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Everything posted by martin.stejskal

  1. Hi, it would be great to make a second science report window view as aditon to the repors. i suggest something more overall which could fit on single screen. it should looks like a table where on the lines the bodies are and on in the rows the experimental hardware will be. the bodies interface could be the same as is on the original view (i like the planets pictures). then in the cell there should be an overal indicator (coloured dots or bars) for that experiment on that body and all its bimomes. Also the Hi/Low/Surface altitudes could be shown in the same cell for that experimet (separated by colours). You should be able to customize the view by add or remove a body or a hardware from the view to make it fit the single screen (also fully pupulated view over single screen should be possible by using vertical/horizontal slider). I hope that after mission control implementaton there could be a missions history archive whith posibilities to name a misson and save record stats for that mission (when you end the flight the button save a report to archive could be present for those who would like) notably how much science and from which locations were accomplished but maybe some extended data like how much weight was put to orbit, what was the mision duration and maximum Gforce etc. If the science is brought back from manned missions the kerbal heroes could achive a medal (if he is a bada55 :-)) and be recorded to personal kerbal statistic. I hope that in the future there can be an online chart of top achievments and you could compare your play skill to different players.
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