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Everything posted by Nicholander

  1. From what i understand, the Mir space station would've made an excellent Russian segment for the ISS, and you could attach the Unity module (and thus the rest of the ISS) on the forward facing docking port of the Core module of Mir, like the IRL Zarya module. And it would've been cheaper, because you would not have to have made the Zvezda, Zarya, Pirs, Poisk, and Rassvet modules, and it would've made a larger Russian segment too. And it wasn't an orbital inclination problem, as the Shuttle-Mir flights show you. So why did they de-orbit Mir instead of making it into the ISS?
  2. Fantastic! I like the way you made the space lab, Fustek stuff looks cool to be honest.
  3. OMG! How did you make that R-7 so good?!?! Could you upload a craft file and list the required mods for all the launch vehicles you posted? Because i want to use those NOW! Thanks in advance!
  4. This idea NEEDS to be made into a mod! And i think it should be more complex, but not to complex, with the some of the stuff that was put in the "What would the mod entail?" section.
  5. Uh... This is for Space planes using RSS, and that one does not.
  6. Wow. Just Wow. You're an awesome Lunar pilot! And i also added a new achievement/mini-challenge, Grasshopper, which you get!
  7. I'm not really that good, but you could ask me to make a fighter jet. Also, could you make a cargo space plane with a payload bay, because making launch vehicles without Procedural fairings with FAR is EXTREMELY hard.
  8. Also, can you add KAS to the list of mods? I think it'd be useful
  9. Great! Also, i was think that we could have our main base be the tiny island in the Pacific which i forgot the name of, though it would require a massive plane to get to any of the other bases, so the real KSC is the better.
  10. Hi, I'm trying to use Better Atmospheres to give Kerbin rings. But it isn't working, this is what I'm doing: In the SaveLoad folder in the KittopiaSpace folder, i copied and pasted the Jool.cfg and made another one and renamed it Kerbin.cfg. Then i went into the new Kerbin.cfg and changed the "PlanetJool" near the top to "PlanetKerbin", and then saved and exited it. I then went into the Textures folder in the KittopiaSpace folder, deleted the kerbin_ring.png, copied and pasted the jool_ring.png and renamed it kerbin_ring.png. That's all i did, and when i start the game absolutely nothing is different. Could some one help me fix this problem? Thanks in advance.
  11. Can I join this on the Uber Empire's Side?
  12. How do i accidently post something on the wrong thread!?!??!?! Mods, please delete.
  13. I blow up Yosemite, CA and then blow up the next poster.
  14. Saying that some one is a cheater is cheating! CHEATER!!! (Wait.. i just... *Universe explodes*)
  15. Granted, it's now just a white screen which says "homestead has been updated" I wish for us to land a crewed mssion to Mars.
  16. 0/10 Never seen you before, and you should have a sig.
  17. Nah... *Accidentally presses button* NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! (Nice .craft though, but if it has too many parts then... *Punches computer screen*) Press the button and there is a 49.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% chance that you'll be teleported to Mars with a space suit and a button to teleport back to Earth, and a 51.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111% chance that you'll be teleported to Mars with nothing but a thong.
  18. Pro: Never be late to anything that's IRL and outside your house, and not needing to pay and use transportation. Con: If you trip and fall while running, your pretty much going to die. Being able to teleport to anywhere in the solar system.
  19. I've played Minecraft, though now i rarley play it. And i also remember that i found out about KSP from a Yogscast Sips "evening with Sips" video back in 2011.
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