Hi there, I've not had this issue before but it's killing me at the moment. My ships, of all different sizes and parts, seem to wobble in orbit. It's not very visible when viewing the ship directly however once a node is placed, when using mechjeb or manually, the markers can deviate 180 degrees in a second - making it impossible to line up. I first noticed it out near Dres and had to spend 5 hours trying to manually dock a ship. I got it in the end but man it's doing my head in! I've it with RCS off, SAS off (both in crew modules and SAS rings) and combinations of them both on/off but no effect. My wobbling ships at the minute are: A large tanker (5 orange fueltank) in orbit around Kerbin with a large SAS ring and mechjeb A tiny one man lander craft, about 20 tons, with 1 man module, mechjeb and a small SAS ring. I just can't get these to dock in within a decent (less tan an hour) amount of time due to the inaccurate position reports on the navball. I have no other mods, just the latest MJ and 023.5, any ideas at all what is causing the wobble? .9 Thanks!!