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Everything posted by Themistocles

  1. I tip my hat to you sir. Excellent mod! best wishes to you in the future. And kudos to rbray89 for taking up the torch.
  2. Even though it reads "07/22" I think it has been updated since then, try downloading the current update.
  3. I'm getting an incompatibility warning during startup. Sure it just needs an update for .24.2 compatibility. I eagerly await!
  4. Just wanted to do a quick shoutout to Ferram, for keeping this mod updated at lightning-speed! I honestly couldn't enjoy KSP without FAR. So thanks again for this incredible mod, and all your hard work maintaining it!!
  5. That's a good point. I was just trying to point out that our Sun appears white. But there's nothing to say that Kerbin's star wouldn't appear different.. It might actually be interesting to see it as a red dwarf. Could look pretty cool (no pun intended).
  6. So I installed the mod and everything looks AMAZING. But I can't seem to get Kerbol to shine white. Is there a special place I should be sticking the .dds file? Thanks!
  7. The "yellow" appearance is due to the light passing through the Earth's atmosphere.
  8. I just had the escape tower flip out and destroy the launch vehicle as well. Pretty sure that Texture Reduction Pack is the culprit. Apollo worked flawlessly until I installed it.
  9. Added another module to my station, and refueled my SSTO on Laythe.
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