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Everything posted by Xaelath

  1. Because because because because * inf. I accidentally rode an SRB. Wat do?
  2. Banned for using RTGs as a tank barrel in your vehicle.
  3. I try to shove myself into the elevator after it's arrived on floor 74 because the same astronaut's pack is taking too much space.
  4. Welcome aboard! Docking's quite hard, but once you've mastered it, it will be like your daily routine.
  5. Hi! Welcome to the forums! Hope ya will enjoy your stay. I was like that too. xD
  6. You're welcome and that's awesome!
  7. I want to land on the Moon too! Ever since I first watched Star Wars, I had a huge interest in everything space related. I started reading more about science, mostly rocket science and space. And then I got into KSP, and I learned a lot about orbits. I hope someday I can land on the Moon or on Mars! And if I can't be an astronaut, being a computer engineer working for a space agency is good enough for me.
  8. Wow, congratulations! I've only legitly landed on the Mun and Minmus..
  9. Banned because of being a cat.
  10. 10/10 Awesome pixel art!
  11. Banned for being philosophical.
  12. Hello! Welcome aboard! We hope you will enjoy your stay! Glad you're enjoying the game like we do. I started playing somewhere in the beginning of March too- Althought I haven't landed legitly on Duna and Eve yet. Good job on getting your SSTO Ariel Drone into orbit! ^^ Happy launching!
  13. As long as it takes for KSC to run out of Kerbonauts. How do I science?
  14. They know or may not know. How do I stay alive?
  15. Banned for not reaching 80 posts.
  16. Revive Jebediah Kerman by waiting 24 hours or pay $5.00!
  17. Hey, looks like we've got a new victim- I mean a Kerbonaut here! Welcome aboard! Don't be afraid to ask us if there's anything you don't understand.
  18. Hi! Welcome aboard! Hope you will enjoy your stay here. Also, awesome achievements!
  19. Banned for exploding rocket ships. Poor Kerbals.
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