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Green Baron

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Everything posted by Green Baron

  1. I know this touches politics. Nevertheless and especially under the impression of alternative facts on so on, here is the link: https://www.marchforscience.com/ Maybe the mods leave it be if we just don't dive deeper into it.
  2. I did so yesterday :-) I like apos. All measures in millimeters. 80/480 ed-apo (serves as a guide scope). "Explore Scientific" is the brand. It's objective is quite good, a 3 lens air spaced triplet. I see no colour fringes even at 150*, though f/6 is sporty. But i wouldn't call it an apo. The focuser is made after a banana greased with petroleum jelly. It holds its own weight plus the small guiding cam ... barely. 115/805 full apo (lzos lens, german tube assembly, starlight ft 2.5" focuser). Very proud. Got that used. The objective is a medium range (strehl .976). One one occasion i was able to view Jupiter with a 2.5mm eyepiece in very quiet air. And there is a 200/1000 newton tinkered together (gso glasses, baader focuser, plastic tube) which works good enough. What are you guys dreaming of ? The humble dream: A 130 or 150mm f/7 apo (air spaced, i don't trust the oil spaced stuff) on a stationary mount in a shelter in the garden. Can't afford it. If i would win the lottery (but i don't play so i do not loose money :-)) i would construct me a 2m f/4 cassegrain with a decent instrumentation, fully robotic, up on the hill, to join the efforts of planet and asteroid searchers. Big toys for big guys.
  3. Just shortly there was an extensive discussion on solar fiters in the forum. In short: 100 is too much (riding the wave of the coming eclipse ;-)) and 10 not enough. If you don't mind a little handwork then take something like this and craft a ring from plywood or so to fix it on your scope. There are different types for visual and photographical. Buy it now, it*s likely to be sold out in summer ;-)
  4. You mean like "That's not a knife ?" *drawsshortsword* "That's is a knife."
  5. Beautiful. I've seen similar things in the Rub al Khali. I clickbated this. It's about testing equipment for finding life on mars. The BIG problem is that life in the Atacama has a direct connection to the adjacent wolrd by wind and rare precipitation and is shelterd by a dense atmosphere and magnetic field. I highly doubt that the techniques that work there will work on mars, where is only a veryveryvery thin atmosphere and where it probably hasn't rained for billions of years and no rich life dozens of kilometers away. Edit: @Steel has noticed first !
  6. I knew it ! In the Atacama desert. Nasa found out. Just add water, stirr a bit, et voila ... Not a joke this time :-)
  7. Hm, i am not a specialist in northern lights, but it looks like an aurora to me. There seem to be more of them to the right under the horizon. As to the color, what's wrong with pink ? The color may be not reproduce correctly on it's way from chip over pc through web to monitor. Also it seems to be a (admirable) artist's work. Edit: oh ! it made it on the esa site: http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Observing_the_Earth/Swarm/When_Swarm_met_Steve tl:dr from the esa text: It's a hot ribbon of gas flowing at a high speed in a height of about 300km. “It turns out that Steve is actually remarkably common, but we hadn’t noticed it before. It’s thanks to ground-based observations, satellites, today’s explosion of access to data and an army of citizen scientists joining forces to document it."
  8. Yeah, a joke on their expense. Not that long ago we talked about the little animals in another thread :-)
  9. Normal - Upgrade Antinormal - Downgrade Radial/Antiradial - Sidegrade (nevermind which one, the first try always goes in the wrong direction) "Oops, there goes the maneuver-node ..." - Tardigrade (from spanish tarde = late) :-)
  10. Basic b&w processing is not hard at all. But especially for landscapes it can be made incredibly complicated sophisticated. My favourite b&w photographer, the master of all of them once wrote "Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop !" (Ansel Adams). Sorry for being ot :-)
  11. It is almost 20 years since i last touched a real film and bathed my hands in chemicals. You have my respect trying that out. Good luck ! :-)
  12. The only solution i see for the time warp issue is that, when a player has performed a maneuver he/she can enter a time for his next "move" at thus give the server or whatever program synchronizes the hint to what time it can warp forward. If no player plans an action, then the server may warp to next player's action in the list. Crafts should be built offline and imported for launch. Problems: - One player drives a rover for hours. Everybody else then had to wait or do similar things. - F9. Reload would lead to rollback issues for other players who for example had to perform a maneuver again. - The server accidentally warped past a launch window because a player forgot to announce an action. Next window in 10 years. If you have better ideas ... i am not a developer ... ... and i share @Alshain's concerns about available manpower.
  13. Tell me when it starts and if it passes over the Canaries, so i can take shelter from the whale and the bowl of petunias. Oh ! The whale is already here ! Now *that* was improbable ...
