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Everything posted by SparkyFox

  1. the server is rubber banding and being unstable, the problem is tel net, things should return to normal in 30 minutes I wont
  2. make sure its in paradise then, if you don't know where that is, i'll give you a tour
  3. nah we're good, we've got 2 towers and a condo and a house for sale also, build the prison and any and all towers in paradise, sanctuary is getting kinda full and its more for houses
  4. that's my job no you cant join.....unless you solve my riddle......what goes up but never comes down (yeah, i'll add you, but do my riddle anyway :P) =========== OK GUYS, (and dfthu) I'm fully rested and my brain has turned to not mush anymore, so I'm ready to do my job as moderator again so, @MK3424, you take your rest, I has returned
  5. That's it, you're getting banished to viva pinata
  6. Everyone, stop stealing other peoples stuff or i'll banish you to KSP.
  7. ugggghh..... i'll give you them back to save a commotion
  8. I waz meee......*jumps in a hot airbaloon* mwahahaha seriously- how do you know the contents of dfthus stuff? and how do you know someone took it?
  9. dout it :/ no mods or texture packs, anyhoo, its no biggy
  10. I'll go with bad joke by mojang if anything, since that's the only thing that seem logical the server doesn't use a texture packs and it certainly wasn't a texture pack
  11. its not a texture pack, I saw it and my ghasts look like depressed sugar cubes, not demented, whatever the heck that was and it made this weird dying whistle noise
  12. http://imgur.com/ae4FFhg this isn't a screenshot from me, I was too busy freaking out to take a screenshot, but this is from google and other peoples experience
  13. how dare you play KSP, you're getting banned from the server
  14. that's cheating, plus, I cant even go on creative mode, I don't think anyone can AFTERALL I need the supplies to get the books
  15. 1.Its a bit more safer without the dragon since people started building stuff and its waay too complicated to have the dragon drop an elytra and there's an infinite(kinda) generation of ender cities that always have elytras which is half the fun to find and theres only been 3 or 4 found out of millions 2. yeah the thing doesn't work for custom receipes 3. If I told you, that would put my shop out of business
  16. I keeled the dragon cause it annoyed me XD there's a post office, there's a fire brigade thing, it works like a fire brigade, but its for creeper explosions, my house is done, there is fences to keep sanctuary safe, I run a shop that sells mending and frost walker II and more
  17. I could give people the elytra, plus theres tons I have a ton of elytras too or I could see if I can somehow make them craftable
  18. Server announcement Server has been updates to 1.11
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