Are you say....looking at Kerbin and making the rocket point towards it and then burn? Try not to do that, rather use the navball on the bottom middle of the screen. Check out both the recommended guides from brooklyn666 and 5thHorseman. After the tutorials try getting into an orbit (blue ring around Kerbin) then stop burning, doesnt have to be circular any type of oval will do. Press F5 to do a quicksave. From here now you can experiment with how the navball and orbits work. Navball Basics : 1)Look at the ball, shift your craft around the ball so you see the 2 different green reticles. The green reticle that has horizontal and vertical lines means your current travel direction, the other reticle with the diagonal lines is opposite of your current travel (So pointing at the diagonal and burning until your m/s reaches 0 means you will be going nowhere until gravity pulls you again). 2)Solar Map view, click on a planet/moon (not the current SoI planet, so if you around Kerbin you can't target Kerbin) set as target. Shift around the navball again, 2 new reticles in pink. (Brainfade...Not 100% sure from here lol) Circle and dot is the current direction of planet/moon, with the other pink reticle being the direction away from the planet/moon. 3)Click on the blue orbit ring, set up a new manoeuvre node. A circle with X/Y/Z Reticles pops up (hey these look familiar!). The green reticles mean forwards and backwards as they did on the navball. The Purple/Pink ones are slightly different, these are used to move yourself vertically upwards or downwards. The last 2 blue reticles are there to shift your orbit slightly like a hoola-hoop, basically these try to keep the same circle/oval but try to shift it around you (gravity from planets/moons will alter your circle/oval, these are best for adjustments to vessels before getting close to docking). Right clicking will allow you to either delete the manoeuvre node or tell it to wait a full orbit and do the manoeuvre during the next orbit (well 2 buttons, add an orbit or minus an orbit). Holding the mouse delicately over 1 of the reticles and either dragging or scrolling will start to shift the amount of velocity/burn you want in that direction, this will slowly start adding an altered orbit in orange that shows what will happen if you correctly burn for the manoeuvre node. 4)Click on the m/s above the navball. There are 3 settings, Orbit - Surface - Target. Changing these will track your speed relative to the object being tracked, and will also change the green reticles based on what is targeted. (Targeting the Mun, then setting navball to target will display the m/s deifference between you and the Mun. Aiming at the diagonal green reticle and burning to 0m/s will have you moving at the same speed as the moon in the same direction. It will slowly change as gravity pulls you back. This is used heavily for rendezvous and docking). Now that you have a quicksave to mess with, and a bit of jargon above you should be able to start messing with manouver nodes a bit and get a bit of understanding of which directions to burn. Using your eyes and looking at the rocket and its direction is a bad habit, I still do it and I still get my directions wrong. Use the ball, be the ball, become one with the ball.