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Green Baron

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Everything posted by Green Baron

  1. Of course it's real or there wouldn't be concurrency and succession. But why the assumption of the fourth spacial dimension. Is it observable, directly or indirectly in nature or what does it simplify / explain ? What is the difference of the proposed 4th dimension to for example the eleven dimensional m-theory, supergravity, whatever ... (not that i knew what i'm talking about here :-)) ? Just a mathematical playground or practical usefullness ? Layperson's questions, sorry ... Edit: oh, cancel the question, i just read your second post @RonnieThePotato.
  2. But OP wrote that the fourth dimension is a spacial dimension. Time ist extra, sotosay. That is (edit: i was referring to @Majorjim!'s interpretation of the 4th dimension) somehow contradictory for a poor non-physicist :-) It can be measured quite accurately, no ? Aren't velocity and distance derived from the measurement of time ?
  3. Mind-boggling. Some have these extra math-windings in the cortex and some don't. I don't. I'll be content with 4 dimensions (+time).
  4. Small ? Welcome :-) Yeah, it crashes. Yeah, life can be irritating. My last off world-lander slided down the hill into the shades and died of empty batteries. That was 2 months ago. Waiting for a new release, new life, new irritations possibilities.
  5. From an archaeologist: Since humankind wins resources (since the neolithic) from the environment it does so without respect to the following generations. In contrary, the following generations always become competitors once they were and are able to do the same. Individuals might think different, but larger groups have rather simple dynamics, they exploited until there is nothing left and then move on or until interfering with the interest of other groups. Written history since the iron age is full of examples (*). [/archaeologist] The garbage patch has grown in just a few decades to subcontinental size (reported, haven't seen it). And i have seen the garbage in the Atlantic ocean and Mediterranean sea, it's getting more every year and the growth rate accelerates. It is out of question that microbes or mechanical means could fight that since hundreds of millions of residents throw things in. Since so many societies are careless with their remnants even if that means death to others (or to oneself) by pollution, by infection or by poisoned water/food chain i have the feeling that things will get much worse. (*) Edit: Earth overshoot day is today (8th of august 2016). It was the 13th of august last year. Anyone need more proof ?
  6. Only thing i'd change is the operating system .... (if i had the powder for the rest of course) Have fun :-) Do you run the two disks as a raid 1 / mirror for performance ?
  7. Am looking forward to the procedural generation of things. But i last read that it is multiplayer now and online and servers. If i have to register somewhere and be online every now and then to transmit what i do with my game then it is not for me. Waiting for the first reviews is a good idea.
  8. Ah, i see. Omg, everyone in the same game. Poor inhabitants. You can't be that mean ... :-) Ok. Then the first thing i'd do is let everyone suffer via vr from the changes inflicted upon the inhabitants, 10 min, before breakfast. Before coffee.
  9. Your not logged in as root. #> rm -r /* You may carry on until shutdown :-) Since i know i will never understand all the side effects i'd fork a local version and play a bit around, When that gets boring i'd try to hack and spoil the efforts of others since that is probably what everyone else is trying. :-)
  10. Always a pleasure to follow this thread ! Wasn't STS 51f the one that aborted to orbit ? (Aemmm, but that doesn't look like Cape Canaveral ...)
  11. Can't edit my post anymore. This is concerning the fire on La Palma and how fast one can get in an "abnormal situation", influenced by weather. My vicinity seems to be out of danger. The fire is still out of control the third day now due to high temperatures (40°C this afternoon), right now before midnight still 28, winds higher than 30km/h and a relative humidity of 30%. No more casualties than the one dead firefighter. Many people were evacuated from Jedey, San Nicolas, Las Indias, Fuencaliente (Los Canarios) and i read that Mazo and Tijarafe are unsure what to do, depending on what happens through the socond half of the night. 2 amphbious planes joined the 5 helicopters. The fire jumped from the western flanks of the southern part of the island to the south and east. http://elapuron.com/ 35km² of forest and patches of agricultur (mainly vineyards) are burnt. Many "bodegas", weekend or holiday-homes were burnt. 2500 people were evacuated until now, i have no information on damage to houses but in Jedey last night at least a few houses fell to the flames. Planes and helicopters can't operate at night and i think it's useless to fight such a fire with hoses .... That's all from me on that. Ah, and one politician stood up and made clear that 95% of those fires are avoidable. Isn't that helpful ?
