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Everything posted by PB666

  1. He's refering to a couple posts that were promoting alcohol use either directly or as a political motivator.
  2. http://www.engadget.com/2015/10/24/osiris-rex-complete/?
  3. http://motherboard.vice.com/en_uk/read/new-horizons-sets-off-to-its-next-destination-beyond-pluto?
  4. https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/patricia-eastern-pacific-2015
  5. Well lets go through this. In the beggining sort of The sun is made of atoms lots of atoms mostly hydrogen in that beggining most of the heavy stuff sorts to the center and hydrogen to the exterior, like Jupiter, but then the sun fires, poof and this is produces a much higher intensity of light, and specifically blue and ultraviolet light So if you are a carbon atom lofting around you are going to be, basically ionized :C:, carbon gas. Next solar winds blows by with what H: and H+ so you form mainly CH4. But there is also running around so sometimes you form CH3O and this binds an H to form methanol. Sometimes you form H3CCOH, ethanol, sometimes HOH2CCOH, sugar. All a sugar is an aldehyde or ketone at any carbon and hydroxyl groups at all other carbons. So the bottom line here is that if you ionize alot of space dust, then allow molecularization, molecules form So then the next question, the earth accretes, does this ionize space dust, sure it does. Your deep fat fryer or food in you oven begins to brown at 425'F (218) C. That browning you see on your cookies, that is ionization, visible, many bonds ionize at much lower temperatures, most break by about 400'C. So did molecules on earth ionize, they most certainly did. In addition the surface is virtually unprotected from the suns radiation for a long period as gas/liquid/solid separation occurs. So the overwhelming majority of molecules in space were destroyed. And consider this, what is the most numerous atom on earth, iron, many of those carbons where originally tied up in iron molecules and other metals. This chemistry and the separation of these elements in our earth may have triggered life. But now there is almost no carbon tied up with iron, it has all moved toward the surface, along with the oxygen that and nitrogen. So yes they existed in space yes they could form in space yes they could form on earth most probably formed on earth, some were dropped in later, but the energy that drives life is probably from the chemistry going on inside the earth, surface chemistry prolly comes later. but the space derived molecules might have stimulated the formation of life by providing resources, such as heated metal-carbon-oxygen compounds, that are not stable as they move toward the surface. which is why questioning when life arose is a very important question, timing is everything.
  6. Ask yourself this question, why would google be offering human genome studies the use of their servers if this stuff was easy to do? https://cloud.google.com/genomics/#get-started. Yes trillions of times, data comes in and is processed, lots of data comes and lots of processing is done. Or should you have me then tell nature, stop producing trillions of data. Every person on the planet carries about 6 billion data points, if you gather in 1000 people you have a trillion, a million people is a quadrillion, a billion people is a pentillion. Alignment like space-time, is only local. You missed the point entirely. I had a problem, how best to do this, the answer given online was make a table, by numerous people. The claim online is that there is no Intel 86-x64 function to reverse the order of the bits. So I brought the table method to the group and asked is there a better method, potentially one that could be used on the fly. If there is an on-the-fly method then I can apply this at the assembly level and make it fast. If this was the end of the problem, it would be easily solved, but bit reversal/xor tables only work well for tables smaller than 2^30 numbers. Once you get above this you need processing power. So why would I ask for an on the fly method (note you did not provide one), the answer is that I want to create an array based on values of 2^48 bits, so it would be highly advantageous to have a method on-the-fly that reversed order and 'Not'ed the bits, and alternative is to carve it into 2 @ 24 bits or 3 @ 16 bits(which I could use a table for). In order to divide into 3 16 bit parts the QW first has to be copied rightshifted 16 copied, and rightshifted again and copied. All bits higher than 16 need to be removed, to do this take the register, create a dummy register, rightshift 16, leftshift 16, xor with the source register, then lookup. Once the lookup is done IMul register 1 by 4,294,967,296 and add to register 3, register 2 by 65536 and add to register 3. Done. Next issue is that each needs a lookup value, since 2^48 is too large for memory it will have to be disked, by doing this I can greatly compact the array, and in doing that I don't need to process trillions of values at once. (Note other post discussing use of a GUI to load parsed data files). So a lookup value would be the number of files = 2^x so that x is the number of bits. Once again you rightshift 48-x bits, leftshift 48-x bits, xor the value with the shifted value. Why 2^48, because this is the minimum size by which heterologous sequence will have a single unique match up to 99.9969%. This might seem like overkill but true heterogeniety is not a common feature of the genome, in fact lack of heterogeniety is also very common. So for each position we have a position, its encode, the encodes index, its reved-xor encode, its encode index. Ideally this is all handled by assembly language since I know exactly what I have to do and the minimum use of code to get there, and in fact since the data comes in a text stream, it should be handled in large chucks in an assembly routing, placed in an array, returned to C, then filed in C, in the array set up (10 billions of data). Next is the search, load file, create encodes in large chucks, define indeces, sort the indeces, search files by index, then open file, look for matches, create a match file, save. Repeat. Now google has a massively paralleled processing power with a cloud, which means technically having 2^48 or even 2^48 memory locations is not out of the question, having 2^48 files is also not out of the question, but extremely questionable. But the intel 86-x64 has a limitation of about 64gB (2^36) of memory. So basically having a means of dumbing down the data is useful.
