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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I believe that the ladders now start off folded up as the default instead of deployed as before. So they are there, just hidden.
  2. I lost Bob due to clumsy fingers during a Munar ascent..
  3. I've also adopted the idea of creating a manned lander/mission vessel and then slapping a probe core on it to test things out first. I don't want to lose any Kerbals in 23.5 now that I feel like I am a competent mission planner and pilot. For my longer mission that I am planning to Jool I am sending up a science lab and habitation module, unmanned, first to set up a space station. Even though I don't have any life support mods I self impose a certain amount of realism to any of my missions.
  4. Saw the video and completely forgot, gonna have to go edit my lander lights now!
  5. You could also bring a science lab up, load it with all your different experiments, then return that to Kerbin.
  6. Without running any numbers I would say you do, but barely. Perfect flying would be needed.
  7. I believe people are talking about either pointing straight up, away from/toward the planet (so that the nav ball is fully blue/orange respectively), or they are saying point north/south on the nav ball horizon. This can be done by pointing in the direction where the orange line marking the north direction intersects the horizon on the nav ball (south would be the 180 degree line)
  8. Add in the ability to fine tune the maneuver with the mouse wheel and I gotta say I love these new nodes. They make it easy to explore different possibilities while planning a burn.
  9. No pics but I've started a new career now that the ARM update is out. I've been running probe missions to the Mun to build up some science and get the new parts.
  10. From what I've seen from the videos I believe you're right. Haven't gotten to the point where I can do that yet since I'm trying to play through on a new career mode so I don't have any actual experience trying to capture an asteroid.
  11. I don't believe there is any key to instantly reduce the time warp to 1x. Just checked through this key binding sheet and didn't find one. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Key_bindings
  12. My favorite tool for this is the Protract mod below. Gives you a countdown to the launch window, a countdown to when you should start your escape burn, and once you have an orbit that will enter the SOI of a planet it gives you the inclination you will have (very helpful when trying to set up rendezvous). http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/protractor-for-ksp-0-18/
  13. I too have had ships disappear while orbiting Jool, maybe the Kraken on Pol is only sleeping..
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