SO the DRE Fix is nothing you can do in CFG files or so you just need to fly the plane diffrently. the thing is DRE as awesome as it is it works diffrently from actuall real life reentry, in real life you want a step decent to reduce speed quikly and not let the heat transfer into the space ship (not gonna explain as it works in detail) DRE on the other hand wants a flat reentry witch in real life would be the real reasson for spaceships to burn up. So to stop the shuttle from burning up on reentry you need a flater decent as usually performed with the kso in stock. to be more percice if your periaps is under 20km (hope you use km in the American version) your shuttle or at least the tyres will blow up. so instest of buring at the begining of the desert and coming in direct you should burn on the other side of the planet so that your pe of aroun 25-28km is somwhere after ksp (at least i do it that way) and as soon as im in the atmosphere i heat the windbreaks to reduce the speed as fast as possibel until the trrijectory goes directly to ksp, after witch its mostly a keeping an eye on hight and speed as you will over shoot if you use your windbreaks to less or come to short if you use them to mutch. Training will make you a master in that one im not that good yet either but my last 5 landing atempts where sucsefull so it should be kinda ok. best thing is to use the map mode here and there to point the trajectori on ksp as it will change since you have lift, and i usually have around mach 3 at the mountans in front of ksp at around 20'000m. so i hope my two post helped a bit sorry for the spelling mistakes i suck at writing english.