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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Oh pants! missed that the balance part was 0.9 only :-( I have huge respect for the modders and I can understand why the community has an aversion to mod packs.. but I really wish there was a 'Play heavily modded KSP' button! :-) Having said that, it seems to be the Stock Revamp mod that caused this, at least removing it fixes the issue. I guess I am going to have to go through step by set with each mod and test. My end goal is to have all of the 'stock' parts replaced with procedurals and then build up from there with Remote Tech etc.
  2. I really apologise if this has been answered before, if it has please just say so and I'll go looking... I have gone though the install steps using KSP Mod Admin to build the 'Pack' with all of the specifics and a good chunk of the suggested mods and have a working game \o/ However I have come across a few things while testing that seem a bit strange. 1. When placing some of the engines they come out of the tool bar with flames shooting out of them, when placed they totally mess up the editor. Game restart needed. 2. Even though I have run the SETI pruner and the stock pruners there seem to be some duplicate parts hanging around. For example stack decoupler's are right there next to the procedural ones. The 'Fle' SRB is another example. I am more than happy to go though and debug what mods are causing the issues but I could use some guidance on how exactly, there seems very little information available in game on what's going wrong with things. Thanks in advance.
  3. Another voice to the crying masses on both they "help" and "buy AFBW" topics !!
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