  7. http://www.cnet.com/au/news/hubble-spots-mother-lode-of-250-ancient-tiny-galaxies/ The article links the consistent clearing of UV opaque space, called reionization, with the appearance of a large number of very faint galaxies about 700 to 900 million years after the big bang. These 250 galaxies represent the sphere of comoving space that took 13 billion years to reach us, thus we cannot know their ultimate fate; however we can surmise an approximate density. Couldh've the dust from the original stars, including supermassive stars we may never see and their associated shock waves triggered this round of star formation. I could imagine for example cosmic rays that slowed as they moved through increasingly variant comovong space relative to their origin, start interacting with gas.
  8. This may seem like a completely random injection into this thread, but given the tread is about the sense of the C programming language this should be completely appropriate. I was trying to write a file grabbing routine and was cloning code from the net and testing it when I ran across this: int width, height; this.GetDefaultSize( out width, out height ); this.Resize( width, height ); FileChooserDialog chooser = new FileChooserDialog("Please select a File to Open", this, FileChooserAction.Open, "Cancel", ResponseType.Cancel,"Open", ResponseType.Accept ); I went looking through my C/C++ books(5) there is nothing about this anywhere, the object is not designed or mentioned, and surprisingly the code compiles. There was something breifly mention about this this->month = mn; What da hail is this, is there some supersecret C club in which these out-of-the-blue object handlers are passed. :^).
  9. uh . . . . . . Vodka smells weird and is poisonous. (methanol is poisonous, really)
  10. It was fast to make a small table, table didn't require many clock cycles so it did not need to be optimized. At best the table would have 65536 values. In fact you missed the whole importance, the table was the basis the loops were simply to make the table. The pointers are the table values which find their own anti-value. The lookup is the time consuming process it is the process that will be repeated. In VB it would look like this Table(count) = Anti-value <-------------------------------repeated only once for each element in the table . . . . . Endcoded(1,ID) = 0 Endcoded(1,ID) = EncodeFunction(PositionPointer) <---------Call the cipher function. Encoded(2,ID) = Table(Encoded(1,ID)) <------------------------------------repeated trillions of times. . . . The point was that online the general advice was make a table anyway you can, but then use the table and don't try to encode the anti-value on the fly.
  11. if you have alcohol all you need is a oxidant. i bet the [conc] is very low.
  12. need to have fat to have ice cream.........frozen margarita without the lime juice.
  13. http://advances.sciencemag.org/content/1/9/e1500863 Oh well sweet and alcohol.
  14. i dont think they, Boeing, have a working fusion reactor in any form. It looks as if to be a bit of territory staking, like 'we had this idea here and despite its appernet non-utility, if someone trued to build somethig' like they could use thapatent the could enforce their patent rights in a small courthouse in East texas.
  15. Or its not a construction at all, its the appearance of what the averaged many do. Where have we identified quantum gravity, if you know the certainty of this, you the are much better seated to understand the fundamentals of inertia. Just a point, we know with great precision the gravitational constant of the earth, we neither know its mass or the universal constant with great precision. The Earth’s gravitational constant is based on empirical not theoretical science. Attempts to measure actual gravitational constant with great precision have rather fuzzy results. There is a theory out now that says that quantum gravity acts through worm holes, if so then these wormholes open with all the certainty of quantum mechanics.
  16. I see possibilities with the drag/flaps in that they might have improved descent control, the object would be to keep the vehicle as high as possible while lowering horizontal speed over the ground. This could have a number of advantages.
  17. Not sure what this has to do with science or why it was threaded here.
  18. Someone might propose this someday in this group, at which point you can say 'ben dare done dat'.
  19. http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/text/refresh/MIATCPEP5+shtml/231448.shtml? These are some of the stats on Patricia, an Eastern Pacific Hurricane. 1. Sustained winds of 200 MPH (325 KM/H) ~ 90 m/s ~ 0.27M 2. Internal pressure = 880MB These types of storms never bode well N. Mexico (or S. Texas either). When it rains it rains, but when it really rains, its El Nino.
  20. http://www.esa.int/spaceinvideos/Videos/2012/11/ESA_s_IXV_reentry_vehicle_mission Old video but still fun to watch. I like those attitude control flaps, if only such a system could work on Mars.
  21. Don't think of it as a canal, think of it as the venice of Canada, :^)
  22. They'de just plant more almond trees and make more golf courses. Californians have yet to realize deserts really don't mind being deserted.:~o Cheaper just to greenhouse all the high water use crops and then scavenge the water from them. - - - Updated - - - There is no doubt America needs a better water plan. The fact of the matter is that for 8 decades americans have been moving from the fairly wet east to the deserted west. Cities like las vegas did not exist before the taming of the colorado. The problem is that we can't even tie our shoe laces anymore without some political action group coming in and blocking the project. The are tearing down dams in the west, not that they were poorly planned dams to begin with, but even the fairly militaristic Romans built aqeducts to move water around. Theres two ways to solve the problem. mandetory birth control like china had. Develop a water redistribution and conservation plan and enforce it. The truth about global warming, its not the warming thats the problem, the global instability coupled with wavering pan evaporation rates caused by local industrialization (such as coal use in china) is resulting in decadal droughts interupted by brief but very intense periods of rainfall. There is no choice but to reservoir water and move it around.
  23. Better yet move all the Californians to Alaska and Canada, problem solved. Serve you right for hording all your water.
  24. If we created a wormhole without ever realizing that the other side of the universe is the anti-verse of our half, the wormholes join at the center of inflation and the matter from both wormholes is annihilated. See the OP doesn't set any constraints and so here is what might happen.
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