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Everything posted by PB666

  1. http://phys.org/news/2016-05-loop-quantum-gravity-theory-glimpse.html To understand this article we have to think first about a property of quantum mechanics, that by constiting the universe at the small scale with all but random objects we get what we see at our scale. If you observe water flowing you see continuity, not the chaos of activity of electrons and protons and oxygen nuclei that constitute the stream. We have a definition of space, lets just pretend that space is compose of 3D blocks with plancks length sides, its virtual space just like the particles inside. OK that is the setup. The problem has always been converting what goes on at the small scale to make sense at the large scale, and the most tricky part is quantum gravity. Ok the second part here is that Newton proposed gravity is two objects applying force to each other. This is true you apply force to the ground and the ground forces you up. But its actually a faux force. Einstien percieved that if you put an object in a centrifuge an spin it, the object feels an outward force from its point of view, but from an inertial objective point of its the bottom of the centrifuge that is applying the non-inertial force, and this force and the ground pushing up on a standing person cannot be distinguished in quality. The centrifugal force is thus a fictitious force 'faux' and so is gravity. Instead there is space-time. If you throw the tiniest particles at a section of space time with lots of energy the particles tend to bend relative to the path taken by light and as long as the object is not too massive or have lots of drag, the particles will assume an orbit. IOW, my energy warps the space time of earth a little, and the earth warps the space-time which I am in much more so. So from our point of view its easier to see the effects of earth on space time more than our bodies on the earths space-time. So how does it do it. One way is to change one of the dimensions of planks space, to essentially flatten one dimension. Here is the basic problem, in the quantum world space is funky, meaning there is no objective reality or time that can explain it. Probably a good explanation of spatial dimensions on planck scale is a cube of jelly tied to the back of a bronking bull 2 seconds out of the gate, on steroids. Then during the series take a clock of the space and randomly go back and forth away from the time stamp. So lets assume the back of the bull is absolutely flat and omnipotent, let this represent diiferent horizons of a black hole. As we progress closer the jelly would flatten in one dimension, until finally, at the black holes event horizon that 3 dimensional quanta is now 2 dimensional, its third dimension is no longer observable from the objective. The jelly can still wobble in the other two dimensions, constricted by space-time, its wobble in the third is now gone. Let me clarify this, the little time quantum spatial units would be flattened wobbly in 3D up to the event horizon, at which point one dimension just dissappears, there are an near inifinite number of flat virtual space-times accumulating at the horizon and merging into the singularity. If the singularity had enough energy like our universes pre inflation state all dimensions will decompose into one. Fundemental to the argument is that dimension length can only be zero or positive, non negative, so quantum gravity representing gravity would need to represent the pliability of quantum space whose composite with quantum times represent space-time The proposal is that quantum space can have alot of flexibility, but from our perpective if enough warping aspect is applied in one perspective, one of its dimensions can dissappear, and consequently we cannot see furthe in that direction. There is an entropy argument to be made concerning energy. This means that from our perspective the information in the black hole is in that last boundary layer of quantum space. Yes its a hideous argument, its what happens when you rely too heavily on models. I hope i have reconstituted the argument faithfully. I see this as an intesting model with pitfalls. First although Hawkings saw a problem with entropy, and Hawkings radiation is the solution, so another solution is not neccesary, but might be tolerable. The authors refer to this as the semiclassical explanation. The other problem is that quantum gravity is supposed to be a scalar boson, so are we thinking of quantum gravity as reciprocal space? If no quantum gravity is present, the quantum space would be infinite. This makes the inflation of the universe look like an unpacking of quantum gravity. But in the model above the little quantum space times are condensed at the event horizon, wouldn't also unpack from the edge, not from the whole of the enterior. I don't have a problem with the concept but the pape does not explain well. What is the point of loop quantum gravity. The other point, imagine the total quantity of energy in the universe, now imagine them as individual quantum spatial interactors. Now imagine yourself as a jello-y spatial quantum, can you feel the whole universe, or just a wee little bit at a faux time. Can we imagine that as the universe heads to the diffuse energy state that the action on quantum space is so numerous and so small would quantum time have meaning any more. I have to dissagree that within space time all spatial quanta share the same properties, it seem to me thay share an average property. Its like saying all humans share the same properties even though some are 7 feet and some ar 3 feet tall.
