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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. KSP: 0.90 Windows 32bit Problem: Crash while flying Mods installed: 000_Toolbar Module Manager 2.5.6 ATM BoulderCo BTSM Deadly Reentry DOE EVE Mechjeb2 Texture Replacer Reproduction steps: Flying any of my ships will crash somewhere on the way to orbit. Only 3 flights in progress. Memory usage is fairly low since Im using force opengl and ATM. Crash Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qyj6e67ifzrs6l7/output_log.txt?dl=0 Ksp_Data Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/910p50brfz34die/output_log.txt?dl=0
  2. Hi Nathan, It's easy to blame it on the other modders. I installed vanilla, then I kept installing mods one by one. Game boots fine and works perfectly with every single mod. Lastly I install DRE. Game crashes (and I posted the link to my log in a previous post).
  3. i did the one by one thing and when i got to dre it worked without dre. this is only with your last build btw, older builds worked fine. all the mods below are either updated to 0.24.2, .24.1 or .23.5 whichever one is the latest one for each particular mod. they all boot up and the game works fine, except for the latest build of dre. mod list: -MP_Nazari - SmokeScreen - EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements - CustomAsteroids - DebRefund - KittopiaSpace - 000_Toolbar - CoherentContracts - TextureReplacer - laztek - ActiveTextureManagement - CoolRockets - SoundtrackEditor - MechJeb2 - NavBallTextureExport - KSPScienceLibrary - TriggerTech - Chatterer - BoulderCo - DistantObject - Klockheed_Martian and Deadly Reentry
  4. version: .24.2 64bit link to crash output log https://www.dropbox.com/s/za3dfsrmmg97gpe/output_log.txt
  5. It crashes my ksp at startup after the loading bar hits 100%. any ideas?
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