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Everything posted by PB666

  1. Be optimistic, I'm sure they checked their units before they left this time. http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-37707776
  2. I just created 1 ton black hole thats going to die quickly (a folly in an of itself for several reasons). OK 9E19 J. Lets see how many kilowatts if its all released in a second. That is 10^7 megawatt, 10^4 terawatt, 10 pentawatt. Now consider this Suppose that went into expanding 170'K to 270'K atmosphere, say 100'K. Thats a pretty big sphere at 14 PSI of ground pressure. Its 10s of kilometers wide. But our atmosphere is only about 100km i height. Now you heat something by 100'k and its going to flow up 10s of kilometers into space some of that is moving 1000 m/s maybe 3000 m/s second. So lets say you bombed someplace like siberia, you have a shock wave that reaches out 100s of kilometers. Not to bad, sure the mongolians were not doing anything exciting on that day, other than waiting for the unexpected reindeer to fly over. But then, what is doing the expansion, well you started out with X-rays, they created the pressure wave like inside the hydrogen bomb that ignited the matrix. But then you had gamma, then high energy gamma and then ultra-high energy gamma. You don't have to worry about the X-rays however, thats for a bigger black hole, for this 1 ton black hole all you have left are the very high energy gammas. These little babies interact with just about any kind of particle to create new matter. Not necessarily pretty matter like hydrogen, but at then end of its life gamma is so energetic that it is creating the kind quarks that are not observed commonly on earth (except after cosmic rays collide with our upper atmosphere). But here you are making massive amounts of these, these gamma do not interact with just electrons, but prefer nuclei and other exotic matter. Remember de broglie wavelength, bound mass increase wavelength decreases. Which means very small wavelengths like to interact with bigger massed nuclei and subatomic particles. So now your gamma is hitting oxygen, nitrogen, argon, and its making new particles out of them, and its doing this 10s of kilometers up in the atmosphere, and in fact its creating its own high altitude weather to distribute these all around the Earth. Eventually these suckers are so energetic only the 50 % that hit the earths surface are absorbed, Problem is that they are creating radioactive metal particles that will decay into other things that wafe of into the atmosphere and everyone will be taking their iodine pills and particle masks. Bombs are bad ideas. We use them Atomic bombs are worse ideas, we used them a couple times. Hydrogen bombs really bad in terms of radioactivity. We thought we could reuse ships that were nuked, turns out the radioactivity was to high for even momentary exposure. The problem with devices that have atomic level energy densities is a critical issue in weapon making. Weapons want to convert stored energy into mechanical work (a shock wave). Atomic energy densities convert stored energy into many new and exotic things, and also a shock wave. You bomb someone and assume control of their territory. The ultimate goal of a weapon is generally not to bomb someone and then be forced by the bomb to abandon that territory or that planet.
  3. Never let logic get in the way of a mediocre or bad plan. I state neither that I can post to this locked thread or cannot post to the unlocked thread, only the uncertainty of posting and locking.
  4. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-37650274
  5. It was a very good eighty years ago too. Distance size. if the distance doubles the effective detection limit is 4 fold smaller. But the light is also reduced 4 fold and the effective luminpscity is 16 fold less as well as smaller in size with distance from saturn (on average) and this well outside plutos orbit are, in general, more difficult to see than pluto.
  6. Space is infinitely populable, yes this does sound rediculous, but its a statement that has to be heavily conditioned. Human body is composed of mostly Oxygen, Hydrogen, Carbon, Calcium, Nitrogen, etc. There is more than enough free floating around betweeen the Heliopause and Earths orbit to increase the human population 1000 fold. So resources per say is not the problem. The problem is facilitating the expansion of humans. There are several legistical hurdles. 1 Accommodating the biology a. Pressure requirements (pO2, pN2, p b. Homeostatic temperature requirements. c. Pressurized volume requirements. d. Relative Acceleration requirements (as in gravity or centripedal acceleration) e. Nutrient requirements. 2. Dealing with space. a. Radioactivity. and cosmic radiation b. Efficient transport systems (how to get a resource from say kuiper belt to where humans are) c. Nonconsolodated energy sources. Unfortunately on earth energy is consolidated at high density, e.g. Coal reserves, oil reserves. Were basically we talk in terms of 100s of kCal per liter/kg of energy. Energy in space declines, with abundance at k/d^2 from the sun, This is because nuclear energy in space in support of humans is not feasable at that moment, Fossil fuels have too low of energy density and transporting fossil fuels from 1 AU too where resources are abundant is an extremely inefficient way of reaching those resources. Abstractly, stars, largely composed of hydrogen and other light elements explode sending bits and pieces flying away at the speed of light, very much faster than the energy we need to get from the inner solar system to the outer (something like 10 m/s) and back again. The problem is that the means we have to generate that level of mass efficiency is incredibly catastrophic in its consequences. Therefore we need to come up with nuclear methods that are better. If we can do this we can have colonies in space or on distant planets. As stated previously ION drives have no effective limit on ISP literatlly they can deliver 30,000,000 sec. The problem is for a 30,000,000 sec drive your are 300MW per newton. And your typical solar panel is producing 1KW per 3 meters. So we are off really by a factor of 10,000 between what we can efficiently produce and what we might need to travel around space grabbing resources at our liberty. In additional panels only make sense in the inner solar system. So essentially nuclear power is not a luxury, its a requirement of resource exploitation in space. Mars is not out of the question with an adequate power supply, but the problem is trying to set up a colony on Mars without such a power supply is nothing less than suicide. Its cart before the horse. On the issue of Space X refueling and transport systems 1st. Space does not feel hot or cold. You are either net radiator or absorbed of solar energy. On the outward facing side and shielded from the sun and from radiation from the ship one can develop temperatures a few degrees above kelvin. On the sun facing side, depending on the material you can reach smelt furnace temperatures. So managing temperature is all about guidance and engineering. On the messenger mission they folded solar panels as to reduce the incident angle of the sun relative to the panel. Solar panels can also be used a shields. Theoretically if you traveled at the speed of the solar wind and 100% reflection of sunlight you have a temperature of about 3'K. 2nd. Its not impossible to engineer a nearly passive cryogenic fuel storage system as part of a transporter. 