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Posts posted by EVDE

  1. That would be a large undertaking, but there are mods that let you add new spawn locations, so you could build your own crawler and spawn it with a rocket aboard right outside the VAB.

    Yeah, that's a good idea!

    I already thought (somewhere in my subconsciousness) that this would be a hard mod.

    By the way, do you know when KSP 1.0.x 64 bit for windows will be released? Because i need it to use kerbinside and all its thousand models.

  2. Hello everyone,

    I came up with an idea recently.

    We all know these cool videos where you can see a saturn V or a Soyuz being rolled out to the launchpad.

    Now i was wondering if there was someone who could make a mod that when you press the launch button, shows you like an animation from 10 seconds where the rocket rolls out of the VAB to the launchpad.

    I do not exactly know how hard it is to make this because i dont know if there are some tools that might help. (kerbcam maybe)

    So yeah, that was my request.

    BTW: if it's too hard, please don't get upset and yell(caps lock) at me that i'm asking the impossible. And if the mod already exists, please tell me.

  3. Lol, it has not been 2 days since release, unless you are sponsoring the modders that make this marvellous mod, you should try some patience, they are doing this in their free time. There will be an update eventually and I sincerely doubt that there will be another mod that will be as awesome as this one.

    I am patient, and i love it that these guys do it in their free time, i was just wondering. And yes this is an awesome mod, but maybe there was a less awesome alternative.

    I thought forums were made to ask questions and talk, if i can't ask questions without being unrespectfull and inpatient (according to you), there is a problem.

    Thanks for the answer by the way :)

  4. Does anyone else think there should be a mod or update where you could use the funding (so you have to build efficient rockets) but without the contracts? Now you might ask; "How would you get the money when there are no contracts?". Well i have been thinking about it and this is my solution:

    - You would have to set some goals for yourself before launching like:

    * Orbit Altitiude (with margins)

    * Landing Site

    * Docking with a certain spacecraft

    * Going into a certain SOI

    * The list can go on and on

    - The amount of funds you get are defined by how hard it is to reach the goals you set and if you reach your goals, there should obviously be made a chart that says what goal is worth how much money.

    - I see this mod working in both the science mode and the sandbox mode.

    What do you think, and let me know if such mod already exists?

  5. Just some corrections, it's called "Interstellar mod" or "KSP Interstellar", Interstellar Quest is Scott Manley's let's play series. You should also check your grammar in the description. And please, leave those seven exclamation marks, even one is too much.

    Besides, I don't think it's entirely necessary to have an uplink for controlling the KSPI computer core. It's artificial intelligence after all.

    Sorry for my bad grammar, i am Belgian and 14 years old, I CAN'T WRITE GOOD ENGILISH

  6. RT2+WarpPlugin Compatibility

    Maybe you didn't it but when you play with RemoteTech and you use the Probe from interstellar mod you don't have to be connected with the KSC.

    So for the people who want to play it right, here is a config file for KSPInterstellar.

    DOWNLOAD LINK: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=90814E99289CA4CE!6791&authkey=!AM3lBTX HiIyTLDo&ithint=file%2c.zip

    (Sorry for the weird link)

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