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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. You know, I wonder if spaceplane parts will have ablative coating on the bottom of them. That would add to realism. The black coating model on the bottom already fits with the idea! Those wings are actually wet wings and hold fuel! Super rad.
  2. Woohoo! Make sure you add the picture of the fairings and the mini ships in the VAB Plus, Max said the physics bubble around ships has been increased 10 times! More collisions! Kessler syndrome! Yes!
  3. Flying the Bee5. 9 Parts. *Edit: 2.5 tons 1 Meter above water. Finish, no damage. Cool challenge!
  4. Hello qazsedcft, I will try and answer your question These "unknown objects" are indeed undiscovered asteroids. There is a way to "discover them". Go into your tracking station, and click an unknown object. You will be able to "track it", using the tracking icon in the bottom left hand corner. Safe rocketeering!
  5. Thank you for asking this question, THX1138. It's a common one, and confuses many people. KSP calculates the drag of a rocket (in simpler terms) by how much it weighs. Thus, we can conclude the answers to both of your questions. #1: Putting a rocket inside another rocket does not reduce drag, due to the fact it would weigh the same as a rocket attached to another rocket. #2: Yes, as much sense as this doesn't make, having a nosecone creates more drag. Silly, right? More in-depth article at these links: wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Atmosphere forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/58049-How-does-KSP-calculate-drag Anyone willing to add more onto this or to correct me (Yes, I'm kerbal, I make mistakes), feel free to.
  6. Ah, SpacePort. SpacePort, Spaceport. A love-hate-grr->_> relationship Some shall miss you, some shall weep for you, some shall laugh at you. You were choked full of problems, you made us anger, you had your faults, but we must remember one thing: We still loved you. Kerbals have their faults too, but we still can be loved. We get angry, sad, joyous, passionate, amazing, evil. Even with these faults, we are loved by the others in our community. So remember, young Kerbals, the faults make us stronger. So endeth a chronicle, and begineth a new. So long, SpacePort. May you live forever in our hearts. -solohobo, 2014
  7. Thank you for all these suggestions, I'll try and a few of the best My favorites were SRV Ron's and Dave Kerbin's. I like excel spreadsheets (insane, I know) and that never crossed my mind! The "Better than Starting Manned" mod sounds exactly what I need, more realistic but clinging to that KSP-y feel we all know and love Anyways, I'm off to probably explode some more rockets and slam Jeb into the Mun.
  8. Hello there! I'm a new member to the forums, but bought KSP a long time ago and just never got into forum-ing (I have lurked though )... until today! I have a question to anyone out there, and it is thus: Would you know of any mods/things to do to make *career mode* harder? I've been a sandbox player myself, but have lately gotten into career mode... and there's the problem. It's gotten to the point where I can get most of the tech tree nodes in under 2 hours. I'm hoping for someone to bring up a mod that maybe adds new things (whether it be parts, features, physics changes, etc) to make it more difficulty. Thanks, and have a safe flight!
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