3rd. I should mention that if you wanted to transport millions of people to Mars, that a slow transporter such as Mg ION drive in which the propellant is a solid wire that can be fed into a solar driven drive is the most efficient and needs no cryogenic. You might take 5 years to transport to mars but again if you are transporting facilities and supplies for millions, you only need fast transport for the living, not the non-living materials (which will be the overwhelming majority of mass used to provide for the colony). Given the higher requirements of reaching Mars in terms of mass dedicated to solar panels (and in particular going back to earth) that occupation is in search of lighter weight and more efficient panels, capable of generating several MW of power. As stated in my previous post, without nuclear such a colony is untenable. On mars with current technology you get about 100 watt per meter of solar panel (not factoring dust), this is not adequate to run an ISRU to make fuel, provide power for probably buried greenhouse for LEDs and heating, let alone essential life support on the surface. To get a viable subterranean colony you need drills and equipment that used 100s of KW as part of standard operation (soil and rock excavation), tunneling equipment, etc. We are nowhere near getting a viable power supply for these things. Our deep space power supplies are about 300 to 500 watts once broken in, and from another post, there is only enough nuclear fuel left for one of these. This does not mean you need 10 football fields of panels, but at least you need massive amounts of Li ion batteries capable of burst in the KW to MW range. The problem is not obscure, the problem is energy, whats their source.
  7. They get a well done, 30 years spent is a long time, thats a career.
  8. Banned for trying to create a chain.
  9. Please try to be obvious about your direction, if a person is unsure, according to the rules they can consider the post invalid and revert to the previous obvious. -4 (+) and @Mycroft, please stop with the sour grapes. Negatives are way ahead of positives in the last 6 games.
  10. http://www.ua-magazine.com/quantum-information-encoded-spinning-black-holes/ So basically its this. Space-time that lovely amorphous quality whose composition is still pretty much up for speculation gets all funky as you approach the event horizon of a black hole. To make matters worse as particles spiral into this flattened space-time units (quanta) they also emit light in generally within the heat and uv spectrum (dissociation of matter by extreme gravity causes the ionization of matter also), but because the matter is spiraling in, some of the stuff comes out as x-rays. The consumption of large amounts such as the core or dyings stars, planets, etc cause the belching of gamma rays. The authors of this paper argue that two qualities of the light carry quantum information (2 qubits) each and that each black hole therefore has a signature of information at a given wavelength (as a consequence of the shape of the space-time units) that matter crosses through as it approaches the event horizon. The information is stored in the polarization and angular momentum of the photons. I disagree with the authors. Their conclusions are rather theoretical . The last quantum cell around a black holes event horizon should be emitting Hawkings' radiation, on top of this photons are emitted from amorphous and warped space-time and these may encode quantum information, but X-rays emanating from a black hole are produced from 'shells' of space-time which is well about this and much more amorphous, yes the space is flattened, it has to be other wise we would be seeing and visible light instead of X-rays and heat, but flattened does not mean the unit cells are uniformly shaped and so the information produced (the majority of X-rays) should not have uniform polarization or angular momentum. The information could be biased, but its not digitized.
  11. Banned for mentioning a character from Barbarella.
  12. But if you can simply quote the false post and revert and move and no problem. 1 (+)
  13. Both side should slow down, the point is that mistakes on your side create trouble for your game, mistakes on the others side (which ever it may be) are to your advantage. If both side slow down and are more deliberate the revert game disappears. So the dickering over reverts is really a manifestation of poor primary play.
  14. The engine has a space ISP of 368, prolly because its methane based and not hydrogen, but I was just wondering how the thrust to weight ratio compares between the Merlin 1d vacuum and the Raptor engine. They say it has many times the thrust, but do you really need that much thrust landing on Mars. Once the rocket is in LEO it can basically use a smaller engine to kick several times from perigee until it has enough velocity to punch into a transfer orbit. Isn't the whole idea about transfer engines is to keep them as small, lightweight as possible relative to the fuel payload. Obviously SX is working on a recapture system for O2 and CH4 in order to stabilize the fuel for post transfer circularization and landing. If such is the case then I am wondering why not go for hydrogen.
  15. I think part of the game is the dickering about the mistakes and rules. I dissaggree with Dman979s ruling because in the past I have corrected my mistake and been overriden, but I accepted the ruling of the moderators. I think if you want a better game, get players on your side to slow down and be more deliberate and less impulsive. That fixes a majority of the problem, if the otherside is not deliberate but play compulsively, then they play the price when the numbers are in their favor.
  16. Who is this everyone person. When have I turned physics on its head and said we are on the verge of a breakthrough? By everyone you mean you and the 2/3rds of other people in the group who imbibe in the erotic elixir known as hollywood.
  17. I always review the postings since I last posted looking for errors, I found multiple, 1 was caught, this one appears not to have been.
  18. Last Valid ^ Error Notification post But you cannot follow a previous post even if in error with the next numeric update @Dman979 -11 (+)
  19. Floor 25 a mechanical room with Air handlers and elevator motors. You search around for a way to the 26 floor, there is a pipe chase with a make-shift ladder, you climb up and find a close panel to the next floor. Time to start kicking.
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