Just a general post to say how much improved things seem since I was last messing with the game. I bought it about a year ago and messed with it for a while but soon lost interest due to too confusion about what all these bits were supposed to do. But a couple of days ago I thought I'd try again and updated to 0.23 and what a difference. Started the Career mode and started making ships with only the parts I had which made things so much more straight forward. My ships started getting higher and higher, until one ship got into an elliptical orbit that took it outside the orbit of the moon and then nearly hit it on the return leg. I tried a burn to get back home and failed, this kerbal is now floating in space just inside the orbit of home around the sun. Following this I finally managed to get into a stable orbit and come back home safely. The Career mode is what this game needed with lots of little goals that make sense and I can now choose which way to proceed. My only real issue with this mode is that I was expecting to have to start with unmanned rockets like the early WW2 rocket pieces rather than your first launch actually involving sticking a person on top of it, but that would only add a single extra science skill at the start. Keep up the good work.