As a member of a burrowing alien species, or a lurker, I have 300 hours under my belt. Can do pretty much anything except maybe optimization lol. If anybody wants me on their team, my body is willing. Now where do I submit my resume?
You might have to add another term to account for the non-inertial reference frame(centripetal force) but at this point a simple feedback system would be easier.
Is there a way for kOS to interact with the "outside world"? Could I talk to it with a C++ program and maybe make a rocket controlled by a wiimote? I just started playing with kOS and some overly ambitious ideas are popping into my head.
Has anyone found an easy way to level your launchpads? My bigger rockets keep tipping over and crashing when they spawn. Or does everybody just fly resources into orbit and construct there?
I'm having trouble getting the parts to load. I stick the files into the GameData folder and they wont show up in the VAB. Any ideas? edit: nvm figured it out. all parts in part catalog doesnt actually mean all parts untill you update it.