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  1. Does it crash after getting to the main menu? I am having a crash which I can avoid if I'm really quick and close the update message. You have to be ready for it to finish loading and then immediately click "close" or whatever the button is labelled to dismiss the message about the update (no time to even click "don't show this again" first).
  2. When I launch KSP 1.10, after it has finished loading there will be some text that I can dismiss regarding the latest update. If I don't dismiss it quickly enough, KSP crashes back to desktop (once it even crashed Windows 10 completely). There is not enough time for me to select "don't display this message again" and dismiss the text before it crashes. Is there some way I can manually set the update message not to show again so I don't have this issue?
  3. I noticed it and tried to wipe it off my monitor and was at first excited and then disappointed when I realised it was nothing of interest and has no part to play in the game (I visited it via a rover). It's an eyesore!
  4. I don't like that I can now see a monolith from my view of the KSC.
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