  14. Duel mode ? No comprendo ... :-) I can only describe what my timer does (with the ridiculous and untranslatable name Hähnel Giga Pro T II): it has several modes, the most complex is to define a series of m exposures each n seconds long, and do this o times with different pauses between exposures and series of exposures. Exposure time and number of exposures in each series can vary. And all that with three buttons . Always have the manual with you :-) But you can simply tell it to do m exposures, each n seconds long and make a pause of o seconds between each one. I don't remember the exact price, but i remember i thought twice. To the error if you could specify ? Spitting eos' in the backyard are harmless if tethered to a long cord ...
  15. Of course, there is the "bulb" setting. But that's a little impractical on a tripod/mount, for that and for being independent from a laptop i got the cable timer. I freely admit i would be distracted when trying this (20*240sec e.g.) manually, and i only used this setup with the timer once until now (for andromeda over in the lounge thread). And my fat finger wouldn't really calm the situation :-) But what exactly was @munlander1's question ? The kind of cable ? Most probably a usb if controlling the camera from the laptop. If controlling from a timer then no cabling or laptop is needed. How to do really long exposures ? Laptop or external timer if the built in timer doesn't allow for minute-long exposures.
  16. I don't think they do. But mine (Nikon D700) limits the max built in shutter time to 30sec. Too short for astro-images. I got me a programmable timer with a cable connector for the cameras proprietary cable plug, so i am independent from a laptop and usb cabling. Am sure such a thing exists for Canon cameras as well. ... quick search: yes, it does: https://www.learn.usa.canon.com/app/pdfs/quickguides/CDLC_TC-80N3_QuickGuide.pdf Edit: but maybe you can get away with half the price when using a third party thing ...
  17. Man, i am old ! My first computer was a Sinclair ZX80 (1kb memory). I recall that the mainframe at the Berlin university had 4MB ram and served 250 Terminals. I also recall that a guy with 1000 lines of code on cards stepped to the cardreader and stumbled over the cables on the floor. The Unix machine where the normal mortals had to sit at had a cutting edge MC68000 processor and that poor thing had to do everything, serve 12 terminals, do all the i/o, and run programs in the sparetime in between. You typed a key, waited 20 seconds and got the echo .... *sigh* :-)) @ZooNamedGames, little has changed since the last time and that is disappointing. I can only tell you that coding is less demanding than you might think. It is mainly your attitude towards your own abilities that keep you from doing something meaningful. There are so many good tutorials out there that don't cost nothing, game engines for free that you can program as you like and you get help on the connected forums There is no reason for you not to install one of those engines and just get going and work yourself through the tutorials.
  18. I'd look in the forums on game development and 3d-modellign for help. For example Blender, Godot game engine, PyGame, etc. pp. These usually have an own section for bringing idea guys and programmers/designers together. But be prepared that they want to know more about your plans (without signing anything, that's step 3 or so) and need more substantial descriptions about what you expect from them. So better have an outline and sketches ready to clearly state what you want to avoid misunderstandings and to get ready to go asap. After all time is what everyone lacks more than anything else ... :-)
  19. That was when i switched to xfwm/xfce :-) But mc is still in the repositories (Debian 8). I can only say to OPs problems that i quit using windows (that was during Win 7) when i found out i was unable to access my own data folders and windows created more and more program and user folders, sometimes language dependent. It simply takes too much time to find out what the problem is, trying to get help on windows problems is tedious to impossible, see the reason of this thread. The "help" is usually of the quality "Did you look in the tank ? Is there fuel in there ?". I hate it being scoffed at, that is not very professional from ms. If it's not a corporate machine and you're free to choose your os then ... ?
  20. @Orion Kerman, this is not a paradox. A paradox needs a factual base.
  21. Which science exactly ? Which evidences exactly ? Hm ?
  22. Thanks, @Firemetal, i was a little upset and gave wrong numbers. I corrected and apologize :-)
  23. If any of the relatives of the killed still was in doubt about the actions of the now killed, now he is not any more. This is a recipe for new terrorists. Also what next ? There will be an answer sooner or later, and then, must the next demonstration be even bigger ? How many are killed then ? Demonstrations of power usually end in disaster, one does not have to be a humanist to realise that. Oh, and happy easter everyone !
  24. Good idea. That'll take the pressure out ;-)
  25. Where is the paradox in believing the world was created this morning ? A paradox needs a basis, apparent facts that are interpreted the wrong way. There are no facts pointing to the claim. In contrary, everything points to a 4.5 billion year old world in a ~13.8 billion year old universe. And it is the same with creators, there are NO facts pointing to such a thing, only the thoughts of gurus/certain leaders and manipulative discussion techniques. There is NO science in this, i now really assume that you @Orion Kerman are a creationist trying to stir up this forum. I kindly again ask you: bring forth evidence for your claim. It's the rule of this forum (i guess). Edit: peace, love & understanding and so on :-)
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