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David H

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Posts posted by David H

  1. It's DMagics SCANsat, not RoverDude.Anyhow, theres a dev version of SCANsat with such an overlay.

    I thought I had seen his name in there somewhere. His name is all over the page but it still gives the idea of what I'm talking about.

    And on the stock one thought last time play with it you could change colors and % maybe there was also some type of lay out but that might have been the %.

    There are only 4 color schemes. I'm looking for different colors. Obviously purple will not work on eve so down to 3. As well as the one with red being high amount on duna.

    In addition to saving the overlay. If you leave. you have to adjust the % and color scheme ever time you come back.


  2. Is there a way to get the ore overlays to stay saved to a setting. Every time you want to check where the ore is. You have to go back and change the color and the % amount.

    Using opposite ends of the color wheel might be better for some.

    White to black.

    Red to green.

    Would be nice to have different colors as well. Maybe a color wheel. Some colors are good for 1 planet but not another. IE purple on kerbin vs purple on eve.

    You can do this in roverdude's scansat. Would seem an easy implementation since it already has been done.

    Some of the colors are to bright depending on the planet or moon.

    No. Ambient light would not work. Ambient light brightens the scenery above stock levels. I would like to tone it down below stock levels.

    This varies between some views.

    Would be also nice to see the overlay while flying any craft around the body or focused on any craft within the SOI of the body.

    Now you have to go to map mode. Tab until you get to the orbiting body. Then you can pull up the ore overlay. You shouldn't have to go that far to get to the ore overlay.

  3. I'm having a hard time with the latest update making the engines fit within the stock game and feel like the actual launches. Please be patient and as always I am open to suggestions as well...

    I thought it was ready for 1.0. It said on main page where I wait to see if it's ready. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55401-Community-Mods-and-Plugins-Library

    When it says 1.0. I get them thinking its' ready.

    Maybe keeping it saying .90 for now would be ok.

    All the others are still saying .90 so I wait.

    (Even though KSP 1.anything in it's self is not ready for 1.0.)

  4. The launch clamps sometimes don't retract on staging. The clamps also follow me to space. Each one falls off about every 20k. You don't see them going up. Then all of the sudden you see them flying by. I decided to pull off the umbilical cords and just use the bottom clamps.

    The sepatron engines in stage 3? Don't stop after a few seconds like they used to.

    What is the launch profile of apollo.

    The real apollo at full throttle had a low twr on pad and as it went up it increased. They didn't go from 0-200 in a 1000m. Yours seems a bit over powered.

    It goes to fast on full throttle. I have no control on low throttle. I fight it trying to tip up to 15-20k. As I continue the turn around 30 I have to fight to keep straight.

    It was easier before .95 release. Although it took me 3-4 launches to get it right and have enough fuel to be correct with nasa.

  5. My game was freezing up today. Had to force close to keep going. Then it froze again. I watched a few others that have had their game crash. They reloaded and then crash again. Some have just run into bugs and the game crashed.

    Any chance the bugs that were found before 1.0 are going to be fixed.

    So can we have the bugs you have fixed or do we have to wait for the full release some time in the future.

  6. .....

    - - - Updated - - -

    There is a bug somewhere in the pir and poisk parts. I have run into it a few times. There is another bug. I believe it may be in the canada arm but not sure.

    On occasion when I time warp it makes the vessel stuck in the direction it's facing. I can't turn. and magically I'm under acceleration. My peri and apo reflect this.

    When I alt f2 it shows null ref and mentions the camera in the lines. So it may be the canada arm. May not be. It could also be any one of the other mods. However since the mod depends on other mods. I wouldn't know where to start.

    http://www.twitch.tv/ltl_king Up now. If your not around to later. Send me a msg. I will put it up when you are around.

  7. There is a bug somewhere in the pir and poisk parts. I have run into it a few times. There is another bug. I believe it may be in the canada arm but not sure.

    On occasion when I time warp it makes the vessel stuck in the direction it's facing. I can't turn. and magically I'm under acceleration. My peri and apo reflect this.

    When I alt f2 it shows null ref and mentions the camera in the lines. So it may be the canada arm. May not be. It could also be any one of the other mods. However since the mod depends on other mods. I wouldn't know where to start.

    http://www.twitch.tv/ltl_king Up now. If your not around to later. Send me a msg. I will put it up when you are around.

  8. Z1 and S0 do not connect to each other.

    Z1 sits on top of unity and S0 sits atop of Destiny.

