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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. aaaaaaahhhhh i missed the "to kerbin orbit and BACK" part id need a refuel to return, and im not allowed to send a refuel truck. **** XD well, i could prolly land on duna or eve and return fine.. idk. yeah, make it gatecrasher for now, i forgot to plan the trip home D: ill figure something out eventually.. lolz those kerbals will realize it soon, and then panic.. :/
  2. booly booly, i have the "Leonopteryx"[meaning "king of the sky"] video up.. this bird--> http://www.hdwallpapers.in/walls/great_leonopteryx_attack-HD.jpg ....i hate vegas pro and doing editing as well.. but whatevers. this is my mission to land on laythe with no refuels ;D it achieves a speed of mach 34.7ish in space, eventually.. and my three kerbals take the traditional swim! i have a habit of EVAing when i shouldnt though.. as youd have seen in my last entry. wonder if they all survived O_O if i only get one entry, i want it to be the ThunderCougarFalconBird still though Behold, the Leonopteryx http://youtu.be/Qe1haa1sJ1U
  3. dont forget, the ThunderCougarFalconBird is VTOL capable! and ARMED! [oh my..] D: wit 12 missiles. [MERICA] so it is an ARMED VTOL SSTO. as this short demo portrays. http://youtu.be/xsOFJPeQZUc and thanks i liked this "Advanced Pilot Precision Award with ThunderCougarFalconBird. Mercifully does not have a badger stuck to it but still looks a bit dangerous." "boolybooly", is your name a programming reference of this song? i will always picture this song as your theme song. http://youtu.be/KZJiGu6Gz8E
  4. my "ThunderCougarFalconBird" was version 0.23 (newest) of course too. weres my medal be at? :'( if i dont get one soon, ima start beating kerbals to death with a franklinator.
  5. my uncut entry. the plane is called: "ThunderCougarFalconBird" it is an all air breathing [no rockets, no oxidizer] VTOL SSTO but i took off horizontally like the challenge requires. i obtained a stable orbit [PE>70k] using engine, blazing across the sky at mach-7+. i used the ARMED version because its heavier [heaviest version between "ARMED" and "NOT-ARMED", only fair i use the heaviest version for tests, trials, demos and ratings.]. the video is UNCUT, with easy listening music added cuz the time. i even got obnoxiously lucky and an elusive eclipse happened. i orbit once, and land on runway. first attempt cuz im 1337, and my plane is the best in-atmo SSTO youve ever seen. wait till you all see the "leonopteryx". ALL MY PLANES ARE STOCK PARTS, no clipping exploits either. the "ThunderCougarFalconBird" in its K-Prize challenge entry.
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