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Everything posted by Xaelath

  1. This looks awesome. You have nice drawing skills, OP.
  2. The OP has nice drawing skills. Good tutorial too.
  3. I was like you too. I was like "What? What is this? I never saw it before! Omg! Hidden feature!" o:
  4. Anywhere you would think is worst.
  5. Usually Google images of rockets and sci-fi ships and other people's crafts on the forums.
  6. Almost everything my mind could think of.
  7. Xaelath


    Hello and welcome to the forums. I usually build them from trial and error, and all my spaceplanes have followed a design that they all have lot of wings and control surfaces.
  8. Hello and welcome aboard. I'm not following what you're describing. If you provided us with some screenshots, it might help better. Other than that, happy launching!
  9. Banned for blaming the Kraken.
  10. Banned for not getting an Oscar.
  11. Banned for pyramids and whirlpools and Krakens and explosions.
  12. True, and it's a her, btw . The user below me has 1000+ hours on record for Team Fortress 2.
  13. About time someone makes this mod. So going to use it, thanks!
  14. 7/10 Seen you several times too.
  15. True, I was suffering from headaches a few hours ago, due to cold. The user below me recently built a rocket in KSP.
  16. I materialize on floor 28 and give the other astronaut a wave.
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