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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Ooo let me know how you get on! Which ones Natasha? I've only ever landed on the nearest planets, Eve and Duna. I'd love to go to further out ones, maybe stick this base on Laythe, but I'm not sure my accuracy for maneuvers is quite there yet.
  2. Ahh I did not know that! I'll have to remember that, cheers I found it was somewhat of a pain to roll, but if you have even minimal thrust the vectoring on the engines was just enough for maneuvering. The booster stage does need significant upgrading though, yea. The logic with redocking the rovers is to reset the Goo and Science for moving on to a new biome Not really relevant on Duna yet, but certainly on Mun. Also, those Gigantor panels recharge the rover batteries a lot quicker than the built in panels, but thats less relevant really.
  3. Ah yes, sorry, I should have said! It has loads of legs, but you actually only need to use the outermost four once its landed. The extras are a) to ensure it lands safely and to raise or lower the distance from base docking port on uneven ground to rover docking port to ensure it smoothly rides in and out, hence why the middle ones are slightly higher To get the Kerbals in and out of the rovers, EVA them from the outside capsules and get them to climb down and descend the ladder. Once they get close enough, you can right click on the rover seats and it gives you the option to sit. From there, just undock the rovers and go. The only thing is the first time you undock, you may need to switch to the rover in the space center. Not sure if I'm doing that bit wrong though.
  4. Very excited for contracts - sounds like you guys and gals are doing a great job
  5. Ooo that is good, that's the kind of thing I've been looking to make for ferrying them between bases I'll try and give it a go tomorrow, see how it performs. Also, I love your lander rover! That'd make a solid addition I'm sure Looks like it could be easily modified for moving parts around in the base as well, with a stable base like that
  6. Oh man, those are amazing, I love it! That's a great looking lander I was looking for something functional to add to my base, but while that looks like it has all the functionality the base already has, I also think the two bases would look great bolted together
  7. Fixed it now. For some reason the links got truncated when I recopied them, but I I think thats sorted now. Man, this has been a bit of a train wreck xD Sorry about all that fuss. Hope you enjoy playing the base and the rovers though I'm currently trying to think of someway to expand the base using the docking port on the back. It's about the same height as the largest landing strut, so I think it's got potential for fairly easy expansion. If you have any ideas about that, or any part of it really, I'd really love to hear them! And thank's for your patience!
  8. I've updated the front page - could you perhaps check if those links work too please? They should be identical
  9. Its the flight computer from the Engineer mod - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/18230-0-23-Kerbal-Engineer-Redux-v0-6-2-3 I've stripped them off the designs, and if they work now i'll update the links properly in the first post. I've also separated the rovers from the base and included them as a Sub Assembly too. Base minus Rover or Flight Computer - https://www.dropbox.com/s/truz7j11mdbk1gq/Deimos%20and%20Phobos%20-%20Upload%20Version.craft Rover minus Flight Computer - https://www.dropbox.com/s/4r4348aagkl7pcf/Lil%27%20Rascal%20VI%20-%20Upload%20Version.craft Rover as SA - https://www.dropbox.com/s/n5c9x7ywuylebnh/Lil%27%20Rascal%20VI%20-%20Upload%20Version%2C%20SA.craft
  10. Ooo I think I've just realised what it is! I was about to say I don't think I use any mod parts bit I've just realised they've got flight computers on them! I'll strip them off when I get home and re upload
  11. Sure can, I'll do that first thing when I get home from work this evening.
  12. Well thats certainly annoying... It's my first time uploading anything, does anyone know what could be causing that issue?
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