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Everything posted by Pireax

  1. Yes the node which they are assigned to ,if i change that in the cfg's the MFT stretchytanks dont change to the appropriate node. All other tanks do chance when changing it in the cfg.
  2. I think that's supposed tot happen, in real life engine gimbal cant make the craft roll either.
  3. You can use the mod bundler for realism overhaul, it does everything for you.
  4. Do you use tac life support? I had a similar issue when the pods didn't contain the life support module.
  5. I mean the Techlevel changes in their configs, the tanks with MFT in their name didn't change techlevel ingame unless I renamed them to something else.
  6. Nathan a quick question here, Why did the MFT tanks not work without changing their names? Are they reconfigured somewhere else?
  7. I changed all superstretchies from Real Fuels tot be available from the start, removed the Stretchy SRB's superstretchies from the VAB as they are the same as two of the Real Fuels tanks. I also changed the max width scaling in tech.cfg to be more in line with the removed stretchy tanks(KI-500, KI-625, etc). Edit: You do really need RPL or else this doesnt work at all.
  8. Nathan, The stretchy was the root part so that must be the cause then, thanks! Here are the files if anyone needs them: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3218566/RPL_MS18%20Fix.zip They make Stretchy SRB v9 and Real Fuels v5 work with Realistic Progression Lite MS18.
  9. Nathan, I've been messing with the files to make them work with realistic tech progression because you don't get any stretchy tanks from the start now. But i've run into a problem with the superstretchTank_MFT_..... tanks, if i change the TechRequired to TechTreeStart instead of basic rocketry all superstretchTanks are available except the MFT tanks. EDIT: When I change the names of the MFT tanks and also change them in the Stretchy.cfg the tanks all work! Just one small problem, when you revert to launch it glitches when using the MFT tanks :/
  10. Oh, ok thanks, I gues the realistic tech progression isn't updated for that change then. It still lists those tanks in the research center. Sorry for the trouble :s
  11. NathanKell, The cylindrical and conical tanks are there but the KI-500 Stretchable fuel tank and other KI tanks are missing. Thanks for looking in the log btw!
  12. Here is the log: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3218566/output_log.txt I also tried using the Mod Bundler just in case i did something wrong but it's not working with that either, it's only the KI stretchable fuel tanks that are missing.
  13. Hodo, they really aren't there neither in career mode with the first two nodes or in sandbox mode.
  14. I have this problem where i can't see the stretchy tanks from real fuels in the VAB, i can see them in the research center and i researched them. I already tried reinstalling everything a few times and going over all the steps, to no avail.
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