  12. ad A) Yep, if a civilization in our vicinity built a megatsructure we could probably luckily accidentally detect it. The difficult thing would be to rule out all possible natural causes which would be absolutely necessary before such an assumption could be made. Maybe not today but in the future with huge interferometers, why not. *If* is the word here. Until now there is no such thing except for some overeager journalists, right ? It was an unexplained flickering in a lightcurve of a star. One of many. But that one somehow managed it in the headlines and it was not on the first of april. I do not understand that comic page (too much information). If it's about life forms: (a metabolism) based on other elements (sulphur, silica) is possible but would probably not be as effective as what we know (carbon-based). Without proof, i kindly ask to browse for more information. If it's silica based we would step on it carelessly. But it probably couldn't run away or ponder about the meaning of life (pure speculation here !). ad B) I do not know what is reachable within a century (that's an old one: predictions are difficult, especially those regarding the future ;-)) but will revoke as soon as a prototype has been built. For now it's fiction, or not ? ad C) Skeptical ? I just read the latest publication on this. Nobody spent time in "these conditions" (outside of earths magnetosphere) except for the Apollo-Astronauts (the paper is linked in this forum). It would be very careless to send out a superexpensive yearlong lasting expedition and not rule all known dangers for the humans on board out. More work must be done and i'm sure it will be done before someone gets locked up in a spaceship to mars. Don't get me wrong, i'd be fascinated if fantastic things would happen and they will not happen if there weren't visionaries. I'd probably be a reasonable project manager, not a pilot :-)
  13. Go ahead, eager to learn ... Edit: honestly, i have no problem with being corrected, this is a game forum. Worst case scenarios are, i adopt some new thoughts on this (except creation, that's where my brain snaps close and refuses) or i retreat if being scoffed at in an uncivilized form. No pasa nada :-)
  14. @Hotel26, a lot of text. Hope i got the main points. Fermi's paradox is called a paradox but will cease to be when we either discover that there is another civilization or that this is not the case. Since the latter is impossible (yes, there are unanswerable things) we can only wait for a positive discovery or ponder this paradox until whenever. Life as we understand has different stages. There may be other life even in our solar system, microbial, extinct, under ice, wherever, we do not know. Whether there is life in other systems, we cannot judge from here. We can only interpret data in a way as to say "that allows it" or "that forbids it". We'll probably never have a positive discovery as well cause it's too far, too uncertain and we do not have all the data to judge it. We could as well step on life and not even realize that it had lived. Ask an astrophysicist: we cannot conquer the distances of space to other solar systems because space is deadly for us, the distances are far too huge and the theoretically achievable speed is as slow as a snail trying to get from hamburg to rome. It simply will not make it out of town. SciFi makes it possible to fly to other stars but this is mere fantasy, so we leave it to our pleasure to watch or read in our sparetime. Colonization right now is for gamers only. Building a production-chain for the necessary materials, tools and devices off-world is far beyond what our technology allows. We don't even know whether humans can survive in interplanetary space. Just recently medicin-men and -women have warned that more shielding etc. might be necessary so that humans survive a journey to mars for example. So. cool or not, there might be other life, even civilizations out there, maybe one day we'll know. Maybe not. Satisfied :-) ?
  15. Orbiter is a nice game and the "birthgiver" of ksp. But i'm not into windows. How did you manage to not achieve orbit with the delta glider ? It has >20km/s dV ... (i think)
  16. Many (usually?) publications on the subject point out exactly that problem. Only solution is to wait for a new generation of instruments/methods.
  17. @EIJugador is right, in addition to this the transit method gives us only those planets in systems whose ecliptic plane is nearly "edge on" towards us during transit.