  2. I have a bottle of kMnO4 in my garage. Unlike hydrogen peroxide permangate is pH sensitive, so if you can keep the pH up until reaction time you canbrelatively deaden its reaction. I used to make batteries of the using sea water for quality testing.
  3. Get a 1 centimeter square of dry ice, fill a 50 ml conical centrifuge tube with about 15 ml of water, and a graduate cylinder that will fit the tube. place the water in the tube, put the dry ice in the tube. Quickly place the cap on it, invert it quickly and drop it into the graduated cylinder. Don't stick your head over the cylinder, small goes up for a few seconds, then falls. Total cost of tube and dry ice all but nothing.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide can be quite explosive, not to be combined with reductants with labile hydride of any kind, even at dilute concentrations in water they can cause quite an explosion. This includes things like Alkylsulfides and alkylamines. The heat in these reactions tends to build slowly but goes critical in a fraction of a second. Whatever happened to using good old fashioned pressurized oxygen, 2500 PSI is not good enough? Its not like you guys are going to build a rocket to the moon. It goes up a few thousand feet then hits the ground you pat yourself of the back and say job well done.
  5. Famous last words . . . . . in his chemistry class.... Aside from that Hyperglolics have rediculous ISPs.
  6. But we could not see the spaceX logo, lol. I say just leave it, looks sexy in its charred, beat up wild child way.
  7. No specifically that the only thing a givernment can do with an economy is screw it up, let me show you some of the screw ups as you claim. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Gate_Bridge#/media/File%3AGolden_Gate_Bridge_Dec_15_2015_by_D_Ramey_Logan.jpg https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Gate_Bridge#Finance Note that private funding was un able to do it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Positioning_System It just amazes me that in modrn times people can say such ignorant things. Sure governments screw things up, but their successes,behen they have them are collosal,mand the catastrophic failures they sometimes prevent,also collosal. Remember thallidamide,mgrew out of private networks of doctors in Europe with a lax regulatory policy. "The U.S. FDA refused to approve thalidomide for marketing and distribution. However, the drug was distributed in large quantities for testing purposes, after the American distributor and manufacturer Richardson-Merrell had applied for its approval in September 1960.[citation needed] The official in charge of the FDA review, Frances Oldham Kelsey, did not rely on information from the company, which did not include any test results. Richardson-Merrell was called on to perform tests and report the results. The company refused and demanded approval six times, and was refused each time. Nevertheless, a total of 17 children with thalidomide-induced malformations were born in the U.S.[45]" Wikipedia. Thaliamide. Think about it.
  8. They are not talking about denovon synthesis or converting all of the neutron star to heavy metals, they are simply stating that there are hot spots, for example at the fusion interface were such elements can be made. Since the neutrons in a neutron star have momentum, but also the resonate into bosonic matter, which means thier wave functions superimpose, what happens when you get two massive superimpossed particles that collide at high velocity. Its exotic particle land. Its like sacrificing 99.9 % of energy to reduce order to use a small percent to create order.
  9. Theres lots of things on the market that are really dangerous that you can buy. Doesn't account for sense or safety, I once ordered a can of hydrogen flouride, and UPS lost it somewhere. But don't let someone elses fololishness be a judge of what is sensible, if you are going to work with with volatile and explosive chemicals you need the properly rated facility. Should you find yourself in trouble with your suit, you can back a few steps away and you are in clean air. Ive worked with organic chemistry for more than 30 years, if you expose skin or eyes to extremely caustic substances you have less than 5 seconds to get it off before it begins to do serious damage. You should at least be working in a fume container which is exhaust ventilated and with 100 fpm face velocity. About 0.5 m/s. The backside of the device (outflow stream) should have a carbon filtered to protect you neighbors and a wet zeolite matrix to neutralize any nitrogenous compounds. In addition it is best to ventilate vertically from the back of the device because the ambient airstream may push the air back into your face, like smoke at a campfire. The outflow should be at least 30 feet above the roof tops around you. Since the danger limit is at 0.01 ppm you