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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Perhaps I am doing something wrong, but all I receive for my persistence is: Connection to https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN-meta/archive/master.tar.gz could not be established. (&) Repository successfully updated. However, nothing is viewable: no mod nor information upon the manage mods tab. I downloaded the ckan.exe; if I require netkan.exe to link to the internet, where is the download link?
  2. Thank you for the rapid responses. I actually had v6.0. It was, I believe, for 0.25 but obviously 6.2.1 DRC popped out whilst I was unware. Hopefully this will avoid anymore premature kerbal deaths, thanks again.
  3. I seem to be having a parachute problem. When deployed, the parachute immediately its severed from the rocket leaving my Kerbal to ponder upon his very short existence. I've tested this problem three times now to no avail; all three kerbal's died for the greater good. If this dilemma is known of, i apologise for the repeat, but thought it was worth pointing out.
  4. 0.23.5 MechJeb does not work for me. I extracted the MechJeb2 folder into the GameData folder as required, downloaded from: http://jenkins.mumech.com/job/MechJeb2/ so I had the latest update. But nothing worked. The side menu was there, but even with the mechjeb instrument attached to my craft - when clicking on the mechjeb side menu - nothing appeared. It slides out, but there is nothing to click on. I've tried around a dozen different ways now, and to my avail, a similar outcome was all that I received for my endeavour.
  5. In regards to the latest update of deadly reentry; explosion sounds happen on descent, yet no visible damage appears upon my craft. Also, whilst travelling through the atmosphere, the friction heats up the heat shield (obviously) albeit, half way through it begins to cool dramatically even though the craft is still travelling at speed and not entirely through the effects of reentry. Is this a problem with the latest update?
  6. I'm having a serious problem with your mod. As mush as I would love to lower my RAM - I am using basic - each time I load up KSP it crashes. Not to the desktop, incidentally, the screen freezes and will no longer load. I over wrote the GameData folder with the basic format of your mod, but nothing. Any help would be appreciative.
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