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Posts posted by Jasper_f

  1. 1 hour ago, MechBFP said:

    If it is reproducible then make a YouTube video and post a bug report. I’ll upvote it.  


    Yap. Here are two recordings: one with the situation I described, and the other a similar simple test with the Mk3 cargo bay. All done in a stock install of KSP v1.7.1.2539. Note that in the first scenario I can dock and re-dock a single craft, but as soon as I dock both the bug appears. This is opposite to the Mk3 cargo bay scenario, which destroys my rover immediately upon docking. Also happens when I try to connect to a docking port attached to the wing or fuselage.


    Scenario #1: docking two rovers to a test cargo module using the new "Breaking ground" robotics.


    Scenario #2: docking the same rover (with wheels slightly tucked in) to Mk3 cargo bay.


    Edit: console output varies, but always appears to show the "Exception: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object". Resulting either an explosion or parts of the rover to simply fly off into the sky. Will look into providing a bug report in the bug tracker.


  2. I've been experimenting for the past two hours, and I cannot for the life of me use this reliably in a situation that matters for my playstyle. Ideally I would use this to align crafts in order to (1) transfer fuel, (2) move modules, or (3) transport cargo. For this purpose I created a very simple test module that I wanted to move with two identical rovers. Both use robotics to align their docking ports with the module. Docking of the first rover goes OK, but as soon as the second docks, it explodes and behaves as though in a 0G environment. This is in a completely stock install. Is anyone experiencing similar issues?


    [To mods:] not sure if I should post this here, but thought it to be related.






  3. Successful stage separation and second engine start. Let's hope this ends in a true triumphant landing rather than a big ball of fire splashing down.




    LANDED! Such heroes. Congratulations to SpaceX once again!

  4. 5 hours ago, SQUAD said:

    Furthermore, Nestor has some exciting news about the engine parts Chris was working on previously. If you haven’t seen these parts, well… they look awesome! Unfortunately, these parts didn’t make it to this release, but we know you are excited about them and the good news is that we will be releasing these files for you to add them to your creative inventory. Go nuts and show us what parts you can build with these great 3d assets!

    I have to admit I am confused at this point. Are we talking about the redesign of the rocket parts as discussed in an earlier devnote Tuesday, or are we talking about the longer jet engines as previously discussed in this topic and displayed in the .gif below?



  5. 13 hours ago, KerbMav said:

    Range being calculated from Kerbin's core?

    So, what would be the setting to limit myself to reception at KSC (or in other words to ground level, requiring the manual building of a receiving station)?

    This is what I originally understood from the squadcast mentioned earlier (which appears to not be the case). At first I tried to simulate this with AntennaRange. However, limiting Kerbin's range to a certain altitude involves all of Kerbin; not just the KSC. Hence you can have a working connection when you're at one of the poles as long as you're below this maximum altitude, even without a satellite network. I have now made a custom profile in RemoteTech that I think combines the different mechanisms from RemoteTech and the upcoming stock telemetry system. I use KSC as default, and only use the stock antenna's that now only have omnidirectional capabilities. This way I can simulate having a required tracking station at KSC and build my own network on top of this. Hopefully I will be able to easily replace RemoteTech with the stock telemetry system, or disable telemetry and happily keep using RemoteTech. Either way, I am happy with this setup.



  6. Thanks for another great devnotes! Related to the Deep Space Network (DSN) discussion: what are the effects of turning the DSN off completely? Would this require the player to place an initial antenna/dish at the KSC, after which you would have to build your own satellite network (effectively becoming similar to RemoteTech in the sense that you have one specific point of origin on Kerbin rather than Kerbin itself)? I'm refering to the previous mention from RoverDude on Squadcast that the DSN could be turned off:


    Squadcast from 16/06/2016

    Timestamp: 5:00 min

    Question: “Can we disable the DSN” 

    Answer: “ Yes, the DSN can be turned off”.



    Found the answer by RoverDude in the same Squadcast. Timestamp: 23:42 min

    "If you want to do a RemoteTech style relay system, just set the DSN to 0 and you will have to build the whole thing by hand. It's absolutely an option."


    Thanks for the hard work and detailed answers RoverDude. I am greatly looking forward to the implementation of the relay system.




  7. I crashed my airplane with Valentina after a long mission. Couldn't bear the loss and reverted to launch. Apparantly I messed with the space-time continuum, because reverting to launch destroyed Kerbin. I smiled thinking that Danny would've been proud.




  8. 3 hours ago, Silent1_87 said:

    so i can not transfer Recourse any more is it 1.1.3 incompatibility? (just making sure)  

    I am experiencing this as well. We just have to be patient and very grateful for all the fantastic work the modding community is doing. I am sticking to 1.1.2 for now due to this. Postpone base building for now =).

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