should be ventilating at great distance from any neighboring structure. This is particularly true for any heating operation because these tend to create their own local airflow. In addition you need to have some sort of safety shower that has a neutralizer in it, and an eyewash station. These can be rigged from househould devices. There is a saying, the safety concern that you pay less attention to is usually the one that gets you. People pay alot of attention to radioactivity, alot of chemicals go through you skin and gloves like they are not even there, many thousands of times more dangerous. Their was a guy in our group who got a tiny microdrop of triflouroacetic acid on his skin, he did not notice for a few minutes, it left an open sore for about six months before it began to scab over and became a permanent scar, about 100 times the diameter of the original droplet. The first thing is to make sure the suits airsupply is reliable, isolated, and prefiltered, a filter that binds and/or neutralizes the hazard completely in one pass. A crude test on the suits hood is to nebulize saccharin around the outside of the hood with the airsupply briefly shut off and to see if you smell sweetness, you must have a nebulizer to do this or it wont work. Old perfume bottles are nebulizers, if you can find one, you have to test to confirm that it is nebulizing properly, the water droplets are so small you cannot visibly see them. Once the airsupply is on try the nebulizer close to the air supply. The suit should also have an airflow meter that is readable. You can also nebulize the gloves and any other weakspots to see it they sweetened once the suit is removed. One way to more thoroughly test your equipment while keeping the suit on after the saccrahin test is confirmed is to take a food processor and some habernero peppers, with (your suit still on) chop them up in the cabinet and boil them just inside the face of your containment cabinet with you standing as if you were working, If you end up coughing (it can be very very intense so be prepared get away and remove the hood and go some place with clean air, lick your wounds and throw the suit away) your finished, stop, dont use the suit. Once you finished boiling for 5 minutes allow the pepper extract to cool with ice to ambient, add some clorox and dispose of (Altenative freeze and you can spice your food with it for about a year) clean thoroughly your gloves and wipe the parts you need to touch to remove the suit with dilute bleach and remove you helmet and suit, if you touch the eyelids or nose hole with your fingers or any part of the body and you feel burning, means your gloves are not sealed. Be very careful where you touch, because if you hsnds are contiminated even hours later you will burn, the only way i know how tonremove the oils is with a bleach based soap. Common sense if you are sensitive to green peppers do not do. A little bit of field science, when you stand at the face of a containment cabinet, your body disrupts the laminar flow of air, causing fumes inside the cabinet to be drawn toward your face, while most blow away. So its best to keep most of the work toward the back of the cabinet, its not as bad as working in the open because your body heat draws fumes toward your face, but its not perfect and gases from chemicals in the cabinet can sublimate on your suit and you might touch them while or after you exit the suit, so you also need a suit decontamination protocol. Note if you dont trust the suit enough to boil chili peppers in front of it, you should not test it with hydrazines, the oil in peppers tells the heat receptor your skin is burned,mit dies not actually burn, hydrazine does. In addition, if the suit is ventilated, make sure the ventilation system is redundant and prefiltered,myou dont want to be in a isolation suit and suddenly realize you are sharing it with the hazard that just managed to creep its way into you airsupply. i know alot about organic chemistry and have worked with some pretty bad stuff (DFP gives absolutley no symptoms except dilated pupils before you drop), in fact, another the most dangerous substance known to man at its highest concentration. Even if someone gave me the equipment and the suit and i had done all the above and confirmed it worked, I would not work with the hydrazine by myself in my garage, and I have a pretty high tech garage and have done some pretty crazy things in my garage. You are not only putting yourself at risk but people and property in your vicinity. Working with hazards is just that, its work, allow someone to train you, build the faculity, buy you the equipment, and get your jollies while getting paid. Apply at SpaceX, they will prolly have a need for a hydrazine technician at some point in the future. Seriuosly, if you want to make a rocket, find a group of serious rocket hobbiest with qualified engineers and join.
