourselves have stated: you have no idea what's going on and barely any connection to T2, and you're all still here because the forum somehow still exists. If you don't think discussing the legal disputes that could arise from archival work is not part of the discussion of archival work, all I can do is laugh, and screenshot my post for when it disappears.
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