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  1. Using CKAN and a fresh install and no other mods te following happens. A new career and my fps is like 10 - 20 fps. During flight the timer is continu yellow and mucho lag. Yesterday I started with the same install a Science Career. Fps is like 120 fps. Using the newest version of sigma and kopernicus. Known issue? //Tried reloading contracts... but no succes
  2. Tried to make some kind of [sTOCK] Mobile SAM.... Watch it at YT @ http://youtu.be/tbOOrqAnKsc
  3. Made some changes to it.. bigger fueltanks beneath it. Cant reacht orbit with or without payload. Uploading it now http://youtu.be/OABBZL-hGU0
  4. One of my first rockets. Trying to build and launch the Jupiter-C. Enjoy. The Juno I http://youtu.be/OABBZL-hGU0
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