  10. Right now, in the current state of thechnology, if you sent an actual living human being to Mars, there would be several possible fates 1. Die before reaching Mars SOI. i give this about 10% 2. Die while trying to land on Mars. i'de give this about 30% now with the proficiencies musk has shown 3. Die from suffocation when the last of the air reserves/purification runs out. About 50%. musk has no exoertise in this area. Only so much payload can be delivered to Mars surface in a single shot. 4. Die from starvation. 15%. Only so much payload can be delivered to mars surface. 5. Die attempting to get off Mars. 5% (100% of all attempts) until we are talking about staging supply ships and space tugs carrying supplies between mars and Earth, we are not talking about a viable mars mission, no matter what Musk says. Until you have more efficient roboticized deep space delivery systems it make no sense what so ever to talk about an greatly increased manned presence in space. You need to inrease the reliability of delivering things to mars SOI and increase the efficiency of the propulsion systems so that those systems can deliver more. This is not contradicting you, but the shear infrastuture required to keep people alive for even a few months on Mars and getting them back is enourmous. I try to keep this in mind when i play KSP, i try to get the infrastructure out in advance of my manned missions. The first thing that i try to get up is a space factory that can assemble stuff in space. This means i can do spacex style missions with packed structures and essentially no nosecone cause packed metal makes a good nosecone, if you model it. All you need is a docking port, side mounted engines on the final structure. The central problem is that there are alot of resources in Kerbins SOI that are high up relative to Kerbins gravity well. Earths gravity well is 10 times deep, requires 3.16x dV to get out of and its sole resource base in SOI has a gravity almost equal to kerbin. Unless you can bring a resource base into Earths SOI, preferentially L2 (comets) or L1 (asteroids) you really don't have anything to build on. Building moon bases, IMO, no matter how optimistic one is solely for moon science and associated technological development and offworld epidemiology studies. To make an external resource base useful there is no choice but to get it out of the gravity well, and frankly nothing distal to earth carries insolance required to power anything creative. So basically my early system exploration would involve three things. 1. Hauling boloids into Eaths la grange pts 1 and 2 2. Hauling bolloids into venusian la grange comparables 3. Polar landings on mercury, just to see how much the mercurian surface offers 4. Can we change the climate of Venus by cooling it down from its L1 enough to stop its run away greehouse. My prediction is that if we could drop the insolance to Earths, that over time its atmosphere would collapse to something fractional to earths.
  11. I think for testing the covering is not wanted. They positioned this thing so that is had alot of exterior observations, and the slow rate of inflation that they used was more than cautionary,mit appears to be somewhat experimental, with a grid overlay, someone wanted ti study the inflation.
  12. http://www.universetoday.com/129132/direction-time-influenced-dark-energy/ The variable infusion of dark energy into the universe causes time to flow only one direction. Opinion science does not yet seem that solid.
  13. An emperor with no clothes is still an emperor.m
  14. in space, if you have a factory in space, the smallest is a couple of ounce ion drive motor couple to a cage and solar panel. Some small ion steering rockets. Put a zenon tank on that and the solar system is you war.
  15. I presented a link 2 or 3 months ago about binary systems, when a neutron star forms of one partner, it increases the likelihood that the other star will form a neutron star, consequently relativistic effects, something like tidal forces in the top layers of the neutron stars cause them to spiral into each other. Im not to rich on the details cause I thought the effects to be rather trivial.
  16. On the bright there are lots of places to hang onto during EVA, course then you prolly couldn't grip them in the suit.
  17. They move around, after one researcher finished they send them to the next guy. BTW the apollo missions collected alot of these things. You would just be surprised what you find in the back corners of some labs, thats not even close to what you find in -80'c freezers.
  18. Apparently thats not good enough for some concentartions of these heavies. BTW is not one or the other,mthere could be multiple mechanisms.
  19. So the fed. gov. going to charge scienrist to study the rocks, which btw NSF and the EU science fund. The idea gets worse cause then the researches can charge NASA to use any research they produce, and it will never get published. Thats what you call a lose, lose, lose, lose scenario.
  20. Right, and the early operations used the millivolt scale, on the volt scale they started around 13 mV (0.013v) thursday and went to 0.023 v before letting drift dow n over friday, then depressurizing and repressurizing on saturday. Since the desired voltage was .660 we can guess that the tolerance was about 0.034 iSS atm before they stopped As the module inflated it went from around 18 mV on saturday and the pressure fill as is blew up, just as the force required to inflate a balloon as you reach a certain inflation by tge time they ende it was around 11 mV. After the major pushes began at the the voltage after the long open air cylces, the pressure after equilibration was lower than the starts. What you see in the image above was a few minutes the modules internal tanks began deployement. The process took 11 minutes. There were 2 multimeters, the other I only saw used on thursday.
  21. Powering up the automated deployment controller, getting ready to let the module do its thing. 8 gas tanks inside that nearly complete the pressurization. 3;34 PM CST beam pressurization has begun. Around .770 now, fully pressurized and the tanks are beginning to equilibrate. at around 0.804 volt on the meter, slightly over ISS pressure the 5th stage is complete, its done except for testing
  22. For the no-land missions, I man my space factories for obvious reasons, this is used to build remote ISRU for landing. I then build up resources in ISRU. Landing , I only man colonization missions, because with the ISRU addons you need engineers, but its also an end-goal of the game to establish livable facilities off world.
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