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Everything posted by PB666

  1. Hit by an EMP and goes off course striking an fortuitous asteroid passing close to Minmus. Mission is to test new flame retardant spacesuit for Clabdirt Kerman by tying him to the launchpad during the "flea" liftoff with a battery and octocore on top.
  2. Banned for having an animation in the sig-line.
  3. Nice light show 2/10 I will learn how to make a quantum singularity, then have a program to create a new Universe at the average point in space-time in which the word Kardashian and booty are mentioned in the same sentence.
  4. Locating yourself in the future is definitely cheating!
  5. Banned for having 3 in your username.
  6. Using two sentence ending punctuation points in succession is cheating!
  7. Banned for imitating a typo.
  8. They fabricated an amount to make it work, its what i call an ' if and if and if and if then type proposition, I cant recall an instance when someone has proposed this and it proved to be representative of future observations. Yes it can happen if gas from gas giants is picked up on magnetic field transfers simulated by solar activity, but hydrogen would be lost first and so were is the methane in this model. you can select any planet and craft a scenario that makes it work, otherwise known as fiction.
  9. Banned fo overthinking the thinking.
  10. Thats a hell of alot of CO2 when you haven't done any atmospheric studies,mthis is on top of nitrogen and other gases.
  11. Using SMS abbreviations on a forum is cheating.
  12. kerbal cannot read greek gets confused and steers into moho. I tell the kraken where your kerbal fell, he smacks his lips and gulps, from his burb we hear 'i am the omega'.
  13. I read the article, i found it weak and trivial and decided not to repost it here.. They created alot of special things like an atmosphere with 2500 itmes the CO2 as ours to make it not be a snow ball planet.
  14. I wouldn't put a nickle into it, I don't like funding lead science.
  15. https://thesaganist.wordpress.com/2016/05/24/could-dark-energy-be-another-dimension-of-time/ this is a bit of a stretch. It more like science of the mind than a gedanken experiment.
  16. Theres a size limit on crustaceans and on fish out of water there is a limit to how much weight out of water the peritoneal cavity can support for prolonged periods before rupturing. However if they were exposed starting from young age the connective tissue might build in response. As long as you kept the visceral weight below say 5 kg. Kept the gills moist. Saltwater fish and electronics, this would never work. Do I need electronics to be a sentient alien, if the answer is yes then most aquatic will never directly be aliens. Remember E = hv, remember that we use this for GPS, telecommunications, ground tracking etc. You have to keep that in mind. Hydrophobic species also have a problem, excessively dry environment results in static discharge build up, and less gaseous atmospheres allow for more easier transfer. Thus you could be blowing circuits right and left if you combine both.
  17. Believing it until I saw the mirrors and the space plane in the back ground. Then realized its a marketing thing.
  18. You mean like many littoral molluscs, many crustacean species, amphipods, amphibians, lungfish and amphioxus, absolutely positively it would not be possible, except on the 10000s of occasions where it is possible.
  19. Uh not just Bezos, Musk original intention was to build a mars capable vessel, when the Russians gave him an inferiorty complex he decided to build a rocket company, I don't think exploration is off the plate, and it looks like they are experimenting with motors and reland schemes. As I said science is not strictly a knowledge enterprise, is a question creating enterprise, but in answerig questions it creates new knowledge based enterprises. The upstarts will carve new markets out of the science they create. If i remember the topic correctly why aren't we tryning to figure out better ways to exploit space than what we are doing. OK thats a question, one aspect is the attempting, the other aspect is the problem solving. You can either go out into space and bring back tons of asteroid fragments kept in vacuum and test experimental proceedures, or build an space worthy fabrication laboratory (i.e. a factory) go into space and starts seeing what can be done. This basically means taking some tools and making other tools in-situ. For all the other caga in this thread this is the only point of meaning, all the other devices people think we should do or places we should go, no le hace. unless you are sampling with an eye on return of significant quantities of raw starting materials, there is no meaning for men in space outside of LEO. The reason is quite clear, unless you've done the material science any trips humans are otherwise hogtied. Im willing to entertaine manned missions within reason anywhere, don't really care if the men come back, the important thing are the samples. And if they decide to send robots instead or Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk, doesn't really matter. (ok maybe kepp Elon here, he has better future IQ that the overwhelming majority of businessmen). I think they should create a prize, the first person to return rocks (100 kilos) each from Mars, Phobos, Diemos, A asteroid belt deived asteroid, a kuiper belt derived comet (frozen colloid) gets 50 billion dollars. Another 50 billion if the can return 100 kilos of surface from mercury along with Ice and gas samples from the poles.
  20. This type of thinking would kill most basic research. We explore because there is the unexplored, not because we think there is a commercial need in the exploration. People don't climb mount everest because their is an economic need to. The key motivation of most scientist is not money, a technician with 2 year experience can make 100,000$ a year compared to a 30,000$ year post-doc salary after 4 more years of post-graduate training (i.e. enslavement). Science is not strictly a knowledge based enterprise, it creates the knowledge-base for enterprise. Art is what expands the boundaries of art, the prosperity of most artist is not in their lifetime. Science is the same thing, it is what expands, prosperity is a sustenance feature, that's about it. Either the powers that be want to expand their base and be competitive or they want to stick their head in the mud and lie to the public to make them think society is progressing. You really need to spend more time studying science philosophy, its about the question not the answer.
  21. Its not simply erosion of the stars gas, its the selective accelerative evolution of the second stars hydrogen, dueterium, helium and finally carbon and the heavier elements. The adjacent star may have captured some of the gas emitted by the first star during its SN, it may have picked a fair compliment of heavier elements, the magnetic field is altering its composition, and it may not go through typical SN decay as with the primary star. This is mentioned in the Wiki article but its not my source, I could not find the original article, at the time I thought it was trivial and speculative and didn't repost it here. It should have been from March or April of this year, I searched Reddit could not find it (though like most search engines, including this groups, really sucky). And Beeb unfortunately removes articles and replace them with new identifiers. The best I can do right now is the wiki.
  22. I just want to add one more bit to this. This is a quote by Carlo Ravolli, the leading expert of Quantum gravity . . . . .
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