  18. This regards weather and since tonight i am in an abnormal situation. It's the first time in my life. I know you guys in california have much larger fires and losses every year, you now have even greater respect from me. http://elapuron.com/ On the foto from early this morning, my house is about 1km below the left end of the fire. For those who don't speak spanish: It was startet yesterday by a foreigner who made a fire (it's strictly forbitten in summer). He was arrested last night. The fire spreads uncontrolled. 5 helicopters and a seaplane and a large ground crew are fighting it. Military personell and equipment arrived early this morning by ship from Tenerife. 700 people had to leave their houses this night, 1 firefighter died this morning. And now to the weather: for the afternoon they predict 37 degrees celsius, strong winds over the ridge (more than 30km/h) and very dry air (less than 30% rel. humidity). Famous last words: "Will keep you informed" :-) Edit: ok guys, here's the cause of the fire: that idiot (german, 27, home unknown) lit the toilet paper after defecating. He was accidentally caught on site. Good work ! The good news: it's not "force majeure", it's incendiarism. No way for the insurance to talk themselves out of this ... Update: wind and heat staid in higher levels until now. Situation is unchanged. There is a lot of charcoal falling out of the cloud, every 2 hours i have to sweep over the terrace: If it stays like this, they say that they will have control over the fire until the evening. Update: Temperatures rose to 33° at 550m above sealevel and stormy winds have come up. The fires are still out of control despite all efforts. There are two fronts, the foto shows the northern front. 2500 people had to evacuated until now, my direct vicinity is as of now (00:00 UTC) not yet affected but 3km to the south "Jedey" was evacuated. Fortunately now more victims to the fire but many houses are lost to the flames. 20km² of forest have been destroyed. The foto is taken at about 300m sealovel, the ridge is 1900m high. See you tomorrow http://elapuron.com/ Update (5.8.16, 1000utc): thank you @Dispatcher. It seems this morning that my direct vicinity is out of danger. But the strong hot and dry winds are expected to stay for the next 2-3 days, Calima-weather. The fire is now to the south, Las Indias and Fuencaliente (Los Canarios) have been partly evacuated but less people than feared had to leave their homes. Some stay with heroic words. I was near (500m) when a group of pine trees burst in flames tonight (catastrophy-tourism ;-). These trees are 30m high and the flames were much higher. A torus went up 50-100m like a thermal and dissolved when mixing with the surrounding air. The burst lasted maybe 2 minutes and it even made way against the strong wind. Impressive. Oh, the neighbor lost his vineyard in the mountain. I feel a little like the martian when he ran out of ketchup ... :-)
  19. If you can ping google from the laptop it's not a protocol or router problem, but something on the laptop on a higher level. Can't help then ...
  20. Yes .... ?? Ok, assuming 400tons wet and 30tons dry and isp 300s crunch crunch 7600andsomething. Close ... or was that wrong ? Edit: i know it's impractical :-)
  21. So i partly misunderstood, thanks for the correction @Kulebron. And wow, russia wasn't on my screen for believers mixing up science. I expected them more .... elsewhere ;-)
  22. Thank you Dispatcher for your thoughts. I appreciate that (no sarcasm !). No honest scientist demands to be in possession of the last knowledge. Humanity knows a whole lot and can explain many things. It's a personal thing to believe in whatever one likes. Science keeps its hands off supernatural beings, creators, alien civilizations or in short all things that are speculation and cannot be forged in testable hypothesises and theories. Cause that is how it works over all the borders, ideologies and cultures and why so many can participate, discuss, exchange, overthrow and reformulate. That is progress(tm). Well, an easy talk at the lunch table or while on a hike or in a game forum ... just confirms this :-) Religion should not interfere with the education of our children in schools and universities and demand to explain the world like science does as has been tried in germany and like that "university" thing above. There are too many different and controversal beliefs and many of them demand to be superior to the others. That apparently is false and leads to no good. If i remember right Einstein couldn't accept the idea of an endless universe or Heisenberg's uncertainty thing cause that interfered with his view of the world. "I'm convinced that the old one doesn't roll the dice." he once wrote. Well, The Old One apparently doesn't just roll dice, he/she cheats when things get too complicated (throat). If you *want* to see humans from a design point of view then there are so many examples of bad tinkering with the material that we are, if at all, an early alpha version. All around us it crashes from infections, cancer, built in malfunctions like that deadly appendix that i can only assume we are still under development. And again the explanation is at hand but not from religion. You have the last word on this :-) Edit: different thing. You mentioned no man's sky (looking forward to this as well). If you want to have a look at a source code for real time terrain generation and rendering then look at http://proland.inrialpes.fr/ Todays graphic cards support thousands of parallel shaders for computation of lighting and texturing that i hope we'll get more of this in the future ;-). We're just at the beginning of shader languages, future games will do heavy math things more on the parallel graphics card than on the programmable main processor, i bet.
  23. Red Shirt, sorry for being so frankly direct, i fear that giving hints via the forum might leave you without connection. Because that i will give you an overview now but before we proceed a few questions: Do you have only clients in your network ? PCs, printers, consoles, tv, etc, no servers (except maybe an internal fileserver or streaming device for your tv) ? Is your modem configured to just pass everything through ? You don't have to login into an account given by your provider ? My provider is quantis and the modem is thick as brick, i mean it does nothing but give me an ethernet connection. All the other clients work as before ? It's only the two XP machines that have problems ? (i can only help you with some network knowledge) If that is answered we go ahead with a standard configuration that really should work, setting the router to receive IP address from the modem and serve as a dhcp server for ip v4 for your clients and pass everything else just through. If that is verified and it still doesn't work, the next thing would be to look at the specific config of your xp-machines with the help of others. Ok ? I go out for a beer now, see you later
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