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Everything posted by Ryds

  1. Hey, I built an all-in-one ore processor/metal workshop/rocket factory using the required parts with a survey station on top but i don't get the build UI. I've also attached a stake in the ground, have I done something wrong here? I'm bit gutted at the moment after wrestling this beast to Minmus. Thanks.
  2. Ah, thanks for all the info! Bummer about Laythe and Kethane. Wish I'd known that before I started this save. I found it a real grind in Kerbin's soi to get the advanced tech so I'll stick with with what I've got now but in my next save I'll try open resources. Hopefully when I get to Laythe there'll be something to work with. I bit the bullet and sent up an ugly great miner and metal processor (took about 50 attempts to it into orbit - thanks FAR!) and it's working fine now. I'll use the resources on Minmus to build something smaller.
  3. Hey, I've found this great introduction series by a guy called Scott Cooke. He goes through all the KSPI parts in this series and it's super useful to people like me who are just starting out.
  4. Hey, I've just started using mods such as Extraplanetary Launchpads, FAR, Kethane etc. I'd read that there was an ore deposit at the Kerbin spacecenter however when I scanned for it nothing was returned. I'm guessing that the distribution is random for each game. What I'd like to do is to edit "something" in order to make the hex around the SC contain ore but I don't want to install something like hyper edit as perhaps the temptation to use that for other things would be too great. All i'd like to do is have the particular hex have ore so that I can learn about mining and rocket part construction before I send up massive great ships to other planets. I'd greatly appreciate someone letting me know what to do. (Just thought, if the hex can contain both ore and kethane that would be best so I can do a complete run of construction). Thanks!
  5. Hey, If I put a kethane sensor and a scansat sensor on my probe will they both work to produce a scansat and kethane map?
  6. Hey, I've just started using mods after about a year's worth of stock. I'd like to try kethane but I can't find anywhere that states if it is functional within career mode. Does kethane work with. 25 career? Thanks!
  7. Hello, Is the latest version of mechjeb now compatible with the latest version of ksp? Cheers.
  8. Hi All, Thanks a lot for your replies and for moving this to the correct forum, sorry about that. I've didn't see the posts about struts, is the rule of thumb just to place struts everywhere you can or are there key areas to look at. Perhaps you could have look at my ship and give me some advice. Yep, they are two big ships, but if you look at the picture of the lander, that is actually quite a small one-man job and it was using the same one unattached when out by Dres that I noticed the problem. Now, I would say that the issue is obviously with the design of that ship in particular, but the tanker is also doing it as well and that's a pretty basic, if large, design. Here's the pics: http://imgur.com/a/x3ZJb Thanks a lot!
  9. Hi there, I've not had this issue before but it's killing me at the moment. My ships, of all different sizes and parts, seem to wobble in orbit. It's not very visible when viewing the ship directly however once a node is placed, when using mechjeb or manually, the markers can deviate 180 degrees in a second - making it impossible to line up. I first noticed it out near Dres and had to spend 5 hours trying to manually dock a ship. I got it in the end but man it's doing my head in! I've it with RCS off, SAS off (both in crew modules and SAS rings) and combinations of them both on/off but no effect. My wobbling ships at the minute are: A large tanker (5 orange fueltank) in orbit around Kerbin with a large SAS ring and mechjeb A tiny one man lander craft, about 20 tons, with 1 man module, mechjeb and a small SAS ring. I just can't get these to dock in within a decent (less tan an hour) amount of time due to the inaccurate position reports on the navball. I have no other mods, just the latest MJ and 023.5, any ideas at all what is causing the wobble? .9 Thanks!!
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