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Everything posted by Slitex

  1. Hello! This thread is for people like me who have a soft spot in there heart for old planes. I love old Propeller planes and stuff like that. Rules:- -[ All craft must be stock unless the mod used is listed below]- -[ Mod List ]- -[ FAR ]- -[ Infernal robotics ]- -[ Procedural wings mod ]- -[ NO Firespitter (too easy )]- If you may, please also include a download link to your crafts, i would love to try them out Here are my entries Dl link https://www./#bjn8oo158foyb
  2. For you WW2 Fanboys/Girls, i made a couple of stock warbirds, am working on more but for now here they are, hope you like them! All of these planes fly, and fly well, i took inspiration from mareczex333's work and techniques. - F4U - "Corsair" - P-38 - "Lightning" - P-51 - "Mustang" Craft's https://www./folder/bjn8oo158foyb/KSP_Warbirds
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