    Z1 is the reaction wheels and temp housing for P6 until the truss assembly was built out.

    For reference:


    How do you get s0 in space. It will not connect in the shuttle the proper way. Then since there are no docking ports on the truss pieces. How do you connect them together.

    Nothing sits atop destiny. Destiny connects the central node to the outer node which leads to the japanese section. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bb/ISS_components.svg

    - - - Updated - - -

  9. The MIR station pack has the missing docking port (ASAP) as well as the Zarya and Zvezda.

    Try transferring fuel to the back to alleviate the Buran's nose heavy condition.

    The wheel and cargo bay door issue is do to a missing or outdated plug-in. Firespitter.dll found in the firespitter, or B9 mods. (B9 has the newest official version)

    Before the Forum disaster of '13 there were pictures on how to dock the truss to Destiny using the truss ports in the pack. They have yet to be re-uploaded. I just use a docking port added @ the correct location on Destiny.

    I used all the mono prop in the front tank in orbit. Still nose heavy.

    So I have to get b9 as well. I tried once before and couldn't get it to work. There are download buttons all over the place on there.

    Space Plane Parts :

    [0.90][Parts] B9 Aerospace Pack by bac9

    ^^[0.90][Parts/Plugin] B9 Style Shuttle Wings by GilBr0ther ; Wings and tail to build space shuttle, with B9 style textures.

    So you click on the 1st one. Do I need both or maybe even just get the 2nd.

    Do I install b9 and remove the one I have. I don't even remember which one I already have in my files to get rid off if that's the option.

    The z1 and s0 do not connect properly. I turn it in different directions. It does connect one of the nodes but it's facing the wrong direction. One of the nodes is broken.

    How do you connect the trusses together without using docking ports. Put it up in 1 piece.

    Please take a look on the CSS thread. The solution is well documented there.


    Could you be a little more specific. I don't see it.

    I broke my computer once before downloading KSP mods. I have easy to install informational mods only. I am not a computer guru.

    I have more questions on top of more questions.

    I could probably write an entire page of questions if I wrote them down as I come across them.

    That is why I posted my twitch address.

    It is easier for someone to go over it as I come across it. It would also take less time. It is easier to show and talk about it than to try to get your idea on paper.

    Here http://www.twitch.tv/ltl_king/b/643493822 at 4hrs in. You see me try to launch the nodes.

    The z1 and s0 do not connect properly. I turn it in different directions. It does connect one of the nodes but it's facing the wrong direction. One of the nodes is broken.

    How do you connect the trusses together without using docking ports. Put it up in 1 piece.

    Here http://www.twitch.tv/ltl_king/b/643020146 at 1:40. You see the truss.

    The pauses are me looking at the web trying to figure out the placement.

  10. A lot of these parts are hard to find. Some I don't understand. The iss node doesn't have a docking port that match the same space. I have watched some videos on this mod but they leave to the imagination. They don't give good views and sometimes put it together on the night side.

    I am now trying to put together in the sph. Is the mod programmed not to accept some nodes connecting or is it because it needs to be updated for .9

    When I add destiny. It clips the truss.

    I took the buran to space and the front wheel deploys at some point when in space. It goes back up when I go to land. Also hard to glide on. The nose is front heavy.

    The css. The bay doors do not open in vab or in space.

    I have been working on this over the last few days and still having a lot of trouble.

    Can someone help me with it. I am on http://www.twitch.tv/ltl_king

  11. When in vab and ker displayed. Sometimes it messes with clicking parts. It's like you can't click on anything on the right side of the vab. You have to move the view or ship around to click where needed.

    It also sometimes messes with symmetry.

    Sometimes hitting x does nothing.

    Sometimes when in symmetry and you move over a part with different symmetry as normal it changes. Then you move over central core. Change symmetry to what you want. Add the part but it doesn't show on both sides. So you remove the part and see multiple silhouettes.

    When I hide ker everything works right.



    I had 4 radial decouplers on with booster in 4x. Added 2x radial decouplers. Moved over the boosters to get to core. Then changed to 2x. Added fuel tank. Took off the boosters to view fuel tanks. Notice only one tank. Then pulled off radial and fuel tank to get silhouette.

    When ker is hidden. Never have a problem.

  12. Need a way to see what each kerbal's job is while in action. Not just recruitment center.

    You can't remember what each kerbol's job after launching the vessel and you need to transfer a pilot from one vehicle to another.


