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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Now those are some tasty turbines! Medium, dark or french roast?
  2. If it comes down to it, removing EVE altogether should help, especially if you have a low-end GPU. Or, if you like your clouds, then redownload EVE and replace the clouds folder with the low-res cloud textures. It might not look as pretty, but I gained about 10 fps during daytime and 20 fps at night on kerbin.
  3. Wow... just... wow! I think this is the most beautiful thing i've seen happen to Kerbin!
  4. About to download now... Looks amazing, but I'm almost completely sure my ghetto AMD Radeon HD 8570 can handle the sheer awesomeness . Quick question, are the new buildings at KSC part of the mod, or are they added in with Kerbtown?
  5. 441. Open a few packs of skittles, throw them at people and yell "TASTE THE RAINBOW!"
  6. Banned for banning without a good reason
  7. Granted. Unfortunately, due to budget restrictions, you'll be travelling in a mercury capsule. I wish I had a ridiculously powerful gaming rig.
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