I think a lot of people here are not considering that the vast majority of people who buy this game have zero interest in doing any sort of math to play a game and will likely never make it past the mun, if they even get that far. I mean you can't even see dv stock, you have to guess, ksp doesn't even give you the information you need to do the math as far as I'm aware. Most people are going to wing it, and I recommend more of you try it, it makes the game a bit lighter sure, but it's a blast. Now imagine doing that without even having a clue about the basic math or principles. Rockets will be over built.. These engines are not over powered, regardless of how much "evidence" you produce, the game needs to be easier so more people can enjoy it instead of catering to the top 1% of players who heavily mod anyway.. most of whom are mod makers themselves... This helps bring in fresh players and gives them some breathing room to learn. It's a good thing, it can help teach players the concepts without becoming frustrated at every launch. This is an amazing game that actually manages to grab otherwise disinterested people and slap a little science into them whether they realize it or not. I think an easy button is an allowance we can bear no? I mean nerf it don't nerf, it's not a big deal in my book, but I want more people to make more trips to distant planets, to really dive in, and I think this is a step in the right direction. Plus now I can run more mods and my FPS is awesome. Win win really. Just gonna put this out there, If you have 50 posts on the subject, your not really stating your opinion or debating, your politicking. This is the first time I've seen the forums turn this sour (not that it's especially bad, but before it was far more pleasant than most forums) so I think everyone should actually be asking what is best for the community as a whole, including the casual players, and not what's best for gameplay or any other metric, because honestly this game has always been bigger than that. That's why it's special, and that's why Orbiter never took off. My vote is for whatever grabs the most people and opens their eyes and gets them interested in learning more. I understand the arguments all these graphs intend to show, and by all means suggest away, but bear in mind the little people, we are not rocket scientists and we don't want to be, but that doesn't mean we don't want to play. Aaaaand we vastly outnumber you mwuahaaaahahahaaaaa! (probably, I have no idea, but I'm guessing.. probably..)