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Everything posted by dci

  1. Launched some communication satellites. Imgur album here: https://imgur.com/a/rxbL8gi
  2. me: "No, ASI means Anaconda Space Industries", not "Agenzia Spaziale Italiana"! the game:
  3. Tried simple rover and started exploring KSC.
  4. Just copy image link in imgur, here in forum click "Insert image from URL", paste link and manually fill correct file extension, e.g. https://imgur.com/sH1fNY6 change to https://imgur.com/sH1fNY6.png and your images will appear in thread.
  5. Field is UT = 1234567.890 in FLIGHTSTATE section. Never tried to change this, but as orbitables have defined necessary Keplerian elements (mean anomaly at epoch + epoch itself), it should fast forward all vessels and don't take into account SOI transitions. If you do not wish to switch scenes, remember, you will load edited savefile. For me it is much better to switch to other vessel on higher orbit or go to Tracking Station.
  6. Today I recreated ferry mission to Island Airfield. Using slightly upgraded boat, I am using for maybe a year or so. Depending on ocean waves interaction, boat is able to reach ~40 m/s uloaded or ~33 m/s loaded and so "fast" is also the submarine. Paraglide can fly from ~13 m/s up to ~130 m/s. What happened to me first time is total overload of kOS CPU, which I use mainly for radar. It renders game unplayable, with about 1 frame per 5 seconds. Turning CPU off helped get framerate back.
  7. Started with "just another servo based something" and ended with VTOL, which is maybe the easiest mauverable thing, I've ever built using propellers.
  8. Hi. Seems like center of lift is too far away from center of mass, try move main wings towards the cabin. Check if wheels are all parallel and move rear wheels closer to fuselage.
  9. Installed an oldschool gaming machine running an oldschool game near Astronaut Complex entrance.
  10. Lost parts in editor once happened to me, but it was my mistake running two instances of game and killing one of them during loading screen. Game restart worked. But if you suffer this problem after game/PC restart, check (or refresh using your install source) GameData/Squad folder. Also take a look into log file, if it says something about spoken parts loading problems.
  11. They indeed are. Level 5 / Miniaturization gives you 0.625 version, Level 6 / Specialized Construction has 1.25 m port. For 2.5m docking port advance to level 8 / Meta Materials Well advanced through research means what? What level you are researching?
  12. My memory says Jeb alone, but it is 8 years and many career runs ago...
  13. James Kerman Kirk Kerman Scott Kerman Patop & Statop Kerman and yesterday I got two new scientists, Mildas & Gildas Kerman As I see, Pepe Kerman is very common name, I have one too.
  14. Settings for game: allowed reverts and saves, dead Kerbals do not respawn. First making everything to reach Mun orbit with mapping satellite, ship, lander and fuel tank. Do every possible science, repeat this with Minmus and set lab module there, if possible. These two bodies + Minmus Lab are able to give all science needed. Then game really begins. Science in KSC minibiomes is gathered later with fully equipped rover, except e.g. crew report from launch pad, which is usually first science in game.
  15. Finally did the last thing, I still didn't. Landed on Eve and returned to its orbit. During this mission I also managed two ongoing ones. Returned Jool moons expedition back. and did Eeloo landing party into Craters biome, which is last one unvisited by previous unmanned landers. Vessel is now on way back to Kerbin.
  16. Try to rendezvous (there is no problem being on collision course with Kerbin, it is called suborbital trajectory) and deflect it out of suborbital state as soon, as it enters SOI, treat it like other asteroids. Or just ignore it, Kerbin is pretty safe spot to live, asteroids makes no harm to planet.
  17. Today, I started with orbit correction of Minmus Reconnaissance Orbiter, periodically visiting antenna at highest point of Minmus. After about 3 years, orbit drifted about 100m off of desired surface point, now it is back and flying directly over antenna. Finally conducted all experiments in science lab on my Minmus base, so excess can be sent back to Kerbin, using one of return modules from science launcher. Finally arrived to Jool system. Plan was to visit Vall, Bop and Pol, it is already done and now, because transfer window opened right after finish of work, ship is heading back to Kerbin with valuable data and nine already five starred explorers, including the Original Four. This trip completes (or will complete after return to Kerbin) several contracts: Land on Vall Bring Vall Ice chunk to Kerbin Bring Pol Yellow stone to Kerbin Perform m-goo surface experiment on Pol Science data from Jool orbit. Ship is filled with about 90 experiments, I am curious, howmany science I will get from that, even when I know, I'll sell it immediatelly in administration building, because all necessary science for tech tree was completed before year 2 just by harvesting Kerbin's moons. Some says, game ends, when you finish tech tree. Nope. This is time, when game really begins. Game end is when your save is ~30MB, filled with flight and science logs and when your quickload takes half a minute with 8th gen i7, 16gigs of RAM and good NVMe SSD. Also arrived to Ike with contracted space station and finished another contract credited for more than 1M roots. And returned from Ike/Duna with new fresh five star Kerbals.
  18. Aviation lights works for me in 1.12, Private Division does not offer 1.13. Once I edited cfg file to react quicker and it looked much better. Oh I mean cfg of stock lights. Just take a look at lightBrightenSpeed and lightDimSpeed values and tweak them for your needs.
  19. If you did rotary joint from motorless heaviest servo and fairing with interstage nodes enabled, it should work. My approach to get these things rotating is by switching reaction wheels on or off. To spin up, turn on all RW whose are part of ring, and off ALL the RWs whose are part of vessel body (RWs, command modules with RW integrated, all torque must be turned off). When your ring is spinning fast enough, turn off all RWs connected to ring and on all RWs connected to vessel main body. AG is your friend in this case. It worked for me even in my earliest rotary joints version, where front part, ring and engine section were totally independent, so I could rotate any of these three sections, still, when RWs are properly set on or off, only ring was spinning. But fairing as joint section makes better results for me, as command and engine sections are in one piece. here bigger ring with habitat and smaller ring with labs, my first design with fairings+EM64 rotors
  20. Deorbited station planned for Ike because of ghost forces ruined my node creation attempts. Fortunatelly, there were no kerbals inside, so just loss of money. Facelifted versions suffered same issue, so I will create some new station to fullfill taken contract in future. Placed alpha version of kerbostationaty communication satellite "The Eye of Kerbin" above KSC with experimental iris mechanism.
  21. One mission, one vessel, full of new Kerbals, 4 contracts, 26 stars
  22. I agree, it is a bit challenging. Fortunatelly I sent two impactors. First one I decoupled from transfer stage and let hit Duna surface, but heat destroyed it and just few remains fell down with very low energy. Second one I didnt decouple and main parts survived atmosphere heating.
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