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Everything posted by QuantumPhysGuy

  1. The Teensy is very similar to the Arduino, but one of the benefits is it lets you change how the device is presented to the OS. For example, you can make it present as a USB HID Gamepad/Joystick, keyboard, mouse, etc. instead of just a COM device. Here is how to configure a joystick with the Teensy: http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_joystick.html I have done this with another customer controller I was making for the Raspberry Pi and it worked perfectly, just didn't know how KSP would interact with a joystick, never tried it.
  2. That was it! I feel stupid after that. One other question, for input, do you recommend me using something like the Teensy++ so I can have a USB HID device (true joystick) as input or should I use the arduino and manipulate the flight data via the plugin? I'm thinking a Teensy with an I/O expander, but just wanted your opinion before I started to tackle it.
  3. I am trying to do something simular to what you are doing, but I am having issues connecting to the COM port for the Arduino. I am using OpenNETCF.IO.Ports like you are but I am getting an error CreateFile Failed: 3. Here is the basic code below: private SerialPort spKSPCPanel; spKSPCPanel = new SerialPort(@"\Device\VCP0", 9600, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One); spKSPCPanel.Open(); Any ideas?
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