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  1. When the setting SystemPlacement = Exoplanet is set, the following error is thrown at the title screen: "Kopernicus was not able to load the custom planetary system due to an exception in the loading process." Link to issue (and debug logs) on GitHub: https://github.com/GregroxMun/Seven-Worlds-of-SLIPPIST-1/issues/2
  2. To be fair to the developers, a lot of the keys in KSP can already be remapped. How many games have you seen where the actions assigned by default to the F-keys can be remapped? Of course, most games don't have an entire keyboard's worth of controls -- but that just makes total flexibility more important! It occurs to me there might be a mod/plugin for this. Doesn't seem like it'd be that hard.
  3. Recently made a post about how I am left-handed and need to rebind everything to suit me... this is more of that. Windows 7 64-bit Steam version Bound RCS translation controls to Ins/Home/PageUp/Del/End/PageDown and took my first shot at connecting with a refueling depot. It seems Insert and Delete switch between staging and docking UIs causing me to fling my spacecraft into deep space from the unexpected controls change. Looking to fix this problem I looked in the game settings but these keyboard shortcuts are not listed there, which means I can't change them. I presume these aren't the only unlisted shortcuts. Adding these to the Misc tab under Input would be very appreciated. Unrelated: This is an oversight, not a bug, but given the choice between "bug" and "support" I chose the former because I am addressing the developers directly.
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