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Everything posted by flipmcf

  1. I thought of this after building this little guy, however, he ran out of fuel so there was no finish. Most likely pilot error, not craft design. She did however reach over 1500km/s at an altitude of 35km and the engines were still running, which I though was pretty cool. Flames are cool too. I want to see what you guys/gals can do.
  2. If you like rules and circumnavigation, stop reading and see http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25884-Kerbin-Circumnavigation-Challenge-Reloaded-New-Rules-Once-More, which you can circumvent. The object of this is the most creative way to design and pilot a craft that can circumnavigate Kerban. In the fastest time. There are no rules. You can even shoot down your competitors if you wish. I will say it again.... THERE ARE NO RULES! The spirit is to be as creative in your design and piloting skills as you can. Leaderboards are developing in broad categories due to the creativity of entries. There is still a good fight between low-orbit rockets and supersonic jets. -------------- Leaderboard (for people using the universe the way it was designed) Northstar1984 23:00 20 Mn Nuclear Pulse Rocket zarakon 23:03 - rocket launch / glider "landing" (I use that term loosely) FleshJeb 23:10 - Stock Rocket Rakaydos 24:34 - multi-stage rocket - Thruster landing (no chutes!) totalitor 28:33 - multi-stage rocket - Thruster landing Voculus 30:58 - Jet - but mad props for landing at KSC runway MarvinKitFox 31:00 "Speed(no y) Gonzales" FleshJeb 33:36 in BSG Viper "Next time I'll remember to go West" flipmcf 33:19 - brute force rocket, probe, parachute. B1LL60 34:12 - Jet - Landed at KSC runway Terrestrial Circumnavigators! (someone mention it... so do it) Afraid of heights? You'll probably need a boat and a lot of time on your hands. Reporting in: SpaceK531 5:33:00 and STILL going! Somewhere west of the great crater. Check out his map and very entertaining story here AeroQC hydrofoil & ICBrM "RIP Jonke Kerman" Darren9 Another Boat! Electric Circumnavigators ------------ koshelenkovv 6:03:00 - In his (oh so cute) electric prop plane Madrias 6:03:26 - Fusion Powered, Dual Kerbal biplane ----------- Alternate Leaderboards (for gods, deities, magicians, and silly people) zarakon 4:59 - infinite fuel and infinitesimal mass. --------- No Finish: (because you tried and wasted an hour of your life on this thread) flipmcf: 48:10 - crashed on landing. freefall1984 [no time] - landed within 10km but ran out of fuel so overshot Rakaydos 24:24- Last transmission: "Damnit" Fendelton More engines, more intakes, more boosters (more wings, more crashes) Details: Runway? Launchpad? Fine. Solid rocket boosters? Ok. Leave the atmosphere? Sounds like a plan. 20-stage beast? Fine, if you can accelerate that beast of a ship. Wanna go East? West? North? you decide. go straight up and let Kerban rotate below you? Sure, but 6 hours will probably be beaten. Unmanned? Ok, fine, but what's the fun in that? Parachutes? Fine. 2500m/s to Zero in 5 seconds just before you hit KSC sounds like fun! Your time will be the MET on the clock when you COME TO A COMPLETE STOP at KSC. ANYWHERE AT KSC. Runway is cool, but unnecessary. No, you can't just do mach 5 over the runway and say "I win!" The command pod, a Kerbal, or a probe (something you can control & recover) must be in one piece at the finish. A single wing at KSC that happened to be attached to a craft that circumnavigated in record time does not count as a "Finish" The definition of circumnavigation means to go all the way around the planet. That means the minimum distance you need to cover is 3768km. (2*pi*600km) (see http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Kerbin) Don't fly to the pole, turn around, and come back. We don't think you are funny and you are hereby disqualified for being a smart-***. Below are not rules for the race, but laws of physics in the universe which we live. By following these, you can get the 'leaderboard' and not the 'alternate leaderboard' Must use KSP only. No editors, debugging, or mods that bend space/time or alter stock parts. The spirit is to work with what everyone has, not invent your own parts, alter existing parts, or change the universe to gain an advantage. If this is the case, you live in a different universe and are hereby disqualified for not existing. However, since the SPH does seem to allow clipping of parts, well... that's our universe. Use it. But you loose cool points if you abuse it because it's just not cool Do I even need to say that you can't debug your way to 100km/s? Yeah, I guess I should too. This competition is open to Kerbals only. No Gods, deities, or super-kerbal powers are allowed to compete. Pics or it didn't happen.
  3. Now you know. Kerbals are the same color on the inside as they are on the outside, once you get passed the subdermal 'white' layer.
  4. Happy Easter. Just adding a few Easter Eggs to the game. And, sometimes, well - you misjudge the COM and bad things happen:
  5. All Stock Parts. I'm still a purist and refuse to mod Career Mode However, the kethane mod may happen.
  6. Not only does it have the Apperance of a docking port, but in the wiki it's categorized in "Parts.Docking" http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Parts#Docking Which lead me to this thread also to get my answer. Is the wiki wrong?
  7. Another +1 for this! Worked for me to fix the " RenderTexture.Create failed: format unsupported " issue on 0.23.5 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/49817-How-to-enable-shadows-on-Linux-for-Intel-Ivy-Bridge-graphics?p=929000&viewfull=1#post929000 - give it a try. I had the same symptoms and this not only fixed the issue, but gave me shadows too
  8. Well, I'm done trying to get 64-bit version running... Here's my crash log: http://pastebin.com/edFtdeuz Happens shortly after takeoff... I'm off to get my 32-bit shared libraries all installed now and try again. 0.22 was working great!
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