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Everything posted by SparkyFox

  1. don't be worried, youre not restricted, the era of theft is over and to claim land, just put a sign down saying this Is my land and no one is allowed to build withina 50x50 block radius or more
  2. it is we're having fun but I don't think mk will approve
  3. uhhh....zoo....mk said no to the unwhitelist...
  4. now youre being ignorant, im not going into this, if you want to settle it, settle it on discord ok?
  5. I will post you screenshots of the process and prove its only 1 button....
  6. what is so hard about pressing OK on forge, making sure your mods folder is empty and putting my mod in? the download and installation is all written down, its not rocket science there, reinstalled forge and my mod, that took my 45 seconds
  7. AH BURGER was and is pre-alpha, I am not making a mod pack as a first release on a server, please use some common sense....
  8. really....? what part of "pre-alpha" doesn't anyone understand? its just pure laziness for some, I've provided everything that's needed, forge, the mod, install instructions of windows/Linux/mac. I try do everything for everyone to make them happy and this is what I get... If you want a bunch of mods that alter the game and save completely- be my guest
  9. you never really played much though, also....the burger were just a decoy my friend....
  10. EVERYONE DONATE SO HAMMY CAN GET A NEW COMPUTER TO PLAY ON!! we really hope you come back, also, can your computer do multiple profiles? like your son with his profile and an unmodded minecraft and your profile a modded minecraft? I mean I get the whole its not your computer and if my dad set up a user on my alienware, I wouldn't be too chuffed XD and we'll keep your projects for you
  11. ======================== UPDATE ANNOUNCEMENT ======================== The Server Mod has been Updated, you now don't need any specific version of forge and has been tested and working on the earliest forge version to the latest forge version https://www.mediafire.com/?b6fw0g8hf96m0y3
  12. Awww dont leave us just yet, we're not ready to lose you! You seriously cant leave me with max! D:
  13. DANG IT lemme fix it hopefully that should be it, for some reason after posting/saving, the link delinks
  14. Here is the very first server mod. its only an alpha test release to see how thing server handles it, thought it's not on the server yet I'm still figuring that part out since the server is set up a little differently but you can download the mod and see it for yourself, the crafting recipe is; [space][bread][space] [space][Cooked Steak][space] [space][bread][space] Here are the files to my mod and the latest version of forge: https://www.mediafire.com/?b6fw0g8hf96m0y3 (UPDATED) It does work on the server but only on client side It's coded to work with server side(you still need to download it either way to play on the server once its on the server) It only adds 1 burger so far, but later on more stuff will be added Textures By Zentro(Co-Developer) Mod by me If you have trouble with installing it, let me know and I'll give you a detailed step by step walkthrough. This is my first mod since 1.4.7
  15. HOW MANY HORSES DOES ONE NEED XD 3 huge pens so far
  16. because, my mine is pretty coal, plus is FEel it would be AUsome to have it natural
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