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  1. I'm busy today and tomorrow, but i have the following day off work so I can get stuck in then.
  2. Ok, I added that reference and recompiled. I still think it's pretty buggy, so if anyone wants to test/ jump in and fix it here's the link: https://github.com/Rocinante89/RemoteTech
  3. I think you have to unlock the integrated onmi antenna in Career
  4. Can you give me an example of a mod that uses UIManager? I've done some testing, from what I have seen there seems to be an issue with chaining of relays. For example, I placed 4 satellites spaced equidistantly around Kerbin with communitron 32s at 2868km using hyperedit. they worked fine while placing, but are giving a no connection message when I change scene and then return to them. Can anyone confirm? Or better yet, If someone has a save with a substantial relay network set up could they send it to me? Also, dishes don't have the option to target specific vessels
  5. d4rksh4de has a version that's compiled. The issues I was having were mostly due to missing references it seems. I'm going to try and see can I fix the UI functionality that he got stuck on Hmmm, it seems as though we got as far as each other. I can't make heads or tails of that UI manager section yet. I think the class has been split up into various other UI classes
  6. Ok, so I have spent some time mucking around in a fork and I think I have a lot of the issues sorted. Most were pretty small; message handling and some changes with variable names(CheatOptions.InfiniteFuel and CheatOptions.InfiniteRCS seem to all be under CheatOptions.InfinitePropellant now). I am however caught with two issues that will take me a bit of time to fix and If anyone knows unity/ksp modding and wants to lend a hand then please jump in: https://github.com/Rocinante89/RemoteTech EDIT: d4rksh4de's version is way further along than mine. work from that one instead if you want to
  7. I'm going to fork it and see what I can do. No promises though, I've never modded KSP in my life
  8. Lol, I fully intend to strap these to some kind of monstrous satellite and use infernal robotics to handle unfolding. The renders look awesome though! I'm a big fan of your style.
  9. I really hope you still have this planned! I've got an idea for an opm inspired game that could really use that huge antenna
  10. Magico13, I'm getting a KCT error, and after having a look through the code it seems to be an issue with KCT failing to load(Probably being stopped by some other mod maybe?). Here's my output log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bwtmq73q0JCVeHlXMThMRk1ITXc The error occurs when the space centre view loads and it says: "Error Loading KCT Data ERROR! An error occurred while loading KCT data. Things will be seriously broken! Please report this error to the KCT forum thread and attach the log file. The game will be UNPLAYABLE in this state!" I'm runing around 60 mods, and i'm also using the x64 bit hack(i'm lucky enough that it's pretty stable for me), so if you don't want to help on those grounds it's no hassle.
  11. I keep getting an error, no matter what i try to download it say ckan failed to connect to the remote server?
  12. Just launch 90 degrees at sunrise or sunset and you'll always have sunlight
  13. I seem to be having an issue with the sun since I started using ATM. It is now just a white ball with black static through it. Has anyone experienced this? I'm assuming I need to add an exemption to ATM so it will ignore the textures but am unsure how and what textures to add.
  14. Cheers, I knew there was a link floating around somewhere but I couldn't find it.
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