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Posts posted by Skyentist

  1. I just built a plane that gets into a 75x70km orbit... but has next to no fuel once there.

    Main fuselage was shock cone, linear cockpit, medium 1.25m fuel tank, engine cooler, turbo jet. Placed on the sides were a stack of six .6m black fuel tanks each, which both had 2 radial small orange rockets (4 rocket engines). Fuel tubes went from main body to side tanks. Wings were type A rectagular and triangular, make a trapezoid. Small delta wing used as vertical stabilizer. One control surface on each wing/stabilizer. May provide screenshot later.

    I feel the jets need more oomph or something. I can just barely above 1000 m/s @ ~23000km, then the engine starts to falloff in power, and I slow down and fall. This falloff costs me tens in m/s before the engine cuts off and I can switch to rocket. And then I need to punch through at least 20000 more km via rocket and still double my speed. I could, of course, just be somehow wrong.

    I feel that in order to compensate for the way jets act now, my accent looks more suitable for vertical rockets. I just can't spend much time riding on the jets.

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