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Everything posted by Shortsonfire79

  1. Yay Normak is back! I can stop $&@;'ing about the download!! Also, crewable science pods would be awesome. Too bad it\'d throw off my lander designs. Thanks Normak
  2. Ddavis, would you be willing to post the Angara and LK packs if you have them? I\'m sure many people (most definitely including myself) would greatly appreciate it. At least until Normak can get his dropbox upgraded or switch to a different host.
  3. Thanks for that. ;D Now once I get the LK up and running I can see how you got yours to be so excellent.
  4. Oh I understand now! LK is an addition to the Kosmos pack! I was searching the forum for something called LK but couldn\'t find it anywhere! So now...does anyone have a mirrored copy of the LK since the dropbox has been frozen?
  5. Haha. Well that\'s embarrassing. I don\'t remember getting anything called the LK pack but two people said the same thing. Thanks Dogon and ddavis! Also, what does LK stand for, I can\'t seem to find it in a search or anything.Pm sent to Davis to prevent clogging this thread.
  6. Hello again amazing mod makers and loyal followers. I used this mod with .15.2 and I had some parts on there that I can\'t seem to locate now on .16. The parts are circled/pointed to in these two pictures. The first one is DieselxRobot\'s Icarus Mun Base that is showcased on the first post. And my own, which of course I practically stole from Dieselx. (copies never do look as good...) What I\'m looking for are 3 parts. The radial decoupler, the small fueltank with the framework, and the lander legs that seem to go with the set. They seem to work in concert with the rendezvous engines. Hopefully someone here will be able to tell me where they\'re located in the parts folder, that they were removed with the newest update, or that I\'m thinking of the wrong mod! (Though I could have sworn that was all Kosmos) Thanks guys!
  7. Has anyone figured out the key combo for Macs? When I tried it my comp just beeped at me. Nevermind, it actually WAS ctrl and not the command key.
  8. So I\'ve been waiting for this to update to 0.16 compatible but I haven\'t seen anything come out. But I just saw pictures on Reddit with parts from here, are these .15.2 parts compatible with the new version? Also, when do you think dropbox will let people start downloading for this again?
  9. Rotating the command pod then realligning the crew tank didn\'t help, but I was able to get the pod to eventually attach just by jiggling the pieces around for 10 minutes. I\'ll update my part but I got it yesterday. Looks like DYJ updated it today. Hopefully it\'ll help. Thanks for all the tips guys.
  10. When I use Shift+Q/E to line up the ladders, at about 2-3 clicks away from perfect line up, the piece goes red because I can\'t place it there. It is green at basically any other angle but these few areas. Is this normal?
  11. That Mün party is aawweessoommeee!! I love how all your landers are lined up in the background, especially so close to each other! Heres my contribution for the day. 'Hey Fredrie...' 'Yeah Chadson?' 'What happened to Richgard?' 'Oh, when we bailed he was smashed by the command pod about 30 meters that way' 'Oh...poor Richgard...'
  12. My first almost successful Mün landing resulted in all three of the Kerbonauts bailing out of the command pod and one getting smashed by said command pod. They await their saviors. (estimated Friday)
  13. I just tested that as I was stuffing 5 kerbals into the pod. Use the EVAs from the command module, it\'ll just poll position the following kerbals just fine.
  14. Hey this is awesome, but is there a way to make my ladders line up? I played around with E and Q for both and they would just stay at the same gap. http://i.imgur.com/7TyGE.png Edit: Also, how many liters do each Kerbanaut count as? 1? Teehee! http://i.imgur.com/h2x5L.png Love the concept, hopefully I\'ll get this little bit sorted out!
  15. So I looked into this yesterday while waiting for .16. I opened it up the sfs in a text editor and then copied the orbit details of one craft to the one on the pad and when I saved it and went to the tracking station in game, it had removed all of my ships. What paramaters are you supposed to be changing, and how do you do it?
  16. Can\'t yet, the patcher has something wrong with it that prevents Macs from updating. Hopefully they\'ll have it fixed in the next week. Sit tight. Thanks Squad for putting out an excellent update. I\'m not a Mac so I can\'t play it (or .15.2 for some reason) but I think you guys did a great job. From what I\'ve heard and seen on Youtube and Reddit, looks like great things have come with this new patch. Enjoy reading all the bug reports! Great job! Thanks so much!
  17. As far as I know, SubOrbitalGuy is correct. According to the wiki your satellite needs to be at an altitude of 2,868.4km on both the periapsis and the apoapsis. When you get there you need a velocity of 1008.9m/s, though as your vessel approaches both altitudes your velocity should approach the geostationary speeds. I used this but at the required altitude. It took about 50 minutes to achieve geosynchronous/geostationary orbit (although I didn\'t get the inclination of 0 degree that SOG says...)
  18. I\'m on a Mac and im just trying to extract it to my documents. I\'ve never encountered an error like this before. I\'ll just send it over to my pc and bring back the extracted files. Hopefully that\'ll help. Thanks
  19. When I try to unzip the file, it says: 'Unable to unarchive 'IFE v1.4.2.zip' into ____. (Error 1 - Operation not permitted.) What does this mean? Is it because I\'m not authorized in your dropbox?
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