    Some way for the game to hint you in the direction that it is possible with what you have researched. That you can get to the mun, minimus, interplanetary.

    In a new players mind. Bigger is better. However not as true as it seems. If you optimize what you have. You can make, it with what you have. Without going through hours of videos online.

    Even then. The videos don't teach you to think on the fly.

    However should I use a SRB or a rockomax booster. Well. An SRB will get me to 10+ without using my lv-.. So why not.

    Then again, why am I always flipping the vehicle even with control surfaces and reaction wheels. Well now I need another SRB to compensate the weight of the reaction wheel. Along with more batteries. Need bigger solar panels. Now I need another SRB for more weight. Now my 2nd stage needs to be bigger to finish off the orbit. Another SRB to get 2nd stage up.

    and so on.

    I know its a difficult task to accomplish as it is an open build game. Yet some kind of pointer that says you can make it with what you have.

    Maybe something in the tech tree. A node that unlocks when by an accomplishment.

    Maybe organizing the career mode to only give out contracts according to what you have unlocked. (I know it can't be that accurate as some players pick it up quicker than others. Although something that points you in the right direction.


    This will lift 5T into orbit.


    1. 2 Rockomax Booster

    2. 2 fl-t800 2 fl-t200 2 lv-45 with fuel line

    3. 1 fl-t800 1 fl-t400 1 lv-30

    4. Shuttle finishes orbit and just enough to deorbit unwanted parts.

    Stage 1, 2, 3 fire from ground and throttle back as speed gets to 175 until 10k

    This will lift 5-6 T


    1. 2 Rockomax Booster

    2. 4 fl-t800 stacked on 2 lv-30 with fuel line

    3. 1 Rockomax 64 1 main sail

    4. 1 x200-8 1 Rockomax poodle to finish orbit and just enough to deorbit unwanted parts.

    Stage 1, 2, 3, fires from ground as above.

  13. I removed trigger tech all together. Got them both again. New pic up.

    I don't know which I got kac from but got transfer from curse this time. Still shows older version.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I probably got kac from curse

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    If you can pastebin or similar your log file then we should be able to see if that's the issue. Also you can get the properties of the dll and it should show you the version of the dll (which is what the mod reads to display in game)

    Upload log to pastebin.

    The Log

    You should upload the entire log as a file (i.e. not to pastebin)

    Upload log file.

    Which one.

    • KSP_win64\KSP_x64_Data\output_log.txt (64bit)

    This one.

    NOTE: These logs are not the same as KSP.log, which lacks valuable data. Do not upload KSP.log; do upload output_log.txt / Player.log

    but wait. Do not upload log file.

    So what do you do.

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    Hey TriggerAu. :)

    Subject line still says v1.1.3.0 and the first post says, when the download is now :)

    Jacke's right


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    Something I noticed on curse site.

    When you click download link at top it gave me what was in pic. See the dates on when files were modified.

    but if you go farther in the folders it's telling me i'm getting the 26th.

    So why would it show the 20th in pc.

  14. I've tested this before and rechecked here and it seems OK for me. I have KAC and TWP v and they both work individually in flight and KSC as well as TWP being able to add KAC alarms in both scenes.

    Can you let me know what versions of the mods you are using, what version of KSP 9ie x64 win, etc) and perhaps provide a log and some steps for what you are experiencing?

    Thanks :)

    Most recent of all.

    Click rainbow button. Settings. Alarm clock integration.

    Then gives me that msg.

    I don't know how to show a log.

    Just found where to check version. However I just updated a few days ago.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I just downloaded from kerbalstuff.

    - - - Updated - - -


  15. Visual and movement flaw.

    Was stuck in chase mode and when I grabbed the ladder and left the kerbol alone. He magically floated up the ladder. (Floating a foot off the ladder.) Until his feet reached just above the bottom part of the door. Then he finally fell off the ladder.

    According to the definition of a software bug.

    A software bug is an error, flaw, failure, or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or.....

    So I'd call it a bug. Whatever you call it. Either way. There it is. Thanks for fixing it.

  16. I'm selling science and rep for cash.

    No need to increase science. Just cash.

    I have

    Landing pad, Level 3

    Tracking level 2

    R and D level 1

    Astro comp. level 2

    admin level 1

    sph level 1

    vab level 2

    719.3 science all level 1 tech researched but 30 or so parts still locked.

    553,233 cash

    rep in mid light green area.

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